How are people skinny I do not understand it

how are people skinny I do not understand it

like wtf I have to try so hard just exercising starving dieting exercising and go nowhere and these brain dead hot ass chicks make it look so fucking easy

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Stop posting this fucking thread

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>tfw crohn's
>tfw no matter how much you feel like you've eaten at the end of a meal you put on no fat because you have shitty bowels that straight up shit out what you eat

how are people fat I do not understand

like wtf you literally don't have to do anything like just don't eat lmao what's so hard about it just lock yourself up in your room it's so fucking easy

Skinny people don't eat, or eat just junk.

It’s genetics some people are meant to be happy and others are not

>It’s genetics
nah, it's calories in calories out

Your body and your mind gets use to patterns of behavior. I used to be a fatty. Now I'm not quite Jow Forums but better than a dad bod. It takes me close an hour to eat my one 1300 calorie meal for the day. Not hungry the rest of the day. That would have been unimaginable a year ago. I could work down a whole delivery pizza for dinner and still snack until I went to bed. Then he starving in the morning. Your body will adjust. Your brain will adjust. You just have to put in the effort to get there. Now it's easy.

stope replying to shit threads without using sage

I kinda think you are born or raised or something with an appetite or behavior I cant stop fucking eating and I feel like shit if I dont eat but my friends can just stare at food and not even care

Because it is easy. You're just a pig.

how are people fat I do not understand it

like wtf I have to try so hard just eating eating eating eating and go nowhere and these brap hog slam pig chicks make it look so fucking easy

>nah, it’s not genetics

what do people even mean when they say "calories in calories out"? that everyone's body stores/releases energy in exactly the same way or what?

How does it feel to have the self control of a literal animal?

It just means eat less u fatso. Fat doesn't magically appear out of thin air. You eat more then you burn you'll get fat.

Even less than an animal. Animals just eat what they need and they're done. Ever encountered a fat animal in nature?

No numbskull. It means weight gained/loss depends on the calories that you eat ("calories in") and the calories that you burn ("calories out").

Weight Change = calories in - calories out

If "calories in" is higher than "calories out" you will gain weight. Whether it be fat or muscle.

Stop being a whiny hall monitor.

and how exactly does this mean it's "not genetics"?

>You eat more then you burn you'll get fat.
I've been 5'7" 135 and 240

It is entirely what you eat and how much you exercise.

>It is entirely what you eat and how much you exercise.
and, let me guess, not at all to do with genetics? anyone who's 5'7" can go between 135 and 240 as long as they do exactly what you did?

Show me a single holocaust subject that stayed fat because of genetics.

DAYUM nigga came in with the proof

>herd of cows dies after they eat their whole winter ration in one day and pop

Not him, but yes. I bulked up from 101kg to 108kg in April - May. And now I've cut down to 97kg. The only thing I changed was my diet. You just have no willpower and discipline.

Your body needs to "burn" a certain number of calories to generate the ATP needed to perform basic metabolic functions. If you are constantly consuming more calories than is necessary for your body to continue functioning then your body will store the excess calories as fat for later use when food is scarce. Once you start consuming fewer calories than your body needs, it will start burning the fat as fuel so that you keep being alive. This isn't rocket science.

good for you, but you're missing my point. if genetics have nothing to do with it, it would mean that absolutely anyone else with your weight and height would be able to transform themselves at exactly the same rate if they exercised/ate/slept/whatever exactly the same. is this what you're trying to tell me?

my body craves food until im light headed falling on the ground and screaming for food and feel like im gonna faint

its not willpower lol im fucking sick

They eat more healthy food and/or have healthier eating patterns. People in Okinawa used to have an average BMI of around 18 because they ate sweet potatoes all day. Cut out animal fats (inb4 anti vegan rage, if you wanna eat meat just eat lean meat, fatty) and stick to a variety of unprocessed plant based foods and you'll be effortlessly thing.

>how are obeasts obese I do not understand it
>like wtf I have to try so hard just working lifting buying food eating and go nowhere and these brain dead disgusting fat slobs make it look so fucking easy

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lol this retard acts like a toddler and posts on the chins. You need to be eighteen to post here, and not cry about your tendies for good boy points.

