>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required) 5th Set (great for late intermediates) 5/3/1 (read the book bitch, pick the right program) -- 531 with FSL/SSL 5x5 (moron proof) -- 531 1000% Awesome (for early Intermediates) -- Beyond 531 (training maximally for strength) -- 531 for Hardgainers (hypertrophy) -- Build the Monolith (hypertrophy) -- 351 for Powerlifting -- Advanced 531 (seriously simple and good for strength) Westside for Skinny Bastards Madcow Intermediate (great for early intermediates) Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis) Cube Kingpin The Cube (+ Predator) Conjugate (max effort + dynamic + repetition) Spotoshot (bench only) Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST. Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)
>Nerd Tier (must have high IQ) RTS Generalized Intermediate RTS Emerging Strategies Nuckols Average to Savage Nuckols 28 Free GZCL TSA 9 Week HLM (Heavy Light Medium) Blevins Skynet AI Juggernaut AI Sheiko (for meet prep, don't break your dick)
>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes) Hepburn x Sheiko Blend (Tan Slacks blog) Candito 6 Week Texas Method 3-Day Texas Method Trappy Version (homo) The Bridge Smolov Jr. Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method Slavic Swole nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 lb totaling Redditor) Hepburn "Power and Pump" Programming 2 Win (by Jack Black)
>Optimal Tier (for gay, contrarian nerds) Barbell Medicine
>Retard Cuck-Tier PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)
*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important
You can change the expression of your genes through behavior and substance use.
Owen Rivera
Not to say that guy isn't retarded but epigenetics is real
Daniel Jones
Your DNA is still locked. Doesn't change how you will regenerate, only how your body adapts.
John Robinson
And? Changing gene expression, or turning genes on and off can make a difference.
Some of that gets passed on to your kids. Epigenetics is an interesting emerging study.
Luke Clark
Sure, I think memelord over there is just arguing that it wouldn't change your genetics, only your epigenetics at best, but probably not much t. Lamarck
Christian Scott
My spine is fucked bros and im considering just falling asleep rn before night shift at work instead of going to gym just to do some fluff stuff
Noah Jenkins
Negative homos gonna negative homo lmao
Luis Turner
Nolan Cox
I think it makes a huge difference. Mindset and good personal discipline makes champions.
The negative cortisol queens who make no progress want to blame everything on genes.
Mason Nelson
What about 5/3/1 BBB ???
Nathaniel Murphy
> 1 month > benching 110kg already good lord
Logan Brooks
Been doing stronglifts for 1 month now. >may 17: 40/75/85/95 >june 17: 50/105/115/135
Those are my working weights that I do 5x5 with, except DL with I do 1x5 on. Is this good progress?
Why would to many people fucking it up make it am invalid program? That doesnt reflect on the programs merits.
Also, how do people fuck it up? (Wanna make sure yo not fuck it up)
Dominic Richardson
Most people fuck it up by:
>Not eating/sleeping enough >Pushing the PR sets too hard >Not adjusting the BBB % as needed >Using regular DL for BBB when they can't recover >Expecting immediate strength progress >Not treating it as a hypertrophy block >Not following it up with BBB 5x5@80%, 5x3@90%, etc.
Jason Anderson
I'll add it in, just for you though.
Anthony Myers
>tfw when throwing as a part of physical culture has died off >tfw can’t hang around the cage and throw some shot put or discuss or some weight over bar
David Richardson
Kek i push it hard on pr sets, ill be more conservative from now on.
Just for me? Thats so sweet (full homo)
Carson Green
>i push it hard on pr sets It's just all about balance. If you push it real hard on the pr sets, keep your supplementary work at 50% maximum. If you're pushing the supplementary work up to 65% or whatever, be more conservative on the pr sets or even do 5s pro.
It doesn't really matter, the idea is to not burn out so you can enjoy long-term progress. What's nice with 531 is that you can program hop but maintain the same principles
Lucas Morales
my wob > your wob
Lucas Thompson
My training partner says we're gonna do this PPL program with 5/3/1 on the main lifts (ohp, dl, sq, bench) will it work well? I'm just concerned that it's not well rounded, maybe needs some dips
As long as you are pushing the big compounds and making progress on the big 4, the rest is just window dressing. Try it to see if it works, and if it doesn't, cut out some of the fluff and focus on closer variations of the main lifts after the main work is done
Your knees were exposed to air Try it again with leggings on
Juan Wood
What about a diving suit?
