The Virgin A and AB

>The Virgin A and AB
>The Chad B and O

Are you a virgin or a chad Jow Forums?

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I have no idea. Don't think I can find it anywhere without going to the doctor

B- bitch reporting. Still a virgin.

They will tell you if you donate blood. I bought a blood testing kit for $10 off eBay, worked well.

Fuck, my father's B, my mother A.

A blood type, Aquarius, ENTP;
Was the game rigged from the start ?

My mother's O. I don't know about the others. If I had to guess by the descriptions, I'd say my father's A, my brother's B or O and I'm AB or A, but that would make no sense, unless there was cheating, mutations or something involved.

Well this is a just a load of shit

I'm a virgin sadly but wouldn't dare be a chad

>t. AB turbo autist

Don't care. I'm not gonna donate blood and if I ever need a blood transfusion I'd rather die.

will never donate blood due to this

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Sorry m8 I am chad O

Why the fuck does everyone on this shitty site belive in this nonsense.
This and the mbti. Why not just compare zodiac signs while you're at it.

Chill, it's just a meaningless thread for anons to feel better or worse about their blood type. Were you born with the virgin blood type btw?

I'm O+ but I'm aloof and unmotivated af
What the fuck is this chart?

B+ aka the Be positive reporting in
how does it feel to be in the presence of the most chad blood type

Have you tried using your blood to summon stacies?

yea, but I only end up getting succubi unfortunately

>What the fuck is this chart?
Well, it's clearly a scientifically accurate chart made to classify your personality based on your blood type.

>chad BO
Makes sense

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>the virgin AB+ universal recipient vs the Chad O- universal donor

AB+ is the NEET blood type.

>can't donate because asthma bronchiale

You know the funny thing is nips actually believe this shit and ive been discriminated based on it. Pretty funny desu.

O+ and still a virgin

O+ here, apparently the most common blood type.

Am I a normie?

why is A and O in the matches twice?