Virgin nerd all throughout highschool

>virgin nerd all throughout highschool
>consciously change personality and get fit over 2 month holidays
>get consistent hot fuck buddy two weeks into uni after talking to girl twice
>everyone now likes me

whats so right with me?

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literally same except for the fuck buddy part but I turned down TWO females for moral reasons since starting on the course.

Lol don't turn them down, just get some experience before your oneitis

>using girls for sex
Why not just masturbate? I want a girl to be there for me and bond with emotionally and share interests with if i want to cum i can just jack off. Just based on op she sounds like a psychological mess aswell as fat, Sorry I don't want women like that, dating material girls take a lot of effort. Oh wait why am I even typing this, op is an uppercaste rich daddy boy who goes to uni and probably has him pay his rent and got him a new car of course people like you why the fuck am i typing this.... Probably had daddy pay your uni right out of college, sorry some of us need to go into debt or wageslave for half a decade before we can dream about that. Enjoy your privileged upper caste life I guess, your advice means nothing.

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Lmao if the mutual agreement is to have sex how is that hurting anyone. Also she's not material at all, we're fucking during netflix. Also I pay my own rent without any help because unlike you autists I have a job. And FYI I'm in a shit ton of debt

you had decent genetics congratulations welcome to the regular world. try not to fall into the cesspool of autism and you'll continue to do fine

how do you have so much debt after just getting out of high school

why cant all incels be like you

>fucking hot chick that you like without having to spend a cent on her
>oh no I'd rather jack off

alright faggot

Hecs debt. Aus here. If you don't know what it is, it's a government loan to go to university then you pay it back when you earn above a certain amount

go into debt for highschool 2.0 just so you can brag about fucking some undateable lard arse while you watch netflix. like it's supposed to make anybody jealous or want your advice. Good job on working though and not being a fake upper caste uni chad, there is still nothing envious about your position. I mean just go humble brag on facebook instead of here. Most robots don't just want a fuckbuddy we want real girls to emotionally bond with not your netflix whore.

good luck with that when women just want to have fun and ride the cock carousel. while you study hard in school she is giving her best years to fuckboys like OP and you get his disgusting sloppy seconds after OP is done with them years later.

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>some hot chick!!!
What part about "not material" did you miss? Also really sounds like he doesn't like her that much besides a vehicle for masturbation so I don't see what the big difference is.

no if women are like this then I don't want a gf. if they are going to ride the cock carousel like disgusting sluts then they can fuck off to cucks that want them.

this basically, if I expect my ideal gf to have the self control to hold onto her virginity for me then I need to hold myself to the same standard, otherwise I'm just a hypocrite.

Oh damn it\s funny how you were denying you privilege and then talk about this shit. Sorry not all of us can get free education from the government. God you are such a little bitch, get free education and humble brag about masturbating with some undateable lardarese fuck bat cave pussy and then come here to brag about it. God I hate your guys so fucking bad, you give robots a bad name >bawww wrobots only want women for sex. Well apparently so, this is why you were a virgin through highschool, your personality didn't change some uni lardarse just saw, hey there is some pathetic neet without a gf time to get some dick! I am really no envious of you at all, your advice is meaningless. God you are a pathetic sack of shit I WURRRHHHK >oh btw government just subsidize my uni and don't have to pay it back at al until I am making 60k a year lol.

Op is a faggot, but you're telling me you'd rather beat your cock to hentai than have an attractive fuckbuddy? Whatever floats your boat compadre.

as someone from Jow Forums you didnt get fit in 2 months, post body

also >school
underage b&

>get fit over 2 month holidays
what? even if you use steroids and live in the gym you can't get fit in 2 months. sounds like a virgin fantasy.

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def a virgin fantasy, his image is an anime meme he saved from facebook, dudes a larping loser

>whats so right with me?

absolutely nothing

Being white and Jow Forums is god mode. Women love and trust you, men look up to you, your superiors are more lenient.

Nothing is right with you, filthy fucking fresher.
>duhh i got fit in 2 months and changed muh personality now everybody likes me
no cunt, aussie freshers are the biggest sluts on the planet
you're not special
you're still a fucking geek

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>2 months to get fit