>open up steam
>someone messages me
>'wow you're always online'
Open up steam
How can I afford being neet without starving?
Live with grandparents like me.
My family's dead
why do so many people keep asking this? It's not some big secret. You apply for Universal Credit or whatever exists in your country then pretend to be applying for jobs or get a doctors note to sign off for 'disability'. And you probably won't get enough to rent so you'd better have liberal parents who don't care about you leeching off them. I got 250gbp a month for 'job seeking' which was enough to buy weed and go to the pub but not much else. I eventually just got a job. Honestly being a NEET isn't that great, you have zero direction or purpose. Playing vidya and going for walks alone gets absolutely soul crushing after a couple of years
I never make friends in a job. I had no direction when working. I guess but I was born to be neet.
>have steam
>don`t have money for games
>not always invisible
What is wrong with people? This used to be something everybody knew to do.
Staying invisible means you actually care about what people think about you. That's some high maintenance cuck mentality. Just be yourself, bruh. It's worked for me. 33hkhv.
to do it properly you do need to work for awhile first. Buy some rental property, keep your expenses low, and you'll get there