BiStolfo edition.
Which one I do first? Bulk or lift weights?
/QTDDTOT/ Questions that don't deserve their own thread
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Gay nigga edition
I'm skinnyfat and I'm trying to lose weight, at what BMI and body fat should I stop?
twink astolfo > trap astolfo
Wrong question: Bulk while lifting and lose while lifting
Answer my question, nigga
Should I take it as an absolute beginner, or maybe later when I already built up some strenght?
Also, does it really causes hair loss?
>Which one I do first? Bulk or lift weights?
Assuming you're new to lifting, first you cut and start lifting to avoid being an SS victim. Then after you lost your gut and have reasonable 14-20% bf you can start bulking while lifting. Unless you're on steroids heavy bulking is a meme. Never eat more than your (maintenance * 1.5) . If yo reach 25% bf it means you HAVE to cut to avoid stretch marks and looking like a fat fuck.
I'm skinny so I probably have already proper BF ranges if I'm not mistaken?
What's a good exercise I can do without a gym to develop rear delts?
just jerked off before a workout. a mistake, i know. how long should i wait before working out?
You may take creatine whenever you want.
No it does not cause hair loss, your genetics does.
I want to go to the gym at least 6 days a week, and my current routine (5 way split) sucks. Shouldn't do heavy squats or deadlifts because my back is fucked. Suggestions?
Be patient you alabama poop nigger, theres already a qtddtot thread up. Wait till it's archived and then you can make yours you dumb fucking faggot.
what are good workouts for abs, and what are good meal plans to go along with it?
Is it fine to exercise on 2-consecutive days? My work involves staying at the hospital for 2 days so I can't workout every other day. Currently doing SS.
you might need to modify your workout plan so your muscles can recover, but yeah working out two days in a row is fine
Is there any adverse affects to drinking too many bcaas? Ill drink atleast 3 scoops a day whether while training or when i want to spike my water or as a energy drink alternative. I take ghost limeade bcaa if it matters
Being 100% srs here - do you have to train abs to get solid, good looking abs? Or is it just a case of having a lot of overall muscle at low body fat? And if its the former, what exercises shall I do?
Does cocaine count as cardio?
Does biking to work (~1h/day) count as cardio?
>destroyed my upper back with OHP two days ago
>still sore af
>today is deadlift day
Help Jow Forums. I already took some anti-inflammatory pills but what else can I do?
How do you guys work through plateus? I've stalled on my squat at 235 & have been stuck there for around a month with 2 deloads.
Should I be taking my protein shakes even on my off days or would that just be a waste of nutrients? I have a feeling that you should so your muscles can recover faster or just to maintain them.
If im still to fat and weak after going down to 90 kg from 150kg at 190cm to do pullups and dips should i just keep loosing weight until i can do them without feeling like my arms are gonna get ripped off? Or am i doing something wrong?
To get solid, good looking abs? Yes. Athlean X has a good 7 minute workout. imo you don't need to do anything crazy for abs, but working them 2 to 3 times a week has definitely brought out mine more. (I do a 15 minute routine from a 90s VHS tape, kek)
>Does cocaine count as cardio?
>Does biking to work (~1h/day) count as cardio?
Foam rolling would probably be the easiest aid to get.
If you can complete a set of the new weight just take a longer break. 5-10 minutes isn't unusual. Otherwise up the frequency (more sets), People say pause squats also help. Don't forget to keep eating. (Personally I always just do 2 or 3 additional sets with some extra rest time.)
Take them if you need them to hit your daily protein amount. Protein synthesis lasts about 24-48 hours.
Went down from 100kg to 85kg @195cm and couldn't do pullups. I Just kept doing negatives + lat pulldowns while bulking until I could do 3 in a row. Which was around 87kg (about 6 weeks after starting the bulk). After that it's a lot easier to become better at them.
>doubled pushup quota
>smashed cardio test
>humiliated myself with low situp count
Feels horrible man. What are some good abdominal exercises?
Is it normal to gain weight in spurts? Seemingly gained 1kg within 1 week after not gaining anything for 2 weeks with roughly the same caloric amount.
Is there a generic version of diferin gel that you can get over the counter (the 0.1% version). I know that there are generic versions of the prescription one.
what am I deficient in if my skin changes from dry and flaky in winter to smooth and tight in summer?
