Neck pill

Is the supposed easiness of the neck pill a myth?
How come Alpha D, the neck pro himself, is still a necklet?

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He went from 14 inches to 18 inches and then he got lazy with neck training

Do you have to train the neck like every other day? I've been doing it twice a week for 2 years and after the pump is gone it looks like any untrained necklet.

my gym has a neck machine that i use as a goof on back day or shoulder day or whenever i just want to leave
it has done nothing. im old now but without ever even considering using such a machine back in highschool when all i did was bench and squat, my neck was incredibly thick
i think it's a hormone thing like traps and a genetic thing like calves

Don't you get sleep apnea if you do it successfully? I could use the neckpill but I'd probably give up or get hurt the exercises all feel retarded.

you wouldnt get sleep apnea
that's the same line of thinking that has chicks not wanting to squat because they "don't want to get too bulky"
the only thing you need to worry about is using a neck machine that some greasy motherfucker just used and you get zits
or looking like a total asshole with straps rigged around your head

He usually has an incel face but he actually looks good in the left pic. He should smile more often.

Because they neckpill is for retards. If you natrally aren't born with a thick neck you'll never have one.
Even when I was 11 years old and skinny as fuck I could never button a polo or shirt all the way because my neck was too large, the neckpill is for coping small necked gymcels

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that's roids
regards, roids pro

I've been training neck like 5-6 weeks and gained 7-8mm so far. Don't listen to the tards

pics or didn't happen

I only gained 0.5" after years or neck training (after the pump is gone). Right after the neck workout, with the neck tilted back, measured at the widest, I get 17". But it's bullshit. Sure, the neck became stronger and more toned, but the actual circumference only gained half an inch after years! The neck isn't nearly face width. Also I'm a manlet and over 40.

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you are clearly a fucking retard necklet. I did a bunch of wrestler bridges in high school because I was on the wrestling team and I would frequently wake up in the middle of the night, not to mention now 20 years later now my disks are slipped because of this retarded meme.

>tries to wrestle
>breaks neck
>calls someone else a necklet
Lol. You did rightly point out that fighting is the only sure way to get neck gains though. And that you also have to not be a pussy or you'll break.

i would love for you to call me a pussy in person necklet incel. I would manhandle you and oilcheck you for hours on end. my neck issues didnt come from wrestling, they came from all these retarded neck excercises.

Igor PLS. Go back to Katze. Also your neck looks thicc.

You mean kohlchan? They are repulsive, degenerate, infantile queers. When you go to that board it's like you're suddenly in a mental hospital, it's quite literally repulsive.

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> can't build neck muscle and width.
You're wrong dude.

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> I would manhandle you and oilcheck you
Shit. My bad.
>for hours on end
Oh never mind, you're a faggot. Lol.

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anyone who talks about the "neck pill" doesn't actually have a big neck

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small dick energy

You're a fucking retard. Alex got lazy with the neck training and so his neck started to atrophy, he'd have a thick, bulldog neck if he kept with it.

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fat kid detected

probably because he realized that training your neck is retarded and not worth the consequences

What would be the consequences?

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Damn I'm 10 lbs heavier than 2012 GSP, at the same height, yet my neck is puny :(

did you not read the posts in this thread you fuckin retard. I had to get surgery on my c3 disc because of the neck excercises our brilliant and super alpha definately not compensating coach had us do. I also had trouble sleeping when my neck was more muscular but that has long gone.

>I had to get surgery on my c3 disc because of the neck excercises
Who's the retard then?

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Because you were doing bridges, dumbass.
What was your routine?

>oilcheck you for hours on end.
It takes you that long to find the prostate? Dude, you're even worse at being a faggot than you were at being a wrestler.

i did bridges for about a year until i straight up told my coach i wouldnt do them because of my trouble sleeping at night. Instead i decided to do weighted neck curls

It's been studied to increase with three difficult neck training sessions weekly

What a fucking idiot.



yea because its so hard to have "proper" form when you are being coached every day for a year. its definately my fault. the point is you are a retard and definately one of those virgin self improver faggots who thinks a wide neck will make him look alpha. You are a retard plain and simple. Enjoy looking like a thumb