Can one get this thicc naturally?

Can one get this thicc naturally?

Attached: sam_onlyfans_62086523_142906416771962_5895680141809387971_n.jpg (1080x1080, 88K)

yes with good genes (tall, broad), 3-4 years hard work and good diet.
>Stop making threads to ask this retarded question that's posted by every DYEL that wants to give up before starting.

Easily. That's maybe two years of SS+GOMAD (three years top if you have bad genetics).

Yes. Yes you can.

no and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. maybe 0.0001% of the worlds genetic population can hit that with 10+ years of training but you cannot OP.

anyone who says otherwise needs to post body with timestamp and bloodwork

Why is his head so small?

Surely being a manlet would help here as we... I mean they... Can look joocier just due to proportions

It's not; his body is just huge which makes his normal-sized head look small by comparison.

Sure, diet and exercise. Tren hard, eat clen.


Don't forget shrinking your skull.
Your brain will eventually shrink by itself, tho.

He should get smaller. His head is tiny.

yes, this dude is fit, but not ridiculously so.

No, he just needs to headmaxx. Don't forget to train your cranium.

>sam onlyfans
Sam what? What is his onlyfans name?

>for 2-3 years
please god no


>14 inch arms
Oh wow


Bodyweight / Calisthenics

thats all lighting.

Pencil neck

masturbation since 8 and constant attempts to suck own dick since 9

gotta try both arms aswell

That’s like six month from untrained just fucking around in a gym. You people have the lowest standards


Based. Any nudes?

Attached: dia_sweat.jpg (644x422, 69K)

actually made it already desu
still regretting the time I wasted on that garbage program

Ive got a similar size head and look to him but just smaller arms. Don't know why people hate on small heads, its more of a superhero archetype

Attached: bigheadvssmall.png (1796x1048, 2.04M)