Post you real pokebro

Dont care if it sucks dont lie

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I like crobat. And latias

Attached: pokemon_icon_169_00.png (240x240, 26K)

Do you like poison or psychic? you apparently have flying in common with both

This is a harder question than I initially thought.
If I was forced to have 1 pokemon Id pick a Ninjask or Aerodactyl. And thatd come down to a coin flip.

Attached: 250px-291Ninjask(2).png (250x250, 51K)

Cradily is my favorite

Attached: tumblr_nessnm2MtS1rp57iqo1_12380.png (800x1012, 455K)

Haunter. Having a spooky ghosy fren would be epic

Attached: haunter.jpg (360x314, 21K)

I love my spicy boy thyplosion

Attached: 250px-157Typhlosion.png (250x250, 42K)

hello spicy spooky frens

I also love this spooky spicy boy

Attached: Chandelure_XY.gif (123x108, 271K)

he smiles like psychopathic wojak