/sig/ - self improvement general

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info: pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu (embed)
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info: pastebin.com/0NMDEUNh (embed)
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Think critically.
>If you need to put others down to feel good about yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are dependent on the people you look down on.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.

>newarcitea.neocities.org/ - Overall Guide
>thework.com/ - "Simple" Mental Health self-help resource. You get out what you put in.

discord.gg/YJQQSQf *Everyone* is welcome

>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22578279902195591270 - Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=01374239493824328035 - Sam Harris - Waking Up
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Henepola Gunaratana - Mindfulness in Plain English
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93057425205857796418 - Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
>Tsultrim Allione - Feeding your Demons

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Other urls found in this thread:


Start watching Varg. (((Someone))) is trying to keep him quiet but he just keeps on coming.


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Why is the janny such a fucking fanny?

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I need to learn how to stop being a real human bean after being a fucking social retard for so long. I need to get better for her. HOW DO I MAKE SOCIAL GAINS REALLY FAST

I ask that myself. Why did they start deleting /sig/ threads?
They are the only threads that matter on this board nowadays.

Exactly, it isn't necessarily strictly only physical fitness. But physical fitness and letting yourself go etc are manifestations of your mental and psychological health. To be truly healthy you need a fit mind, body and spirit.


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Everything is going seemingly great. I have a vacation next week, going to the beech, I'm socializing more, I even organized a daily calisthenics hangout. Got lots of new friends and acquaintances, and try to help them wherever I can.
But I can't shake this feeling of creeping doom. Like something awful is about to happen any day. And sometimes it feels like it's already happened and I just don't know what it is yet.

Why don't you faggots just go back to Jow Forums. There's already sig thread here and it has nothing to do with Jow Forums.
>They are the only threads that matter on this board nowadays
You don't even understand the problem, do you?

Be more specific. What usually is the problem you have with people?

>for her
Stop that.

>for her
Never do this shit.
In any case, just talk to people, interact with them.
Popular exercise to get you started:
When walking down the street, look everyone you pass straight in the eye and only look away once they break eye contact.

>I need to get strong for the race war and beat da JOOS
>It's da JOOS' fault that I'm pathetic
no thank you

Your social gains have plateaued because people around can see you for a beta orbiter you are. And there's nothing more despicable. Stop being one.

>for her
user people in your life are often temporary, make better choices for yourself

How is that any different from when you sperg your DEGENERATES CHRISTIANITY MARCUS AURELIUS etc. larping on Jow Forums? First you bring pol and r9k posting here then you say wow thi board gone to shit. I wonder why.

I didn't do any of that though, don't make me responsible for the actions of my ancestors.

Why is it important to cover your bed?

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How to become a Chad fuck machine when your fetish is cuddling and making sweet love with your soul mate?

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don't know how to really talk to people I guess

Afraid of approaching anyone. Awkward conversation. Lack of confidence.

I was really hoping to get some ideas on where to start not being a retard.

is this genuine advice or are you memeing all over me here

I kind of feel like I creep people out enough as it is. Are you telling me that if I go around staring at people until they are uncomfortable I will stop being a weirdo?

Because I'll do it.

I just want a fucking gf :(

dude the answer is obvious

fuck your soul mate. Then cuddle.

>how do I do a thing I don't want to do
you don't

sweat, bacteria, dust mites and general dust buildup, if theres bacteria and dust on the bed then you inhaling both for 8 hours a day, bedsheets changed weekly lower this problem

you wont find one here user or /soc/ just go outside and talk to girls. its rare now so you will come off as different

thanks for the advice, I'm a newfag so I wasn't sure if I was on the right board

Hiro could give /sig/ its own board or something.
But seriously, take a look at Jow Forums nowadays: at least 5 threads with instagram thots in OP pic, 3 threads about balding, 5 larp threads, 3 athleanx meme threads, "who do you lift for" and the thread where some guy pretends to be a girl asking for advice on how to get a bigger ass. That's what I meant when I said /sig/ is the only thread that matters on this board.

forgot about /fraud/ gotta have a place for unsolicited internet doctor referrals

Not like olde fit huh?

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Well, if you think have social anxiety than read this. Read it anyway actually, because the methods he discusses are useful for just improving social skills in general, and making you more comfortable


Awkwardness you fight with practice, and well-established social rituals. By social rituals I mean things you do regularly with people, from saying good morning to making small talk. Have a code: always say hi, always shake everyone's hands, always make small talk with people you know that you encounter, always go up and talk to someone you know instead of pretending you haven't seen each other, always smile, etc. It may feel contrived at first, but with time it will become spontaneous. You don't have to start doing all of those at once, but gradually develop a pattern of interaction, let people know what to expect from you, because nothing makes someone more uncomfortable around people than having to figure out what type of social creature they are on the spot.

