How would you stop your gym bro from transitioning Jow Forums?
How would you stop your gym bro from transitioning Jow Forums?
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No I’d fuck him once he transitioned, maybe before
I don't have any bros who would transition. I guess with a lot of sarcastic verbal abuse and humiliation if it ever came up.
Why would I give a shit? If he wants to be a bitch bad enough to change his hormonal profile and surgically alter his genitals then he's further beyond saving than you faggots.
gorgeous doe
kill him before it happens
me in the front
Show him stats about depression and suicide from post op trans males to females.
Why would want a gaping wound attached to your colon? Because that’s what the neo vagina is.
Those are the eyes of a serial killer/rapist. No joke.
he was a literal Chad lmao
>Even Chad wants to be a girl in 2019
I like being a man, what's everyone else's problem?
How can anyone not see this as a mental illness?
Ok surely the Jews had something to do with this, right?
Reminder that 48% of post ops kill themselves
Each day we stray further from God.
those filtered photos dont fool me, I know he still looks like a man in real life, you can't fool the human brain
mental illness. nothing will convince me otherwise
Anyone like that is toxic I'm bailing on being his friend.
Let me tell you how I know you don't watch the talmud vision very often
So apparently you can be a 9/10 good-looking guy and still watch so much porn that you develop autogynephilia. Porn addiction really is the great equalizer. It doesn't just exacerbate any existing sexual dysfunction, it can actually create new ones.
That's next-level mental illness to post numerous before-and-after photos. Like you want everyone to know what you looked like before.
This dude has autogynophilia like a lot of other trannies.
>when Jow Forumstards learn a new word
Because Israel and communists said other wise.
Seriously the entire LGBT movement is led by them
Honestly us not treating it like a mental illness is probably the worst thing we could have done for trans people
So you agree that they are finally getting the treatment they need?
>calls random pic of a guy 9/10 good-looking
is porn also why you're gay?
What a waste
pretending not to notice that a guy is attractive is even more gay
Good therapy + basic diet should be standard. Better filtered water and no plastics. If they can do that for 6 months and still feel strongly then maybe.
>you can't fool the human brain
this is one of the stupidest things I have read on this board and that says quite a lot. there are entire industries devoted to doing just that
you aren't that clever
isn't it 48% attempt suicide? remember grills don't have the follow through of men
Why is it so hard for some people to not act out their fetishes in public, Jow Forums?
>get off on the thought of being a girl
>absolutely trash your body with hormones and chemicals
>burn every social bridge
>join a cult
>alienate your loved ones
>keep the ones who use you as a fashion accessory
>mutilate your genitals in a manner so horrible that you need to take medication to dull your immune system to keep it from fighting against you
>all so you can jerk off in a dress
I think lactation is hot, but I could honestly go my whole life never trying to drink milk from a woman's tit. Really, it's just something fun in porn. This isn't just about trannies, either. This extends to pedos and bug-spreaders and other such types too. Why would you destroy your life and make yourself miserable just to jack off? Are these people just incapable of separating reality from the fantasy of porn? Am I just autistic for understanding from a very young age that porn and movies are explicitly fantasy and scripted to produce certain results?
U dont, u just convince her to join female sports leagues
trannies brighten and adjust the shit out of every photo they take, shadows on their faces just highlight all their masculine features, no amount of HRT is going to fix that
uncanney valley fucking faggot, even with the most advanced robots/cgi your brain can tell there's something off and it fake, same thing happens with trannies, no matter how much surgery and make up they use your brain instintively checks their shoulder to waist ratio, their bone structure, their hands and mannerisms
unless the tranny was on hormones before puberty it wont pass in real life
imagine raising your son for 18 years and you see him grow into a literal chad, going to the gym, getting fit, can easily bang any cheerleader at school.
then one day he pulls this shit and you see it all crumble down lmao
we should be looking at gender reassignment surgery as we do on lobotomies of the 1940s-50s
horrific physical procedures that leave the patient scarred for life for their mental conditions that would be better treated through drug and therapy sessions
What happens to the other 52%
give it 10-15 years
I fuck them
If the hallmark of my son’s success is he can fuck vapid whores, he can transition because I’ve clearly failed as a parent
>we should be looking at gender reassignment surgery as we do on lobotomies of the 1940s-50s
people think tomboys should actually be boys
people think that if you get turned on by the thought of being a woman, you should be a woman
listening to kids who think they should be the opposite gender
kids are retarded, they also want to be squirrels
the entire thing is soaked in political ideology, so it's impossible to challenge without being a "bigot"
it just makes me sad when I think about it
they just have depression and other issues
>not wanting a son that can do this but doesn't because he has some self respect and understands women are whores who don't know what they want and will regret it all in a few years or become toxic and broken if they don't
The only honest Jow Forumsizen.
