Jow Forums approved movies thread


- Her
- Nightcrawler
- Lars and the real girl
- Taxi Driver
- Fight Club
- Ex Machina

Attached: her-movie-poster.jpg (182x268, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:;O=A

not really robot approved but i liked this movie i saw it yesterday

>What Happened to Monday (2017)

you can download it here:;O=A

i found that link by googling this: happened to monday -inurl:(avi|mkv|mp4) intext:(avi|mkv|mp4) intitle:"index of" "last modified" "parent directory" description size (avi|mkv|mp4)

^^ it's a great google trick, buddies =)

>r9k approved

Schindler's List

lost in translation
eternal sunshine


Here are a few Polish ones:
- Day of the Wacko
- Man of Iron
- Diabel
- A Short Film about Killing
There are half a dozen films with that name, so look for the polish one.

40 year old virgin

probably not original

Lost in Translation
You were never really here

Un homme qui dort

Not too related, Persona (2 women on a remote island, one is mute)

fuck off with your fraudulent jew propaganda movie

holocaust is a hoax


prove me why it never happened

Did you know? After 7+ decades of study and research, we have

- NO nazi document or recording ordering an extermination of Jews
- NO nazi document, recording, or diagram confirming the existence of homicidal gas chambers
- NO nazi document or recording suggesting Zyclon-B be used for criminal purpose
- NO significant ferrocyanide traces in the alleged "homicidal gas chambers" of Auschwitz... but massive traces in the delousing/disinfectant chambers from Zyclon-B fumigation
- NO name of even one Jewish prisoner, with proof, that was killed in a Nazi gas chamber
- Multiple FAILED attempts to excavate "huge mass graves" in allegedly exactly known locations
- Over half of the 20,000 testimonies at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial declared "unreliable" the archives director, Israeli historian and Auschwitz survivor Shmuel Krakowski
- Survivors of the concentration camps, including Jews, that denied mass killings and gassings
- Documented cases of Nazi "Confessions" extracted via threats, intimidation, and torture


(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust)

>Intro to Holocaust revisionism:

>Dissecting the Holocaust

>Holocaust Handbook series

>Holocaust debate forum

>"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, Dec 27, 2009)

>"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)

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- Our Idiot Brother
- Drive
- All the Jason movies

Damn, you've lost it brother, good luck with your conspiracy theory.

>your conspiracy theory
The "Holocaust" is a racist, anti-White conspiracy theory

Indeed, it's interesting to see that those who accuse Revisionists of promoting a 'conspiracy theory' often promote truly bizarre conspiracy theories themselves, such as:

>"The Germans executed a secret plan to exterminate every Jew they could get their hands on, the results were such that 6M Jews and huge numbers of gypsies and homosexuals were murdered by gassing and by being shot into enormous pits."

Yet in short, there are no orders from Hitler, no authentic German documents, no records of funding, no massive graves of human remains as alleged which would necessarily be available, and a gassing method which defies science.

At the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) it was alleged that the Holocaust had been perpetrated with the greatest level of secrecy, and very few know it was even happening. According to US Judge Leon Powers "not over 100 people in all were informed" about the attempted extermination. As with many other conspiracy theories, the lack of physical evidence and the scarcity of alleged eyewitness testimonies were seen as convincing proof that the Nazis had something to hide and that they had successfully managed to do it.

Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden:
>"This solitary confinement proved sufficient in itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements. These statements not only involved the signer, but often would involve other defendants. Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators."

Attached: Holocaust-Nuremberg-trials-April-1949-Judge-Leon-W-Powers.jpg (1374x1110, 762K)

If we talkin about /depression/ core, then Synecdoche, New York

>Nobody mentioned Drive yet

Brainwashed npc talking points.

Brokeback Mountain, is a approved r9k movie. Only homophobe fucks disagree

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>Believing what an elected official says
brainlet tier

you would think jews and their apologists would be happy to hear 6 million did not die. you would think, to them, it is good news. apparently not. they are indignant and insist "6 million must be dead!" they say. It's quite hilarious, if it wasn't a sad and terrible lie which many people: historians, professors, scientists, etc are and have been persecuted, thrown in prison cells for merely questioning
- Dr. Horst Pelckmann, defense counsel for the SS at Nuremberg, exposed the fact that over 97% of the SS men who mentioned "The Jewish Problem" denied that it was to be solved by extermination. On 21 August 1946: "1,593 out of 1,637 affidavits which mention this problem state that the Jewish problem was not to be solved by killing" (IMT Proceedings, vol. 21, p. 368)

- On July 1945, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that: "A report from the place where major German war criminals are now confined discloses that all of them have denied that the Nazis had any plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe."

- "Survivor accounts of critical events are typical of all testimony, that is, they are full of discrepancies. About all matters both trivial and significant, the evidence is nearly always in dispute. In part the unreliability of these accounts derives from imperfect observation and flawed memory, but in larger part from the circumstance that they are not constructed exclusively on the basis of firsthand experience. In order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumor, assumption, speculation, and hypothesis." (Jewish holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, 1976)

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Just gotta check

-Donnie Darko
A bit over dramatic at points but brings back some nice 2000's feels
-2001 a Space Odyssey
Love the cinematography, scripting, effects, probably my only 10/10 film
needs no introduction

How come nobody mentions "Under The Skin" is literally about a stacy alieness picking up robots to trick them about having sex, but then stripping them of their skin.


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You need to read "ordinary men" by Michael Browning.

how many articles or books by "Holocaust deniers" have you read?

I ask, because I wonder if you're a person who has strong opinions on a subject while only having read one, biased side of it... despite their being two sides to deliberate. I hope not, because that would make you an NPC and brainlet =(

>Christopher Browning: The State of the Evidence For the 'Final Solution'
>It can now be seen that my study of the thesis of Christopher Browning confirms the following: The exterminationists can be seen to seek out and refer to documents which appear to confirm their thesis. Obvious forgeries, documents which support an opposite thesis, and questionable and ambiguous texts are the stuff of which this history is compiled. One can only conclude that the "state of the evidence" is good for revisionism. The evidence presented by Christopher Browning in his books, articles, and expert witness statements is also a windfall for revisionism.

Read some discussions on it:

No Country For Old Men

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whoo carees
thanks for the movies though ive decided to watch lars and the real girl, you were never really here and martyrs
ive seen Her many times thats an alright film
i have no suggestions of my own

wings of desire

Lilya 4-Ever

great movie

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Omg you HAVE to watch the birdbox