Do u see some progress?

Do u see some progress?

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Left son. Right dad

What are you eating?

Are you exercising?

Not really, gotta stand the same position though to make real comparison. How long and what do you do

>Take pics in two different angles to ask about progress

like nine weeks of lifting ocasionally a couple times per week.

left baki
right tinder thot

and what do u expect in 9 weeks of occasionally lifting + probably eating the same shit you eat everyday?

That isn't a routine, and you're not controlling what you eat if it's been nine weeks and you look like that.

Go to the sticky on the front page and do some research on exercise routines you think you can do and how to diet.

You need to lift and diet consistently if you want to see results.

literally 0

dunno, just looking to be lean, right now I'm like 16-17% fat, still trying to cut.

I want rather to move to bodyweight routines, I don't even like the gym.

>like nine weeks of lifting ocasionally a couple times per week.
Absolute state of third worlders.

Listen mate actually make a weekly plan that you stick to (none of this "ocasionally" shit) and get a proper diet I can see on your that you are eating junk shit.

You can absolutely get ripped to shreds on body wieght exercise routines, the point I and others are making ITT is that you pick a plan and stick with it daily. Again, do some research and watch videos on how to do push ups and other body weight exercises with proper form.

I've been like ten days doing just push ups and pull ups on my house, I quit the gym because I didn't like it.

for bodyweight, you can look up youtube channels like calisthenicmovement and THENX. Ideally if you do both weights and bodyweight, then ATHLEAN X is also good

I'll get some heavy dumbell for squats, but there's not point on a gym if I can't master bodyweight yet.

true. Ideally if you can work up to 30 pushups, 30 squats, 1 minute plank, then I think you'll be gym ready

>Do u see some progress?
I see no changes
All I see is reese's pieces

Attached: rexfeatures_218174a_720.jpg (1020x574, 90K)

> but there's not point on a gym if I can't master bodyweight yet.

That's an excuse and you know it.

Regardless, here's a good beginner body weight routine you can start today called " The 500"

5 sets of 20 push ups

5 sets of 20 body weight squats

5 sets of 20 pull-ups

5 sets of 20 crunches

5 sets of 20 burpees

You can knock one exercise out at a time or do them in circuits. You can do this 3 times a week on top of light cardio on your alternate days. ( 20-30 min. jogging or 10 min. of hard jump-rope.)

For dieting the easiest advice I can give you is start making 2/3 of what you eat every day veggies and the rest is lean protein ( i.e. chicken breasts or fish) and some fruit. No more fried or processed shit or eating out.

my goal for push ups would be a one arm planche + one arm push up + inclined handstand + isometrics.

Dunno the name but is like doing a one arm push up with both legs on the air.

I think there's not much point on lifting if I can do that.

For pull ups my goal is one arm pull ups doing isometrically.

Still a long way to go.

It's good you have a goal, but you aren't going to get there if you don't push yourself consistently.

I have a plan and right now I have a progression in mind.

right now I moved form normal push ups with isometrics to diamond push and will move to diamond done isometrically, after that I'll try to do one arm push ups.

For pull ups I'll try to get to 10 then start doing them isometrically before moving to one arm pull ups.