And of course, avoid awkward shit. Don't look at people you're not interacting with, don't make awkward eye contacts, don't get into people's personal lives unless you're close to them, don't bring up awkward topics, don't bring up anything intimate, don't fucking touch, talk about things around you instead of what's going on with either of you personally. With time, some people will get closer to you and open up, then you can talk about other things, but since you have low social skills it's better to always wait for people to take that step first.

For conversations, I'd make a list of things you see people around you talking about, and try to get into them yourself. Series, lifting, sports, movies and politics are 50% of what I talk to people I don't know well, and interactions would be a lot harder if I didn't have this toolbox with me. Conversations are about connecting one thing to another, and asking the right questions. You need to develop an arsenal of references in order to be a good conversationalist, and you do so by being curious, being well-informed, trying new things, and meeting new people. I'm Brazilian, and when I was studying abroad the people I really got along with were all people who knew something about Brazil to bring up, as tangential as it was. Some people started talking about soccer, or MMA fighters, or some brazilian movie they'd seen, or ask me about politics, talk about someone they know that traveled here, other brazilians they've met, the food, ask about the crime, whatever. All that required some previous knowledge, but it didn't have to have a deep knowledge, just enough to get the ball going. Others would say "oh cool" and drop the subject. So being well-informed about a lot of things help. You don't have to be an expert, and most people don't want you to be, you just have to know what questions to ask so they can talk.

The second advice is to listen to podcasts, particularly if it's just people talking. You'll subconsciously pick up patterns of how to keep a conversation going, how to segue from one subject to another, how to bring up different topics, how to tell jokes, just by listening. Third advice, be aware of what's happening around you: events, gossip, places to go, anything. Know your surroundings, don't give the impression of being aloof. Fourth, elaborate opinions on things you've seen, read or heard in your head before you start talking about it. Mirror people's body language, and don't let silences in the conversation.

Nod, react to what they say, make it look like you care. And try to not be weird, your looks matter. Nobody wants to interact with the skinny pale dude with bulging eyes and weird clothes. A good, hard look at the mirror can do wonders. Many guys come off as weird, and that's off-putting to people. You want people to be comfortable around you, so be predictable to a degree. Be something they already know and understand, let them know what to expect.

With women, I don't want to say a lot because there might be some cultural differences between my country and yours, but at least here women hate to be treated like dudes. They hate when you break balls, because a lot of whem are insecure. Some jokes are fine, but when they *try* you should compliment them and the effort. They hate when you're politically incorrect and display problematic behavior in front of them. They hate displays of horniness and shit like that. Figure out what to avoid by yourself. Try your best to display certain values: ambition, independence, self-reliance, emotional strength (you can show vulnerability every now and then, but you need to come off as someone they can trust to ride anything bad with, not throw temper tantrums, stay calm and cool if shit happens), sense of humor, confidence. Laugh and smile when you interact but not all the time like an idiot, be cheerful without being goofy. Ask questions without being intrusive, make it seem like you want to know more about them without being creepy, and say positive things about the women in your life. Act like you like animals and babies even i you want to seem them drowned. Smell good and have good hygiene, try to dress well. If, and only if, you receive a good feedback, boldness is appreciated. If you ever start taking steps towards a relationship with someone, don't be like "so what do you want to do?" - take control. Know what they want and how to deliver it without coming off as a prick, make plans.

And practice, always.

Absolutely pathetic thing to say. Extremely toxic and distorted way of thinking.

Chicks also love that.

Good avice yo

Anybody knows anything about this post?

>I wanted to share my personal system of life planning, hope you find it useful. It's a piramid of needs (just like pic
related), we can call it /sig/ needs pyramid. So it works like

>Level 9(TOP): >Community transcendence
>Level 8: >Personal transcendence and spiritualism
>Level 7: >Personal projects and education
>Level 6: >Finance
>Level 5: >Social
>Level 4: >Hobbies
>Level 3: >Work (this includes being a student)
>Level 2: >Fitness, vices and hygiene
>Level 1(BOTTOM): >Environment

>Absolutely pathetic thing to say. Extremely toxic and distorted way of thinking.
it's distorted to think people change over time and you'll most likely have people close to you die? if you only improve for her and she dies now you've not just lost love but you've lost your reason to improve

fuck i replied to wrong comment, my bad. I meant to reply to this :

ah no worries lad

i personally think finances need to be lower (more important) in the pyramid

Why did one of the previous threads 404?