Some ppl can actually control themselves, fatty

Just stop eating any sugar/candy/snacks. I did that + exercising and have lost 7kg this past year.

Didnt realize i had lost weight until earlier today when i weighed myself at a wierd machine that also measures height and bodyfat at an airport in spain for 1 euro. bought a scale on the way home and verified the airport thing was correct. Sucks because i was trying to build muscle and already had a visible sixpack. Never noticed i went down in weight. Only thing was visible veins on lower abs

just look at how badly all the oppression is affecting this brave trans-WOMAN. we have to do more to accomodate these people.

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see people dont even have to try to be skinny its genetics

100% of thots who don't take care of themselves hit the wall hard by 30

What if appetite had genetic components to it? Then CICO and "it's genetic" would both be correct. What now?

You're not a fucking dog are you. Just suppress your appetite

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God I just want to break that girl on my dick.

> just stop feeling a physiologic sensation
Ok, how?

Idk I feel like unless I'm drunk or stoned, I don't get any pleasure from eating. It's usually more like a chore that I have to to everyday (and managing macros) in order to support my body

how many more times are you going to post this whiny cope bullshit today?
in all the time you spent rephrasing ans retyping it, you could've burned a couple hundred calories off your fat bitch ass

im sure if you were sent to a hard labor camp you would figure it out

No, that does not explain how the physical sensation of hunger would go away. You are really not good at this.

its just genetics, their autonomous nervous system burns more calories passively. their bodies use energy on catabolizing rather than synthetizing

i eat a 3000+ cal a day, bust my ass in the gym, and i literally do not gain weight. fat people are mentally handicapped.

distract yourself with something else with the knowledge that your appetite will lessen over time. Humans possess the ability to defer pleasure in order to get a greater reward at a later date.

Anyone who has done a fast for more than a few days knows that the hunger goes away after the second or third day. Your results may vary. Extended fasts are even easier than short fasts.

Though it's also fairly easy to do intermittent fasting. I do intermittent fasting for just one meal a day so my ratio is about 23:1, and it completely solves the hunger problem for me. I can even go one day of the week without eating anything at all.

it's CICO bro

t. formerly obese hamplanet

Appetite and hunger are not the same thing.

Appetite is largely psychological. You can "lose" it by seeing something gross or otherwise modify it through habit. If you start skipping breakfast you will eventually lose your appetite for that meal.

Hunger is something most people in the first world have probably never felt. It doesn't come for days or weeks without food. It doesn't go away without calories, whereas you can supress appetite by filling your stomach with something calorie free like fibre.

>routinely burn 4k calories a day from gains goblin job, before working out
>beginning to think dirty bulk is the only way forward
What do bros

it takes like 20 seconds to type it

Some holocaust subjects may have lost weight quicker than others of the same initial weight. Just saying that all holocaust subjects are thin doesn't really prove your point that people put on or lose weight at the same speed.

You actually can mentally change your relationship with the sensation of hunger. People who get into fasting do it all the time. Once you internalize an understanding that the feeling "hunger" is a hormonal, cyclical, comes-and-goes thing instead of some kind of exact signal that directly communicates what your body actually needs, it becomes easier and easier to ignore a wave of it as it comes and goes. This compounds pretty quickly as your body becomes more efficient at accessing stored energy rather than relying exclusively on recent intake, and in short order you're miles ahead of the kind of braindead fatty who complains about how awful they feel when they go more than an hour or two without snacking on garbage.

Add in the changes/reductions in cravings when you improve your gut flora, the increase in satiation you get from eating food that's actually dense in nutrients instead of snacking on empty carbs...there are a *LOT* of steps you can take if you apply even a modicum of brainpower, and I struggle to believe it's just some coincidence that every "genetic" fatty just so happens to attempt exactly 0 of them before deciding that they're just fucked and giving up after a day or two of mindless "cutting back". Ignorance is a lot more pervasive than genetic defects.

the sad thing is:

All you need, to be not fat, is to have more self-control than an untrained stray dog.

That's all.
If you can't put that fork down, I have to assume that you are fucking dumb.

dogs eat until they puke and keep eating
They are literally that dumb.

The same fucking thread again?
Fuck off.

PS: If you want to be skinnier, eat less.

