>lateral side raises hit your delts/shoulders
>delts/shoulders are part of push in PPL
>laterial side raises are a pull movement
>you pull on a push
??????? when do i do them
>lateral side raises hit your delts/shoulders
>delts/shoulders are part of push in PPL
>laterial side raises are a pull movement
>you pull on a push
??????? when do i do them
Do an upper / lower body split instead, and do them on upper days
I do them on push days.
>all fruits are apples and oranges
>bro wtf are these banana shits???
Also "laterial" side raises are not a fucking pull you retard.
but SL 5x5.
its literally a pull movement
Retard you use your arms for it and your hands stay the same distance from your shoulders for the entire exercise.
Muscles only contract and pull one attachment point towards the other, so on a PPL you do all your exercises on Pull day.
>Also "laterial" side raises are not a fucking pull you retard.
what are they then
It's not a pull or a push RETARD hence
>all fruits are apples and oranges
>bro wtf are these banana shits???
simplistic chode, post your fucking body you fat mongoloid.
>It's not a pull or a push RETARD hence
>>all fruits are apples and oranges
>>bro wtf are these banana shits???
What in the fuck are you talking about? Are you brain damaged?
>define every possible weighted movement as either a push or a pull
>surprised when you find things that don't fit those two options
>define every fruit as either an apple or an orange
>surprised when you find things that don't fit those two options
stupid fucking nigger with your stupid fucking shit thread asking stupid fucking retard questions. Next time don't pollute this board with your faggot trivial assumptions.
pic related, it's me.
Since all muscle movements are contraction technically every movement is a pull. PPL is therefore fake and homosexual
>surprised when you find things that don't fit those two options
But a lateral side raise is clearly a pull.
>hands arms length away from shoulders at beginning
>hands arms length away from shoulders at end
It's not a pull you double retard. How the fuck could your hands not moving closer to your shoulders count as a pull movement in something where only your arms move, lmao fuck man did you take a double cup of retard juice this morning?
Do them on shoulder day you mong.
Doesn’t fucking matter if they’re push or pull. Push is chest+shoulders+triceps, lateral raises is a shoulder exercise, so do it on push days. Stop being an OCD faggot
>deadlifts are a pull exercise
Anyone who thinks this is a retard you’re not pulling the weight you’re pushing the earth down with your legs forcing the weight up
It's a push exercise because your hands/weights move away from your body
Raising arms out is not a pull you fuck. Its a lateral abduction. Its like saying "OH tricep is a pull because i grabbed it and moved it"
sorry everyone is being so mean to you, I've wondered this myself before, just do lateral/front delts on push day and rear delts on pull day
Unpopulair opinion: every exercise is a pull movement since muscles can only contract.
Lateral raises moves the weight away from your center of gravity, which makes it a push
Deadlifts move the weight towards your center of gravity, making it a pulk
I know you think you're really smart, but you're not.
damn u are so fucking dumb it hurts my eyes
>ur dumb
>no ur dumb
>no actually ur dumb
>no ur the one that's dumb
it doesn’t fucking matter. yes lateral raises are a ‘pulling exercise’ because the weight is below the fulcrum, but you should do them on push days because they’re accessories for your presses, which are pushing movements.
>Rope pull downs
>On push day
But yeah lat raise is where I draw the line because I don’t want to do a “pull exercise” on push day even though I know it works out a muscle group I’m trying to hit that day
explain tricep pushdowns then
Lateral Raises on leg day
If lateral raises were a pull THEY WOULDN'T BE THAT FUCKING HARD
>lateral raises aren't a pulling movement
i think Jow Forums is genuinely one of the most low IQ boards
>Muscles in your shoulder are contracting to move the weight
>Ends getting closer together
>not a pull movement
are you pushing the weight away from yourself or pulling it towards you? idiot.
Do them on leg day first. Then skip the rest of leg day because you've already worked your shoulders.
You had better be trolling. Otherwise youre saying every single movement is a pull because there are muscle contractions
Strictly speaking, all movements are pulls.
> dubs of basedness
Here's a novel concept: do them on whatever fucking day you want. The cops aren't going to kick in your fucking door just because you did a "pull" exercise on "push" day or deadlift on back day instead of leg day. Jesus christ fit.
This thread has gone to the retards
>calf presses are pulls
>overhead presses are pulls
>pushes are pulls
Fuck it all
Lmao just do full body you fuckin faggot hahaha
because you hit your delts with ohp etc on push days,you have to do it on the push day, bc that`s when you train shoulders.
Imagine doing lateral raises while holding dumbbells instead of properly balancing them atop your knuckles. We PUSH on push day. Idiot.
The weight starts close to your body.
It ends further away from your body.
Obvious push movement.
How many sets and reps you do lateral raises per workout? I have been doing 3x12 and it seems kinda ineffective.
What he means is that, mechanically speaking, all movement is a result of a muscle contracting i.e. pulling.
For example, you do not open up your elbow by using you bicep to push it open. You open your elbow by pulling with the tricep.
So yes, calf raises are a "pull" in the sense that the calf muscle, anchored at one end, pulls the ankle upward during contraction.