I have spent basically every waking hour from the age 13 to now 27 in front of the computer...

I have spent basically every waking hour from the age 13 to now 27 in front of the computer, half laying down in my chair.
My back is FUCKED. I have essentially zero core muscles. I can maintain a plank for 2 seconds. I can't do a single fucking push up without my back flexing like a soft noodle.
I have looked at the guides, I have tried to maintain good postures but 5 minutes in and my back just starts aching and I go back to slouching.

Attached: 1559304783829.jpg (640x1259, 226K)

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Sleep with a pillow under your knees

neck hangs 1xfailure


get off the computer fatass
I had the same problem
Then I stopped using the computer all day and walked around instead and my back got stronger just from that, later I started doing core exercises (after losing shit ton of weight)
Everything can be fixed

I can't sleep on my back.

I'm skinnyfat. I have tried what you say but if I walk for 5 minutes or if I stand in line for 5 minutes my back starts aching and I just can't cope with the pain and it the pain only subsides when I start slouching again.

poor baby :(

I've always had a rounded upper back and nerd neck. The two things that've really helped me are bridges and hanging from a pull up bar.

have u considered kill ur self?

>they clicked on taxis to post this