My right elbow is fucked up in a weird way, I can still lift but for some reason the movement of doing a facepull really sets it off. Is there an alternate to the facepull I can do?
What does Jow Forums do when they're just not feeling it?
Was pretty down due to some personal stuff last night, slept like shit, woke up feeling like shit. Hit my main lift this morning (squat) and then dragged ass through the rest of my workout.
How do you motivate yourself when you're having a rough day?
Why would you bulk without lifting weights?
Sexual question
How the fuck do I get hard again after cumming once?
I dunno, lifting for me is escapism from all my personal problems. Lifting is selfish in a good way, it lets you focus on you.
if i microwave some rice and stick it in the fridge for a few days, then eat it cold will it make me sick?
Just rest for a week. If you feel like shit and have no fun, you shouldn't force yourself. Take time to recover and the next time you go, it will be fun again.
what are the purposes of zottman curls?
are they a regular curl with some forearm curl but instead of hitting the brachialis like the hammer curls they hit the long head like a regular curl?
whats a good cheap way to get my protein intake skinnyfat cutting from 165lb 5'10 heres my diet
3 eggs
1 cup oatmeal
a slice of toast
peanut butter sandwich
1cup rice
3-4 beef cubes
.25 cup of beans
TDEE is 1700 calories and am sendantry lifting 4x a week live at home 19 years old
So I'm having gallbladder issues and don't want to lose my gains.
I'm eating much less and much blander food. I'm going to try doing CRB for dinner all the time to hopefully not lose too much mass. I'm just eating less meals and less food overall.
What do I do though? When I work out I'm in a lot of pain and have to go lighter.
I've been working since Feburary for my summer body, I finally felt like I was making it...I don't want to lose out on all of that over fucking health complications.
What do I do Jow Forums?
Does anyone have an infographic about bodyweight exercise progression, its pretty old it was a bald guy and it was about the basic stuff, pushups, pullups, squats, etc.
look up "the refractory period". Guys have different periods of time it takes to get hard again (let alone ready to fuck) and sometimes a guy can only fuck to completion once a day, while some guys can cum 6 times in a row. Entirely depends on your genetics and there's not much you can do to change it. I personally can only fuck to completion twice a day and I need a cool down period of like an hour minimum unless I've been dry and haven't masturbated for like a week.
BCAAs are pricey so all you're doing is wasting money. Get some store-brand emergen-c or zero calorie flavor drops if you just need a drink.
unironically sit ups. Decline weighted sit ups are good, hanging leg/knee raises, laying leg raises, and the ab crunch if your body doesn't get mangled in the machine like mine does.
Weight fluctuation is pretty normal, it can change for a variety of reasons on a day-to-day basis. Water weight, food/drink still digesting, waste sitting around, etc.
a shit session is still better than no session. if you're really just out of it skip a day and pick it up tomorrow.
honestly it's just curls. there's a dozen different methods so just do the one you like.
Protein powder is dirt-cheap from certain store. If you're really poor grab a 5kg bag from My Protein, it's only like 40 cents a scoop. Outside of that if you have really limited calories get rid of all the excess carbs (bread, rice, oatmeal) and replace it with something with more protein.
also what is your goal here? Gain muscle or lose fat? 1700 cal seems awfully low for someone who is basically an adult. Are you short? What's your height and weight?
Sorry to hear that user, but this is a question for a doctor and not a asian hackeysack board
Will eating vegetables under 50kcal break my fast
Am I bending too far back on this overhead press?
Should I do SL 5x5 if I only have a pairs of 15 lb and 20 lb dumbbells? If not, what should I do?
t. no license so gym membership is a no-go
Should I still do weight training in the middle of a fast? (won't eat for another 36 hours)
Do that and also add maybe 3x8 variations and work on getting a proper gym
No you shouldnt fasting itself is stupid way to lose weight imo unless youre wanting to make a compeition. But no you shouldnt lift while fasting.
You can't do SL5X5 without a barbell. How will you increase the weight?
Everytime I do my db benches I feel some slight doms around these areas in pic related. Does that mean I am benching wrong? I try to keep my shoulder blades down and back when I do it. I am just not sure if I should be feeling doms in other parts of my chest.
