What would be your 3 Jow Forums related wishes?
What would be your 3 Jow Forums related wishes?
I want to go back in time to being 18 so I can follow a proper program from then instead of pissing about for years, I’d also like natty test levels equivalent to cruising on 500mg test-e
The concept of wishes makes no sense. I remember being a little kid and my autism always ruined interactions with other kids. They would ask "what would you wish if...", and i'd answer "i would wish that i can make unlimited wishes". And then those fuckers would say thats not allowed, so i'd be like "well then id wish that i would be a wizard that can conjure everything i want", and they would again say its not allowed. So i would just say well then fuck you and your dumb concept of wishes.
My point is. A wish creates a problem in reality. Why wouldn't you be able to wish for unlimited wishes or magical powers? If you start making up these artificial rules then you negate the entire concept of wishes.
I'd want the means, motivation, and ability to become the strongest person on earth. I have absolutely no discipline so my gains have been mediocre at best
1. a gf
2. 1000 dollars
3. a home gym
Cause it’s a setup for a simple mind game. Of course if you fucking overthink it it ruins the fun.
You strike me as someone who talks to the TV as if the characters can hear him.
This comment is so weird if you think about it. You claim to have no motivation or discipline at all to obtain these goals, and yet you are willing to sacrifice 3 fucking wishes for it? Do you have any idea how huge that sacrifice is? What you could have wished for? Think about this for a moment user. If you truly are willing to sacrifice those wishes then your motivation might be a lot stronger then you think.
1. steal this guys gf
2. $2000
3. live inside a gym
1. make waifus real
2. endless supply of beef
3. immunity from lifting related injuries.
I dont see how your comment makes sense. Isnt some who thinks tv character can hear him the complete opposite of an autist that over thinks things?
This actually makes a lot of sense, thanks user
Steal this guys wished items
Fully equipped home gym
Fully prepared delicious and nutritious meals
Steroids with no side effects
>If you start making up these artificial rules
or he's retarded
>be a pretty girl
>never age (or get cancer etc)
>master any skill instantly
this but swap the last one for top tier athlete genetics
lmao is this a joke
>you seem to overthink things
>proves the point
at least you're being honest user, but jesus christ must you be a boring person
just play along and tell us your 3 wishes
we don't want you to give us an answer to why human beings like play games from an evolutionary standpoint
>genie genie make me 7'3" because every other height is teeny
>genie genie change my genes give me the biggest peepee with blond hair fair skin and blue see sees.
>genie genie for my final command let me be born again in the land of japan no stacies no beckies only sumimasens and senpai sans
>unlimited endurance
>unlimited strength
>no need for caloric or fluid intake ever, essentially function without food and water
8% bf
Be 260 pounds
Lungs don’t need cardio to make gains
I’m the perfect human being after this
So your ideal body is unironically pic related
>I wish I never existed
>level up nonexistant cardio
>bigger quads
>fit waifu
This is why we need bullying.
I wish Robin was still genie
1. unlimited super roidlike instant recovery ability so I can just keep on hammering those PRs ever workout
2. Wolwerine like regeneration so i can't age or die of natural causes leaving me to live as 27 years old for the rest of my life
3. Yeah basically just the whole Jow Forums related superhero fitness package that deadpool and wolwerine have going on
>be able to do a planche for 5 hours straight
>free sea food for the rest of my life
>my phone to able to switch to the songs I want, without me needing to pull it out and change it
>confidence boost to tell girls whatever I feel like
>tendons and soft tissues of steel so I can push myself further
>stronger mind, better focus, better fear management
I'm working on all these things but would appreciate a boost, thanks based blue will smith.
>Steal your wishes
>Ask the geny to stop being a nigger so he won 't comply with unethical wishes anymore.
1. face
2. frame
3. height
I will be very specific with my wishes so the genie cannot fuck with my wishes.
> 1. I wish for the ability to never age or develop illnesses,diseases, conditions, or defects related to age and be stuck in my biological peak at all times while maintaining a proper circadian rhythm, a body weight of 220lbs at about 10% to 15% body fat and optimal health and physical condition for any and all activities this includes endurance, strength, power or agility related activities and high test and dht levels, think wolverine healing/age powers but better.
> 2. I wish for all systems of my body to be improved at least 1000 times there natural ability with no clear upper limit in how far I can push my limits. This includes strength and power generated by muscles, the durability of my bones the strength of my tendons, the efficiency of my lungs, my bodies ability to utilize any and all nutrients given to it, my reflexes, my ability to process sensory information, skin toughness, speed, etc.
> 3. I would wish for another genie, but if he said no to that, I would wish for a container about the size of a thermos or a Tupperware that could fill with any food or drink I would desire as much as I desired and then would magically empty and clean itself, also I could never lose this container as it would simply appear and disappear in my hands at will.
Do you have autism? You ask people what they wish in because you'd like to know what they desire, and tell them what it is you want for yourself. Not to hear some sperg analogy about wishes.
>Wish for the gym to be 5 minutes from my home
>Wish for the equipment I want to always be free
>Wish for every workout to contribute effectively and visibly to my progress
1. everything anyone in this thread wished for
2. a big dick
3. 100 more wishes
1. Infinite genies
>no more kikes
>no more niggers
>no more "journalists"
1. High test
2. BF% always under 14%
3. No gyno
T-thanks Mr. William
hey fuck you buddy
1. 9' tall
2. 700 lb
3. 10% bf
1. Undo every wish ITT
2. A life-time's supply of whole milk
3. To set the genie free
>free yuka and make her my gf
>that's all
>tfw no yandere gf
Why even live?
