Beef, salt and water

Beef, salt and water.


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fuck you imma eat eggs, 'deenz, and cheese too


All that red meat for a red blooded conservative bucko

If I can eat your daughters as out ill consider it.

I replaced tuna, chicken and fish with beef for like a month and i started noticing my body odor smelled different in a really bad way, i was eating on average 5 pounds a week.

Jordan "I literally did not sleep for 28 straight days" Peterson

>eating regular ass cooked beef with only salt 2-3 times DAILY
>beverage options are water or fizzy water
sounds like hell. why would you do that to yourself?

ohhhhhhhhhhh no no no no no no no

Near raw beef and eggs, so tasty. I love to BBQ the trims of fat to get a slightly thin crispy crust, literally nothing tastier then the fat on a grass fed piece of meat.

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What's deez?

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it's actually legit. been on it for a little over a month and feeling amazing. try it bros

deez NUTS lmao

i been only eating 400g of beef and a half pack of bacon from walmart for two months and i feel really good, thinking of upgrading to higher quality meat so i can eat the fat and grease without getting all the goy additives in me, got some "grass fed no gmo all natural" type beef from Aldi and bacon from there but the bacon's the same price as walmart and has the same ingredients so where should I get bacon from, no farm or butcher access either

Ha gottem

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he's seething

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I have very bad ADHD. I could never read for more than a few minutes. I spent the last 4 years on adderall just to finish an engineering degree. I legit thought I was a retard for a the last few years.

Then I hopped on carnivore and everything changed. I don't need adderall anymore, I'm just calm all the time and can think straight, my brain works faster so I'm a way better speaker. I have better comprehension. I'm productive at work.

I'd recommend it to anyone with anxiety, ADHD, or (insert mental disorder here). I disagree with Peterson on a lot of things, but he's onto something here.

thanks, I'll try this out. I just ate schnitzel for breakfast as a start.

I do not understand the people who are systematically discarding what Jordan has said about his diet despite his publishing of his blood work and his doctor's summaries. People shriek about Keto causing enlarged hearts and increased chance of heart attack, but even if that's a universally applicable problem (doesn't seem to be the case), I'd fucking trade that for increased mental clarity and energy. It's basically a choice to burn brighter, for a shorter amount of time. And it's doubly weird that Jow Forums isn't on board with that, since the overall board culture seems to endorse that sort of attitude. And this is all besides the benefits it has for people who suffer seizures and other niche problems.

That was clearly an exaggeration. It was code for "I got really, really shitty sleep for a month".
It's one of those boomer-code exaggerations to make a point of the same variety that Trump often uses. Taking it seriously is retarded

>posts grain fed

is all meat ok or does it have to be beef only?

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Nah, taking a man who literally and seriously claimed to have stayed awake for 28 days straight is the retarded thing here

>hes just kidding guys hehe

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? Are you a legitimate retard? I'm saying to not take him straight. Jesus Christ I need to stop posting on this shithole

It’s so weird this guy is on /fit radar. Shows how awful and low quality this board has become

It's simple. Plant-based diet for low test cuckish leftists. Animal-based diet for high test conservatives. Pick your side.

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I'll pay $20/mo for that script

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Wow imagine actually being this retarded.

We're being ironic why aren't you?

Adios mis lados

Apparently he's allergic to basically everything else. That whole family has pretty fucked up genetics, his daughter needed a hip replacement at 14.

Beef ain't all that cracked up. Yeah you need it but fish and poultry are where its at.

>implying he isn't

>sea rats and cuck dinos
Gross, I'll pass



you don't know what "ironic" means

Peterson is a literal retard

Got em

Its funny how that dude dishes out all sorts of advice on how to get your shit together,
But that he raised the biggest used op roast beef thot of them all

Some genetic immune disorder that he and his daughter have. It fucks them up, he basically doesn't have a choice.

People HATE being showed that what they believed and told everyone about all their lives if a bunch or bullshit.

For most people, what they believe and what they tell is basically who they are, if you show them that they're wrong, you're threatening their whole being, it's frightening.
So they attack.

What if i like varbies? Am i lefy then?

No he's not. His IQ is somewhere in the 150 range.
Is a regular diet for radical centrists then?
I believe he chooses beef because of its protein:fat ratio. It might just because it works to fix his autoimmune disease. The former reason would go along with what the ketofags have been saying for years.

>his IQ is somewhere in the 150 range
Not a chance. Even if he really is, that doesn't mean he can't have retarded beliefs. Believing he can live only on meat is one of them. He should AT LEAST be taking a fuckton of supplements

>some guy is popular on reddit so now I hate him
even after all these years, you fags are still tiresome

Hey user, how did the inuits not go extinct before being BLEACHED by the anglo?

By now wasting anything. They ate organs. Do you really think Peterson does the same? Come on, user

He's a crypto kike quell the rising consciousness in disenfranchised whites and fooling them into becoming atomized individualists and centrists while the rest of the world has a strong in group bias.