After a several month break from consistent lifting, when can I expect to be back at where I was when I stopped?
>inb4 fasting defense brigade
>durr traps burr
Stop feeding trannies their mental illnesses, traps are just trannies without tits
that is basically the only place i get sore from bench aswell. Im pretty sure its normal but i have no idea how to target the inner part more..
what's the point of adding the bar to my lift numbers if im just going to be using the same one every time?
Which is the superior curl, Barbell, dumbbell or cable?
That's what trannies want you to believe.
Do actually have to train abs directly when my training consists entirely of compound movements?
Is it really genetic? I'm male and I thought we were all basically the same on this subject. Pretty much as soon as my penis stops being way too sensitive I can get erect again. I don't even need to look at anything, I can just imagine erotic situations and I'll get erect. I have to masturbate a minimum of twice a day, once in the morning so that I can concentrate at work, and once before I go to bed otherwise I will get too hard thinking about sex to sleep. I once did it six times a day to see if I could, I could probably go 8-10 maybe even more depending on whether I felt like it was important to get a high number. If for some strange reason I was being paid a good amount of money I'm confident I could do it way more than that.
I'm having a serious problem. It began when I restarted bench pressing after a few months break. Now when I get to my second or third set my left elbow starts hurting and I have to stop. It's always the left side, and it's always a sudden pain. Not like a soreness, more like a dull ache right in the joint. Does anyone have any idea whatsoever why this is happening? I was lifting for about six months before my break, heavier weights, with no such problem.
Not that user but it's different for everybody.
I can keep beating my meat even after I came but can only maintain a semi-flacid boner for the next 15 minutes or so.
Looks good to me
Can I get a good calisthenics routine boys?
Why does my front look ok but my back makes me look like a fat ass? Am I simply not working my back enough? I do weighted pull ups and some standing db rows but I guess that I no where enough to get a more defined back? I guess pull ups only work your lats and not anything else
Work your delts
Yeah there is a lot I need to work on. My rear delts especially. Also I guess squatting should help me get a better looking back no? Maybe not directly.
Can I one-time sub in sumo diddly for highbar squats? I got leg day tomorrow and fucked my knee up on some metal corner i bonked into. I don't want to risk breaking form and fucking it up even more while squatting, so I've been thinking of subbing in sumo for compound leg excercise just for once.
How many grams of protein can your body absorb from one meal?
Conditioner OK to use every day? I only wash every other?
im trying to lean bulk, im 175cm, 63kg and eating 2200cals on rest days and 2400cals on lift days, i work out on non-consecutive days, so one day on, one day off. do these calories sound good for a lean bulk?
oh and im 19
Hey guys what's up. Gonna be posting this everywhere I can until I get the answers.
Been on Jow Forums for several years now, too long essentially.
So here are my stats, Male, 5'10", ~~185 lbs. 25 years. I know a good amount about fitness, but I've never cut before, and it's getting out of hand. Clothes ain't fitting right n shit, even though they've been fitting for the last 3 years. Was in best shape when I was 21.
Never cut before, wanted some specific answers. Gonna be probably doing CI CO most likely, we'll see because i HATE feeling hunger.
What exactly is intermittent Fasting? Is that like the thing where you eat whatever but only between noon and 3?
What the fuck is carb loading?
What's a good, reliable source of measuring my TDEE? Websites n such.
Prob gonna cut until October at the lastest, 155 lbs. is goal, we'll see along the way.
Lastly, workout even when sore? Better to wait a day?
Need to make some sort of timetable for food and how much I will be lifting ect, can anyone recommend me an app or something? thanks.
Also before lifting is going 80% of the weight before the 100% good enough? or should I lower it more, can't be bothered doing 50% 75% then 100% like I read.
how can someone achieve exactly this body
seriously how
be 5'6 with high metabolism
by not lifting weights
How do I know where to stop pushing myself with a linear progression to avoid injury?
I started SL 5x5 and I feel like I have decent reserves of strength in my major muscles left, but my stabilizing muscles and joints are feeling really iffy on some of the exercises recently. I want to keep pushing myself while I'm still progressing linearly, but I don't want to injure myself.
How many warmup sets should I do before doing the main sets of the lift?