Maybe because your assumption that it's "just a fetish" is incorrect?
No now you can fuck him
I wouldn't. I'd make him my girlfriend(male)
Damn he cute. I would.
He definitely wouldn't be a friend much less a bro and barely human.
>6 months
Not long enough. 3 years minimum.
He sure wouldn't be getting an inheritance from me.
That's what they do in the UK
really? i didn't realise (or maybe forgot) that my country could actually be based anymore
desu it's funny what they force fledgling trannies to do, like dress up in womens clothes and go out in public to prove it's not just a phase or whatever before they get access to any kind of drugs.
Probably will relax soon since globohomo is going to put the pressure on and blame all the suicides and shit on stuff like that instead of their cracked ass mental states
the terf lobby in the UK is too powerful unironically
>perpetrator are usually the biological mother 98%
Fuuggg. What do brows if I want to start a family? Should I kill my wife after she's done breast feeding and tell the kids she died in a car accident?
good god I hope so
>Should I kill my wife after she's done breast feeding and tell the kids she died in a car accident?
thats what im doing. just got to find a wife first
>posted 7 days ago
Is this a fake account? I swear this pic is ancient.
>lefties and incels sterilizing themselves is a bad thing
I'd rather my tax dollars go to this than fat Shanequa's triple bypass surgery. Consider it an investment for the next generation.
This is the correct stance on transfaggot problem, however there needs to be way to protect children of good stock from believing that insanity.
fat Shanequa's are still going to exist user, trannies aren't been stopping niggers becoming obese
this. gas chambers are the only way forward
So glad I stopped watching porn and took the Brahmacharya pill. Not going to lie,I still have sexual thoughts and fetishes but I am a work in progress.
*wipes boogers from his long nose*
*proceeds to intensely rub hands*
Created enough Blacked threads today,kike?
LOL upset that we're on to you, perv?
wtf pre transition he sounds like a regular dudebro
what is this shit
>not helping your gymbro transition so you can finally fuck her(male) boypussy and it not be gay
That's fine, I'm all for leftist faggots an heroing but this user has a point. Kids are impressionable and being raised in a culture this fucked can lead to good children having their minds warped at an early age by peers/teachers/media
As you always see with trannies, they are actually the most "passable" a couple years after starting hormones while they're still young.
This guy is getting worse looking with age, and this will only continue. As his appearance is absolutely central to his identity and his life, he will first chase his looks with surgery/makeup and when even that fails this is when they typically start considering suicide.
I would
Get a load of this guy
I unironically wouldn't. My gymbro is an asian dude with a cute face. He's twunk mode now, but he was honestly pretty cute for a guy, especially when he was a twink. I see creepy old guys checking him out all the time at the gym. He's pretty good with girls, but I think if he transitioned he'd do even better with men.
>All those pics with the crazy eyes
I'll give him 5 years before he offs himself.
Can't blame the jews for your dumb decisions dude.
user, you know those stats are lifetime suicide attempts, not attempts since transitioning. Do you actually read the studies, you illiterate piece of shit?
>start taking HRT
>watch your gains (left) start sagging off your body
A fate worse than death.
Why would I do that? He has the right to persue his own happiness
he's admitted he's hardcore NPD and wasn't getting enough love as a chad
This would have never happened if he was a conservative
Well, she(he) is an idiot. Eyes do change color if you spend more time outdoors. And since you will spend more time outdoors when it's warmer. Is that how logic works or am I fucking this up?
Same desu
Jumper cables
You're right. It's not a fetish, it's a poison induced mental illness
Based and Mercypilled
Prove it
They aren't sagging, they are becoming "titties"
it's just actually acceptable now (well, much more acceptable at least), so people who have gender dysphoria are trying to transition instead of just live with their bodies in depression.
and coupled with everyone posting everything on social media and then being able to post it around (like this thread) makes it seem more prevalent than it really is.
Good population control
Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?
that fucking hurt to read man
He's waiting until men reaches peak degeneracy before resetting the world probably
reminder that those very same studies also show the biggest factor in suicide attempts is support and acceptance of close friends and family
but you didn't actually read them
Fetishes are nothing bad as long as you don’t let them control you and be the focus in your life and identity (like bronies, furries, trannies etc)