Another Friday, another PAYDAY! Post your balances ITT and discuss your financial woes

Another Friday, another PAYDAY! Post your balances ITT and discuss your financial woes.

I haven't posted in like 2 months. Sorry about that. Things kept getting crazy and I haven't really been making substantial gains. But I can confirm this is the HIGHEST my balance has EVER been so I am moving upward and onward! I will do my taxes this weekend and hopefully I won't have to give anything to the government.

But post yours folks!

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bumpbumpbumpbump bb

Currently sitting at just shy of 4k. Sat down and did the math the other day and I make just shy of $350 after bills monthly. Not much progress, but better than being in the red yeah? Feel like I need to start getting into ways to make it work for me but don't know where to start.

I've been looking for a job the past 2 months with 0 luck how do I get hired anons

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You always post on the Fridays that are not my payday, plus today is the first of the month. rent and insurance day is pretty good too, though

Nigger its the same image every damn time

Fuck off retard

Now that my student debt is finally gone, i'm back to saving aggressively again.

Currently at 1050 in my savings account, 250 in my retirement account, and 615 in my investment portfolio, and after another 30 of spending, my credit card is going to send me $225, which i will put into my savings.

I've been getting this mail offer from a bank for 400 bucks if i make a $1000 deposit into a new checking account with them, so i just did that this week.

Whats your degree?

this is just one of my bank accounts

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i don't have a degree user, i dropped out close to finishing because i was mentally ill, my work thinks i graduated, so i'm not going to ask for part time while i finish the last semester, i'll wait until i'm ready to swap jobs, and if that proves difficult with no degree, then i'll get it first

gonna be comp sci though.

What is your degree and what job are you looking for?

Okay listen here
Thats a lot of money
Obviously you're attentionwhoring indirectly. What do you do niggggggrrrrr

I have a master's degree in memeology and I collect neetbux. Working if for the working class and I'm not so pathetic as to have to work.

bitcoin millionaire then?

Okay nigger. Nice answer.

Anyone else here /6fig student debt/? At least my country has interest free loans.

>how do I get hired anons
By going in there and beg and cry and give them 90 copies of your resume

It's not you poor liar

i have 6fig debt but most of it is a mortgage, and the total debt is more like 95k right now.

How do you sleep at night with that huge debt nigger
You are going to get btfo, nigger

nm it's more like 93k

thanks tax return!

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>How do you sleep at night with that huge debt nigger
I'm going to earn 6 figs once I finish my residency.

>Got a $1k performance bonus and 2% raise at annual review last week

Not great, but better than nothing I guess.

I get paid biweekly and rent obliterated my check, so right now I'm on life support until I can build it back up again.

My balance is somewhere within the $10 range right now. Savings aren't too hot either, at around $877. Been doordashing to make up the difference.

Apply for at a dealership or tire shop. Go retail if you're desperate (they're always hiring so apply to them all).

I'm just over 1k, got paid today but half of that check is gone already and I need to spend my whole next check on car repairs. I just want my money to grow, man.

Not the guy you replied to, nor do I have student debt, but your situations aren't comparable at all.

You presumably have a six figured asset in exchange for your indebtedness. He has a worthless degree.

You have a fucked up mentality. What job are you gonna do

>tfw applied to over 100 retail/grocery/fast food positions in the past 2 months
>tfw 0 response

You gotta apply for shit where people always quit early. Lube techs and tire techs are constantly going in and out. Try there. If they ask you if you're qualified or some dumb shit don't get scared. It's literally taking tires off and on and/or changing oil. It's really nothing serious.

sounds like he's going to be a doctor, isn't that what a residency is?

yeah, i'm making 55k a year and he's gonna be a doctor. Very different situations.

Didn't know he was going to be a doctor when I posted.

That said, exchanging debt for an appreciating asset like property is generally better than the reasons many people go into debt for.


Markets been very good last two months. Biggest savings goal is retirement and then maybe real estate in the future.

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Warehouse job. Usually alright pay and you won't have to talk to normiecuck customers.

that's a nice looking chart

now i want to start a chart. Good thing it's the first of the month. Gonna get a spreadsheet going