He's more pernicious than any hardcore lefty. He's subverting whites from within which in hindsight shouldn't be surprising given his heritage.

Fuck Juden Peterstein. Fucking lolbert.

He's a crypto kike whose goal is to quell the rising consciousness*

IQ isn't everything though. It's a better predictor at who fill fail (

>Some genetic immune disorder that he and his daughter have.
alright damn, that sucks.

I mean consuming a medium-rare steak with it's fat rendered is a fucking goat-tier meal, but having to eat that every day for the rest of your life sounds awful.

dunno if that's true though, I just remember him being on Joe Rogan's show and talked about only ever eating steak and nothing else beef-related.

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He's a crypto fascist who repeats retarded meme conspiracy theories about "cultural Marxism", clearly not understanding either term as Marx was a practical materialist. He's also a Christian apologist so that really says it all. He's a moron who got owned by dillhaunty, harris, and zizek but it literally too stupid to understand what they said to him

It's bullshit
They are both retatded low-IQ hypochondriacs and have no magical autoimmune disease
They don't even have a name or diagnosis. Fucking imbeciles

I think it's mental illness

>grass fed
>that cut
pick one and only one

But the ground pork is cheaper and already seasoned (0 carbs still)

can a man live on nothing but lobsters

lads, I genuinely want to try the Carnivore diet as I always feel great on high fat diets and adore all forms of beef

if i eat 2 of these packs a day, will that work? i can't afford anything else beef wise long term but this will give me about 3000k cals, 200g protein and 180g fat a day so all good right?

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fricking lmao


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Nice try discord tranny. He's a kike but not a fascist. Btw cultural Marxism is real-the frankfurt school, hello?

This man is such a disappointment.

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Sardines faggot

I was eating 5 pounds a day when trying to bulk and noticed no change to body odor.
you're a plant eating twink.

just take a closer look at (((who))) is publishing these studies and their affiliations.
you're likely going to see some connection to Seventh Day Adventists.

beef, and other ruminants like lamb, are superior mostly due to their better fat profiles compared to other meats like chicken and pork. omega 6:3 ratio.

Because it's completely believable that eating salad with apple cider vinegar once makes you "lie awake every night in desperate torment" for a month.
>come on, it's just rhetoric! What he obviously meant is that his tummy ached the next day!

He's looking pretty bad in this pic. Significantly older and more frail than he did even than when he blew up just a few years ago. And it's not just the grey hair.

Add 100g of beef liver daily and you'll be great.

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i eat tiny infants

How can you both tell just by looking at a picture? Is it the pale color?

Does everything have to be raw organic unpasteurized grass fed free range wild caught pasture raised local free trade and activated? If I fuck up and miss one or more of these criterion on carnivore will I die? How does it work? How does anyone afford it?

i've had the same experience, but i'm too weak. carbs are addictive as fuck. zerocarb takes a toll on my mood as well, this weekend ill try again

Not them but it's the marbling, you get it to look like that when it's fed or finished on grains

Dude you're going to want to invest in quality beef. Also make sure to eat organs as well.

he is a very respectable person and i generally love people that stand up for their principles, but his diet is incomplete to say the least.
NOSE TO TAIL, not just ****ing muscle meat


cucks are people that
(1) don't get any for themselves
(2) watch others get it
a "meatcuck" would thereby be an adequate term for a vegan. get fucked, shill.
did i say shill? yes, there is very obvious pro-vegan shilling here.

shes actually kinda hot
>tfw no carnivore redpill gf

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>he hasn't read Hegel

He never claimed his diet was natural. He has just claimed it has helped his and his daughter's lives immensely. He does not even advise others to do it.

friendly neighborhood butcher posting - fat on the loin is hwite. that there cow was young, too young to have fattened on grazing alone.

I like cheese too much, I could eat a prolapse if it had cheese. Ama keep my cheese, meat and veggies diet sorry Senor Petersono

Meatcucks BTFO

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The colour of grass fed meat is much darker, both the flesh, which has a deep red as opposed to almost pink in that pic, and the fat, which can be from yellowish to almost orange on grass fed as opposed to basically white
Marbling is more of a breed and (I think) lifestyle. More sedentary animals tend to have more marbling. It's also why game meat is so tough, 0 fat in the muscle.

There is no starting if it is not today. Tomorrow you will be starting on a today aswell.

Forgot to say, the richer colour is generally telltale of a higher nutrient density. Which is why we're drawn to those and why producers often tinker with colours, like feeding salmon dyes.
I have a small lemon orchard I harvest once or twice a year and sell the lemons to a local producer. I can't describe the process very well but I know he has something of a "production line", where he inputs barely yellow lemons (that taste great) and they get processed (some kind of heat treatment) to the point they're all a bright yellow. But the taste has gone to shit. Still, people will prefer these shit lemons to the real deal because colour is that important to our monkey brains

I'm poor as shit and like junk food tho