How the FUCK am I supposed to eat 3500 calories a day?
what are good foods to eat between main meals? that are high in calories
Is it normal to bruise my shoulders from having the bar on my back when squatting? It's just so uncomfortable having the bar on my back
I only recently started going to a gym, following some group lessons which is a lot of fun but I have a lot to catch up to, I didn't realize how weak I had become so that was a bit of a shock and the aching muscles made walking almost impossible for 2 days afterwards. Should I just slow down a bit or keep going and things'll sort themselves out?
The problem is, I feel tired pretty quickly but the pain only comes the day after so I find it hard to decide when I'm really at my limit.
Oh and what are some exercises I could do at home for my posture, I have a pretty bad hunchback that I'd like to pay a bit more attention to.
I don't know the science myself. This is mostly pure guesswork.
So when you're sore, that's the muscles actually being hurt from the workout you did. They need time to heal. Healing is different for everyone, not only that, is affected by diet and rest and even your fucking mood.
I would say MINIMIUM 24 hours between stressing Muscle group X. 48 hours is better, but maybe progress would be super gay. I doln't know man. I want to know this myself.
Furthermore, when you get more Jow Forums you start feeling the burn less and less. Eventually, you can work out your legs till they feel like they're wet noodles. Next day is fine. It's frustrating.
I guess since you're a noob, 48 hours in between workouts per muscle group.
Eventually you will be able to manage 24.
>exercfises at home....
Why? no access to gym? I would suggest something, but I need to nkw what you have acacesss to.
Weights? Pullup bar?
Do minerals like zinc build up in the body or just get pissed out every day? For example, the RDA for zinc is 11mg, which is a 5oz steak. Let's say I eat a 10oz steak every 2 days. Am I good? or Am i zinc deficient 1 day, and zinc excessive the next?
just watch some strong guy warm up for a heavy 1 rep max deadlift or squat or snatch.
for example clarence kennedy or larry wheels.
if you do some crossfitt, martial arts, cardio, endurance, flexibility stuff, you need a kind of different warm up
Thanks user.
By exercses at home, I just meant things I can do before bed, maybe every day and on days I can't access a gym.
I don't have anything at home when it comes to gym equipment.
As for the exercise itself, my plan was to follow lessons three times a week but since I was so sore from the first time I've stepped it down a bit to once a week until things get a bit better and my body doesn't feel broken.
more than you can consume
I'm starting to feel some sensation in my knees constantly, mostly my right one. It's not really a sharp pain or painful at all.
It started once I hit 2pl8. Should I be concerned.
what type of sensation
That is the cocobrachialis nigga. It's a whole other muscle group near the pectoralis major and minor. It's s smaller and much weaker then the pecs so you should expect more DOMs there especially for the first few months you bench.
you rolled your shoulders forward in the backside pic.
Take a pic of your back with scapula retraction+depression. and try to push your chest forward and up, turn your wrists out. Pic related will help you understand the position I am talking about.
Also I think your pants are lower in the frontside pic. If you were to pull them up, your torso would look shorter and thus fatter.
you are good. your body knows how to manage it's resources. The only deficiency you can develop in a day is water and air deficiency.
Microelements take a lot of time to get depleted. I am going to guess a minimum of 2-4 weeks of not getting a microoelement might make you deficient, depending on your stores and the metabolism of the individual microelement.
I see what you are saying. It does look marginally better but there are still weird creases and shit on my back it makes no sense. I think I need to start dead lifting to work on my back more as I usually only squat. That and weighted chin ups I hear is also good.
Can I do bent over rows with the EZ bar instead of the Olympic bar? It feels much more comfy
What is the absolute fastest way I could shed water weight in a day? 2 days? Need to make sure my clothes fit really nice for an event.
is it TRUE or is it a LIE that whose have good genetics,or control their genetics, can become musced without training?
greg kovacs lifted 190 kilos the first time he ever bench pressed
Just do a quick 24-48 fast. 3-5lbs of water weight down instantly. Probably won't effect your clothes' fit, though.
How do you break a plateau ? Currently trapped at 195 bench and can’t seem to get beyond it.
okay illt ry protein powder also yes im sedantry if u read the post I said that so I dont burn muh callories and im cutting as well so its 1lb lost a week from skinnyfat