Daily reminder that your future girlfriend is not a virgin and has taken multiple dicks in her pussy and mouth and...

daily reminder that your future girlfriend is not a virgin and has taken multiple dicks in her pussy and mouth and probably ass too

how can you live with it bros?


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The thought of my future wife being a whore used to revolt me, and it still does. But honestly I'd be so happy any women no matter how much of a slut would take me for who I am. I'm not perfect, I do anything to try feeling good, who am I to judge her for taking what she's been given on a silver plate. With that said, I'd never allow her to kiss our children if she sucked dick before.

>any women no matter how much of a slut would take me for who I am
sluts are never a good wife material user, they are a public property, she wouldn't stay with your for long, they crave for a new cock every day

do we have any other choice?

I'm not okay with it and I never will be.

At this point I don't really care about the relationship or bond between us, I just want a reasonable woman who will be a good mother to our children.
I've abandoned the romantic ideals I used to hold, the relationship between us would be mostly utilitarian.

When she gets a good taste of my dick she'll forget about all of those men for good.

No one ever forgets who they lost their virginity to.

>your future girlfriend
>not a virgin
>how can you live with it bros?
By not giving the diamond.

I used to hand wave the notion of getting involved with someone romantically as me trying to work on myself first, so I don't just throw someone into a potential shitstorm of emotions
But after years of trying, I have given up, and decided I will never have a girlfriend, as I was never born fit to be loved, or to love.
So I got lucky fuckers! HA!

>Romantic ideals

All women are hoes and pure trash
We fuck and abuse them
Sometimes to fuck a roastie for a long time you have to pretend you are "in love" making her believe you have plans together for the future and you are a top provider... then you get her as your temporary property to fuck her until you get tired of the thot and she either leaves or you dump her

Stop believing the disney meme of romantic "love" and bonding forever, because that shit is pure delusional

Ehh I'm not too bothered (that's if I get a gf) it just means she can take charge

I can take it or leave it. I don't care what she's done with anyone else so long as she'll do things with me.

It's the idea of commitment that scares me, at this point in my life. Being with anyone for a long period of time is a horrifying proposition.

I used to worry about that when I was young and naif
Now I just fuck any woman I can and to get it to last more I said "I never felt like I feel you with you, is like we are connected, I love you" and more stupid lies that roastie always believe in the hopes to find a permanent beta cuck provider, when they finally realize it was all bullshit they leave me and I do it again

The only way I would marry would be with a virginal khhv teen cutie, chances are slim to none

Thanks god i was the one taking my girlfriend's virginity

Never had sex with my ex cause she was too afraid but I dick put my cock in her mouth and throat every day. So now I can smirk at the fact whoever else she meets will kiss those cum smeared lips and tongue I left her with. I'd make her keep my cum in her mouth for ten mins before swallowing haha so I at least mark my territory.
To her I say good luck finding anyone else who can put up with your superglue sealed clam.

ikr, it makes me happy to see know ive claimed at least one

I've fucked five virgins in my 23 years. How does it feel to know one of your future wives got deflowered by a dude who's in the same situation as you.

Only one choice then...

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It makes me feel like I'm still an incel in essence, all of my claims about women being whores are validated, and Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong.

What makes people think that when people have had dicks inside them, they are forever impure? Do you honestly believe that there's no way to wash out someone's mouth?
Your dick has undoubtedly touched your hand before, even if not by masturbation, then surely by pissing. Does that mean you (and literally all men who have pissed before) should never be allowed to touch anyone?
>Inb4 you argued with me so you're a woman!!

Touching your own private parts is completely different from touching someone else you fucking imbecile

I'm eagerly awaiting her.
>tfw no slutty gf that will tease me about how she's had bigger dicks

I might not be her first, but I can be her last.