(((they))) dont want you to better yourself

Anyone notice weight gain with anti-depressants?

Has anyone tried the pic OP posted? I can relate to everything he said besides the not wanting to lift part.

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I'm considering deactivating Facebook. I don't even post anything, I just scroll through mostly political bullshit that I disagree with from people who I haven't talked to in years. Is there even a point? I use Snapchat for people I actually want to keep in touch with.

I have waken up sick today, cause my mom decided the house could blow up because of the wind turning out the flame of the heater so she turn the heater off during the night

What does one do with this kind of things

delete fb bro

What workout should I do if I only have dumbbells and don't want to go to the gym?

move out. burn your own place down if youd like

id rather learn to deal with her paranoia than evading it, something is telling me im gonna have to deal with it a lot when she gets old and demented

Can anyone help me with steps to introspect?
My goals are to overcome my insecurities, accept my flaws, stop self-loathing, be more comfortable with myself, be more authentic, love and respect myself, overcome validation needs, stop negative thought patterns and be more positive overall.

Any sort of tips would be helpful - from shadow work to a ‘dark night of the soul’ type of things.
I already meditate and pray.

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imo confidence comes from actually feeling capable, i don't know if you can trick yourself into it

less introspection, more action

Making eye contact is not creepy it's natural way of communication.
Too many people are afraid of eye contact these days, which is an extension of fear of judgement.
To become socially free, you need to beat this fear. To beat fear, you confront it.
This exercise is not supposed to make you friends, but make you comfortable at expressing and communicating freely and fearlessly.
It's just an exercise and your immediate framing it as negatively as possible is emblematic of your problems.

I keep my facebook but only use it through caprine or messenger, use it to message people, don't load my news feed or anything like that

might be tough user.. best bet is to be supportive and find your own place.. maybe look into semi autonomous living for her

action is the priority, go outside more, exercise, eat healthy - journaling is pretty great for introspection as well buy a few notebooks and carry something to write with, each month switch to a new notepad so you can easily organize them chronologically every few months read or skim through them

>believes civilization is dogshit trash and that the "barbaric" ancient "nordids" were superior
>also believes that all the great ancient civilizations were in fact "nordids" like Greece, Egypt, etc.
Then there's also all the meme shit like placenta shit and the weird fascination with bears and caves, it's way too unironically LARPy, literally making shit up to go along with what little information we have on those truly ancient cave-man tier times.

Agreed the finances should be before or after jerb (the work pillar)

The fact my social skills are so atrocious is killing me. Gym gains are at least predictable. Social gains are all over the place when paired with anxiety.

I went to an improv class for two months and felt like it barely helped. Gonna keep going, though. Going to a speech therapist next week to speak louder and clearer.

The worst thing is that I have nothing going on in my brain for stuff that I don't know about well so I'm always silent. Wish I could critically think better on the spot. I have like 0 verbal intelligence. I just realized how fucking important being a great speaker is for a full time job after graduating.

End blog post.

>for her
we don't do that here

I know, but for me even if I possess knowledge and ability to apply it, I still feel on the fence about it
I know people who follow pop psychology and confidently say they can get inside people’s heads and mindfuck them (not banter, actually pretty seriously) and then ask “who’s Jung” (I’m not claiming myself to be an expert)
I do pretty well in class and tutor my peers but they seem more confined in acing exams (the mindset) while actually I do better than them

So it’s not capability, I want the mindset

Yes my fren, I know
But sometimes you do seem to hit mental blocks on the way, and it is our mindset holding us back - think of the baby elephant who was chained to a pole and couldn’t break free, and when it got older with the strength to snap it with ease, it still relied on its past experiences to not attempt it
Also, I want to become a well-rounded individual - and that includes mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well

Got myself an actual pair of running shoes today, starting the couch to 5k. Any advice, or things I should keep in mind?

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Nice advice
I was doing all that you’ve mentioned for a while and then suddenly, out of the blue I mentally hit rock bottom and couldn’t bring myself to do any of those things again
I would like to mention that I’m on anti-depressants, have been for 4 years now and weaning off my meds

So I know action, routine and discipline is really important and I’ve been following it
But for those days that make me hit rock bottom, I need to be prepared by working on my inner self
And that’s where I need help

He is a literal retard and a savage

I’d like to add that my aim is to be a well-rounded individual by improving not just physically and mentally, but emotionally as well and being a more refined character to help bring others up as well

I currently feel like my depression is leaking through to my social interactions that others can sense it and keep a distance from me. I don’t blame them, no one wants a negative person around them, but truth is I can’t help giving out that energy unless I overcome it.
Getting rid of self-loathing is my priority

I’m asking /sig/ because I’ve seen very insightful posts here about working on oneself, mostly by one user who was into Tantric philosophy.
Anyone help?