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my body wants lots of calories

yes and you lose weight by resisting the urge to give your body these calories. We all do this

our bodies have obviously evolved since 1992 user, I mean there's already like 70 new genders appeared over the last 5 years. Don't be on the wrong side of history.

its dirty bulk or you have to fit in more meals in between your other meals which can get pretty uncomfortable due to the amount of food you are shoving inside of you

You guys need to look up the show. Secret Eaters. Fat people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to food. They don't properly track and always overeat.

There is one fat guy who thought his breakfast of Special K was healthy. But he added bananas, strawberry jam and heavy cream instead of milk. His bowl of Special K came out to something like 2500 calories.

and your a chinchilla

I don't know how fat people get fat without becoming broke

these hot girls dont starve themselves and I see tons of people skinny. I see rappers that just drink lean and smoke weed all day and are skinny as africans

being hungry or a little bit light headed is not starving. Like is said everbody does this. We just dont cry about it in public like a baby

like no dude I get REALLY hungry

You just have to fast, not fucking eat, how easy is that? You can even have snake juice which makes it even easier

Starving diet? Shut up dumb bitch, you don't know what starving is, it only starts when you lost ALL your bodyfat, fatasses like you have food for a month in your gut

I'm not that guy but trust me man, I understand what you mean. Your problem is that you've never allowed yourself to ever be hungry, ever. So you can't handle it. You need to try intermittent fasting. Just eat with a 20:4 window for a few weeks and it will be EASY. Or if you're a turbofat just fast for a week. The first two days are hard, the rest is easy. If you make it a week go for a whole month. It's really not that hard.

You can survive being hungry, man.

the only sane poster on Jow Forums? given the lack of replies, it's more than likely.

I get SO fucking hungry. people simply do not understand how hungry im talking. like you literally dont understand.

lol ive been starving and dieting for years my stomach never shrinks my appetite never dies down nothing ever nothing



is there any way to I can satisfy my hunger without barfing or getting fat? I just wanna taste good shit all day long. I just wanna be able to taste ice cream for hours straight without eating it

is there like diet food the ways theres diet soda? like I dont have to eat vegetables but I can eat all day long with 0 calories? is there food thats just pure artificial sweeteners and 0 calories but still tastes yummy like candy and cookies? plz respond

You're lying.

How do you put on fat if you dont absorb what you eat?

And if you want to heal this shit start fasting for 72 hours

Try eating only boiled eggs and see how your appetite goes

Grow the fuck up before life spanks you, fucking childish bitch, eat meat and nothing else

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cringe and bluepilled


i have a better ass than this girl

Bros I’ve been stuck at 189lbs for 6 days now despite eating sub-TDEE for nearly 29 days.

Maybe I am just a little disappointed because the water weight is gone and now I have to lose weight slowly.

From knowing a lot of skinny girls in the art scene, the secret is that they literally do not eat and when they do eat they eat tiny portions and then stop eating

>they don't eat much which is why they're skinny

woaw bruh u have any more top secret stuff u would like to share?

>that waist
>that butt
>those pjs
do not tempt me like this op

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I have my doubts. Her's looks pretty bubbly.

Hang around a skinny person for the whole day. They eat like 3 fries and half a can of soda for the whole day

This is why I come here

Uh oh

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She seems to have a pretty fat ass, very cool op ty.

Genetics can influence how easy or difficult it is for someone to lose weight. Some people are more responsive to certain weight loss strategies according to their biology.

This doesn't mean that it's impossible to lose weight with bad genetics, just that it's a little harder. Hence the calories-in, calories-out approach which basically means that if you're failing to lose weight, just eat less than you are now

But user, the holocaust didn't happen.

>Probably just got there, with others who look like they just got there.

He said STAYED fat. Yeah if you bring them in fat then yes, they're fat when they go in.

Hey user, crohn'sfag here. Been on autoimmune protocol paleo diet for 5 years now without a single flaring.

It might sound like a meme diet but it does work, been off the meds since I started

i can't tell if i have crohn's or if im just lactose-intolerant and i'm eating food that has some dairy in it. my stomach is upset almost every night and i get super bloated and gassy. occasionally i'll get diarrhea but most of the time it's just cramps and farts