7% body fat
and I want to be able to run a 40 yard dash in 5 seconds.
Not sure if autist, but you sure seem retarded. Most people think the same as (you), but they shut the fuck up because that's not what that game is about. When people ask what would you wish for is to know about your interests/motivations/personality, not to know the most optimal answer to that question
No fuck you leather man
Stop posting
1. Never snap
2. Significantly higher test
3. A gf
No (:
>zyzz body
>zyzz face
>immunity to heart attacks
>never lose gains
>never age
>always be healthy
Fat reduction around my thighs/ass
Always in my prime physically
Junk food disappears into a void once it passes my throat
1. No need to sleep
2. No need to eat
3. No need to exist
1 - for my son to make good gains, get a qt3.14 blonde blue eyed wife like I did, and avoid thots and #metoo
2 - a higher natty limit for myself
3 - for everyone posting in this thread to make it
1.Kyriakos Grizzly going on a cut
r u okay user
1.) go back in time to the age of 13 with my current knowledge. That way I can start training early on and eat quality foods instead of being a fat fuck. Semi Jow Forums related but I would also socialize and develop social skills/date from that age so I don’t end up a 24 year old autist.
2.)I want natty test levels equivalent of cruising 500mg test-e
3.)I wish to gain immortality, the kind where I heal from all injuries and do not age.
Having the ability to stop time when I am sleep so I can work out, sleep properly, cook properly, have free time and work.
just be yourself bro
All non-whites exterminated (leaving the planet completely open for everyone)
All white with IQ under 105 exterminated
All white women who've race traited, even if IQ over 105, exterminated
>To Bring Zyzz back
>To Make It Brah
>To be a fucking sick cunt
Based humble wisher
>To be 6ft 2in instead of 5ft 11in
>to be full otter mode
[spoiler]to not be black[spolier]
1- the phrase "stuck" and "220 lbs" would imply that you can never gain weight, which also means that your body would only and forever be at maintenance and immediately process anything you eat, therefore, you could never physically eat or drink a combined 1lb of anything before you immediately and violently shit or vomit
2-improving your muscle capacity 1000 times or any other system will stop your heart and your brain will surely melt into instant madness from being 1000 times more capable than it's natural limit, if hearing everyone within twelve miles screaming into your ear every time they breathe doesn't do the job for you. Remember, your first wish only protects against natural or age-induced conditions. Not against complete overload. This degree of power is easily misconstrued
3-you're asking for a wormhole in your pocket. Bad idea.
Talking to a genie is like talking to the cops, you don't make any wishes at all. You just go about your business in silence until they fuck off. Your life is fine the way it is and if we're talking some twilight zone shit where parameters must be met to perfection you will only fuck up any wish you give
>be swimmer twink mode no matter how much I eat or how little I work out
>To have an attractive face
>to have a personality that people enjoy instead of one that drives all my friends away
>wish away my diabetes
>thicker head of hair that will never thin
>Arnie proportions
Why would you change your skin color? Don't let the memes of Jow Forums get to you
Wishing for more wishes is not allowed, but you can wish to become an all powerful sorcerer. I mean this is literally how it goes in Aladdin. You can even wish to become a genie.
>house with home gym
>chest and back acne gone forever
>perfect form and injury free lifts every rep
If I had the powers of Wolverine, would that lead to fast gains?
Agree 100%
1) Never get injured from lifting, if the weight is too much or my form is terrible a little voice pops up and says "That's gonna be a no from me dawg"
2) The ability to hear any music I want whilst in the gym without any background noise or the need for headphones/earphones. The thought of lifting to "Girl From Ipanema" whilst in a busy gym seems so relaxing. If someone tries to talk to me then like a radio DJ a voice will but into the song whilst still playing it quietly saying "And we've got Wendy on line 1"
3) I can choose one day every 3 months where I can gorge myself for a full 24 hours without the calories or nutrients affecting my body whatsoever. I could eat 16 servings of sticky toffee pudding without gaining weight or having the excess sugar affecting me.
I love you user. It disappoints me that nobody wished for everybody to make it before you did.
1. To be able bench 2 plates
2. To be able talk to girl
3. Honda civic
>t. IQ is 105
You’d have a severe shortage of low skill laborers.
Same, but I'd kill all men who've race traited as well. You didn't say it, so I guess you've fucked at least a chink or latina (if that's the case you should go to the oven as well)
There isn't a single low skill job which can't be replaced by a an automated process or a robot
>race traited
I see you will be killing yourself.
Fit related wishes
>1) make me a saiyan.
I want to start at the bottom with power level of a human, but as a saiyan. Through training and sheer willpower increase power. Saiyan's ability to recover and grow stronger is insane. Also they can fuck human bitches and are genetically compatible.
>2) perfect health, perfect immune system, and ability for DNA to replicate perfectly at prime/peak age.
Basically wishing for genetic/biological immortality. Cannot die from health related issues or age but can still die (though..being a saiyan would make this difficult)
>3) wolverine's healing factor/mutant power
Imagine going to gym and each rep you do immediately makes you stronger. All muscle tears repair in seconds and give you stronger lift on next set.
The only limit to your strength is how much you can eat.
Reminder: the amount of uranium that actually underwent fission reaction during Hiroshima was 7/10th of a gram, less than the weight of a dollar bill. The rest blew apart. Imagine if you could convert your food/muscle energy reserves into pure energy.
>pic related my gf
>steroid like gains for life
>invulnerability to snapcity
Fix past injuries
Prevent new ones
Unlimited wild salmon supply
>injuries are in your head for the most part
>don’t lift with your ego
>stop eating farmed fish
1. Wrestling Aniki in heaven