Angel Morris
If you’ve got one
Lincoln Gomez
About the same. Focus on not letting your back give to get the bar off the floor, you're making sumo harder than it should be. Should practically always be hardest off the floor and easiest at lockout. If you absolutely insist on pulling with a rounded back, your back shouldn't round more when you initiate the pull.
Owen Allen
Don't do the crime if you can't handle the time
Anthony Kelly
Because you start with your feet outside the arms, which makes the lift a no lift.
Angel Roberts
Bought a pair of size 30 pants last night do I have to give back my usapl membership now or what
Jackson Butler
Thoughts on 8/6/3 for more volume instead of 5/3/1? Also is it better to FSL than bbb for a few cycles until you adapt?
Also is squatting once a week good to make progress? Im weak 110kg squat at 68kg.
>Thoughts on 8/6/3 for more volume instead of 5/3/1? I'm sure it's okay, but the point of the 531 or 5s pro sets is to drive strength, and the supplementary "module" is more so for practice and growth (BBB 5x10, 5x5, 5x3, 5x1, FSL, SSL, BBS 10x5, etc.)
>Also is it better to FSL than bbb for a few cycles until you adapt? When in doubt, FSL 5x5 or SSL for weaker guys is great.
>Also is squatting once a week good to make progress? Im weak 110kg squat at 68kg. Do one of the full body versions (Coffinworm, 1000% awesome, or flip the complimentary lifts) and you will have 2x frequency.
Jaxson Kelly
Big Black Barbell
Jonathan Stewart
>more volume I can tell you didn't read the book
Thomas Miller
Yeah sure "palsy"
Josiah Gonzalez
>go for a check up with my doctor >Tell her about some nagging pains, tells me to take off my pants >She feels up my gloots, hammies and lower back >"Hey you're pretty jacked, everything feels hard" Thanks plg
Owen Wood
Did you fuck her though?
Jaxon Jones
Was she a qt?
Liam Ramirez
She's over fifty so no
Brayden Parker
That is true but im on my fourth week of 8/6/3 then ill go back to 531 was just week and currently shoving food until i hit 80kg again. (69kg atm)
Ok ill stick to fsl until september then start the 13 week bbb challenge i guess also my gf bought me the app for 531 lol.
Ok will check those out
I read beyond 531 and it was actually pretty good...fuck you pay me.
Carter Sullivan
>go for dermatology checkup a while ago >qt doc comments on my gains like she does every time >looking at my skin all over, taking pictures and shit, chatting about whatever >"got anything down there user?" and points to my boxers >"I show you mine you show me yours right haha", wink >most alpha moment of my life >she just freezes for a second and smirks >gets the rest of the checkup done while barely talking >ok bye Thanks /plg/
Jayden Hughes
If he had a stroke I highly doubt he would have been able to lift because he'd have muscular weakness on the same side. Bell's palsy just compresses a nerve in the face through inflammation and has practically no impact on strength
Levi Nguyen
Can I get a form check on this? My dear, dear mother is worried about me snapping my shit up and thinks I ought to consult an expert on my technique
Had a pretty shitty lifting day today, I recorded my sets anyway for critique.
My squat felt fucking awful, had a lot of trouble hitting depth even on my warmups, I simply bounced out of the hole too early for some reason and every single set felt heavy as fuck, even 185lbs felt heavy. I did 315x3 which is pretty shitty for me but I just didn't wanna push it given it was feeling so goddamn awful, my best set with 315 is for 6 with much better depth than this (at least according to my gym bro)
Second set i tried to correct it and I think I was successful: youtu.be/hAmGfiwU7tQ
Rest of the sets are the same.
I think I have way to much accumulated fatigue, from doing a lot of volume and from fucking uni that has been brutal lately. Should I deload next week (im supposed to) or should I just not be a pussy and start the next cycle without deloading?