But Vegans can't gain mu-

But Vegans can't gain mu-

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imagine how big he would be if he ate meat


Why don't vegans eat eggs?

scle without a shit load of roids
Post body op

Because the egg industry exploits chickens. Same with dairy.

He got that big before he became vegan not after. Also Roids are vegan


Any product that "harms" animals during its creation is evil in the eyes of vegans. Just ignore the countless small animals killed with rodent poisons on farms. PETA never made a propaganda video about those so they don't exist.

Not that much bigger, simple minded retards like you put too little emphasis on genetics

better yet
why don't vegans eat fucking BIVALVES?

Anyone else get random "spam" messages for no particular reason? Anyway, read pic related.

>he roids

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As a vegan I would not mind it if it was from someone who treated the chickens right. It's basically their period anyway (yes I'm oversimplifying!)

Because other vegans give you shit. Seriously, I've been eating mussels and oysters for a while now, just like a can of them smoked once or twice a week, and I feel fantastic. But tell another vegan and they go ape-shit and holier-than-thou. Can they rationally explain the problem of eating something without a CNS? Nope.

I don't get the milk abuses cows argument. Sure some companies propably have shit conditions, so just don't buy from them. Overall dairy cows are treated better than most pets.

Lol, just don't post spam and there's no problem retard. If you don't like it then go to another site.

Not my answer, the answer of basically everyone on /qa/ when I complained about this same thing, also on fit coincidentally.

But what constitutes "spam"? Like, what exactly was "wrong" with that post? Sometimes it's random, I mean I shitpost stupid crap all the time and that's never 'spam' but I try to give one half-serious answer and it's spam?

I was in an argument with one a while ago, and eventually I asked what if we genetically engineer chickens with no heads, Clone them, hook them up to a device than pumps food and air into it. She still wouldn't eat it because it's still animal abuse.

I’m sure there are vegans in here and I have a serious question; why don’t vegans eat honey? The survival of bees right now basically relies on people farming them.

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Another snake oil salesman. At least he is smart enough to exploit real vegans and their rapidly decaying health.

They can, it's just plant protein is horribly calorie inefficient and not as bio-available as meat. Enjoy all the extra cardio just so a few cows don't have to die.

Tren ace is vegan

Should have asked about lab-grown meat, some are against that too. It becomes an identify for a lot of people, a way of expressing themselves and feeling better than other people. Policing others is fulfilling for some. The whole 'animal rights' stuff is a distant second, if it even matters. Consider how easily some vegans switch to the polar opposite, the raw carnivore diet: as long as they can be judgemental assholes and think themselves better than everyone else, the specific diet is not that important.

See above. Also I'd agree that bees get mistreated sometimes, but where I'm from great care is taken about them and access to local beekepers is easy. So yes, I ate plenty of honey (and make mead too!) and so do most reasonable vegans I know. But of course, some keep quiet about it around other vegans for fear of policing.

>Because other vegans give you shit. Seriously, I've been eating mussels and oysters for a while now, just like a can of them smoked once or twice a week, and I feel fantastic. But tell another vegan and they go ape-shit and holier-than-thou. Can they rationally explain the problem of eating something without a CNS? Nope.

They can't, they just feel like they have something to prove by eating literally 0 animal content, like the "vegan badass" stereotypes you see online so much, they're mentally ill, pure and simple.
Even just adding something like mussels to their diets would provide them with a HUGE nutrient benefit, it would make their diets actually doable long term for starters due to the high quality easy to digest protein from mussels, it's huge mineral content, its enormous B12 content and omega 3 content, not to mention bivalves have metabolites of vitamin A, D and K that are not taken into consideration and provide even further nourishment.

fuck, just eating sweet potatos and mussels would give you optimal health, meanwhile pure vegans need to fu cking supplement with B12 and DHA and fucking zinc and iron and protein and vitamin D3 and K2, jesus christ.

Exactly, I can't say how much it fucking bothers me and I've been waging a personal fucking crusade on vegan sites (reddit, obviously) trying to convince people. Literally just add one non-plant thing to your diet, a brain-less animal that can't feel pain and that is suitainable to grow (more so than a lot of veggies) and BOOM, you've solved ALL the problems of the vegan diet. What you say is spot on, it has EVERYTHING a vegan tends to lack (they have zinc too!). If nothing else, it would let you 'sell' the vegan diet to others much much easier. And 10%+ of people being vegans eating a serving of musslels once a week is better than just 2% of 'perfect' vegans, right? More animals saved? Wrong. If you're not perfect you're a murderer. Fucking vegans man... meat-eaters are annoyed with vegans at most, but it takes an actual vegan to truly hate them.

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Trips of truth.

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seriously? who gives a fuck about chickens or cows? they're animals we should exploit them. they get to live for a while.
we exploit cats and dogs for love (happens to be they get love out of it as well a lot of times)

>we exploit cats and dogs for love
Are you one of those edgelords who thinks every human relationship is actually a market exchange as well?

I'm just interested in his cycle

Some vegans don't consume animal cholesterol for health reasons.

anyone can grow big as a fucking house while eating like a total slob too if theyre on steroids to make up for what you cant do naturally

vegans just getting dumber n dumber by the day