Running is hard. It get easier. You gotta do it every day, or every other day. Best results with every day.

Doesn't couch to 5k say to alternate, basically? At the least, I would think I should start every other day, just so I don't over exert myself. hm.

>switched diet to focus on lowering blood pressure
>it did
>it also increased my cardiovascularity to insane levels

I never get winded anymore. Like, ever. I just did 30 minutes of high intensity cardio, where the sweat was dripping off me like I was taking a shower, my side stitches were insane, and my legs felt like giving out the entire time. But my breathing remained steady, and not once did I feel lightheaded or at a loss for breath. Not even one minute after I stopped, I was back to regular breathing.

I'm just gonna continue doing what I'm doing.

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>Wanted to finish couple of art pieces, start writing a book, read couple of books, find a job, find a gf
>End up browsing fit and doing calisthenics in the park
Doing exercises doesn't do thing for my discipline. Sitting on your ass for entirety of a day doing nothing feels like good choice to me still

Based jannies BTFOing the relationshit faux-philosophical circle jerk on a threadly basis!

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Post diet

>300g low fat yoghurt with 4 tbps of fresh ginger (shredded, boiled with lemon and honey)
>2 pickled herring fillets
>50g pack of natto

>homecooked beef/veggie/nuts stew with green lentils and brown rice


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I wake up early and go to the gym immedietely. It feels good being up and the gym part is great but after that I feel like shit. I saved a lot of money and quit my job to focus on studying but lately I'm just feeling depressed and end up wasting my time playing video games the entire day then going out with friends. I miss life with my girlfriend, we would spontaneously go on trails or hours away for a walk in some nice scenic parks. Now I just sit around and hate myself. I'm thinking of literally formatting my HDD to force me off the computer but then I can't exactly study.

>Jow Forums - Fitness
>Relationship, dating advice, and "mental health" threads belong on Jow Forums.

get #rekt nard Nobody likes you here, nobody wants you here, you ruin the entire board for the rare few still here who actually lift. Go kill yourself.

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>Hiro could give /sig/ its own board or something.

There's already Jow Forums. Make these exceptionally gay threads there.

>But seriously, take a look at Jow Forums nowadays: at least 5 threads with instagram thots in OP pic, 3 threads about balding, 5 larp threads, 3 athleanx meme threads, "who do you lift for" and the thread where some guy pretends to be a girl asking for advice on how to get a bigger ass.

And you fucking CHODEs are the source of 2/3rds of that.

I've been a regular on Jow Forums since 2011 and this is still how I look. The longest period of time where I was consistently lifting was about 6-7 months long, than always something bad in my life happens and I become demotivated and stop lifting and eating healthy for about a year. After some time I become motivated again and the cycle repeats.
I will never make it.

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Hey guys what's up. Gonna be posting this everywhere I can until I get the answers.

Been on Jow Forums for several years now, too long essentially.

So here are my stats, Male, 5'10", ~~185 lbs. 25 years. I know a good amount about fitness, but I've never cut before, and it's getting out of hand. Clothes ain't fitting right n shit, even though they've been fitting for the last 3 years. Was in best shape when I was 21.

Never cut before, wanted some specific answers. Gonna be probably doing CI CO most likely, we'll see because i HATE feeling hunger.

What exactly is intermittent Fasting? Is that like the thing where you eat whatever but only between noon and 3?

What the fuck is carb loading?

What's a good, reliable source of measuring my TDEE? Websites n such.

Prob gonna cut until October at the lastest, 155 lbs. is goal, we'll see along the way.

Lastly, workout even when sore? Better to wait a day?

don't be a fagget my dude.
Don't give up. WIth that mindset, you really might as well kill yourself.
If you can't even get better physically, what makes you think you will be able to get better mentally? Or Financially?
Advice-try to find something physical you ENJOY doing.
Maybe lifting weights isn't your thing? No problem. Have you tried swimming? Hiking? Mountain Biking? Try em' all.
Where do you live? Depending on location, that shit can be easily accessable and free.

is mewing a meme or not? is it worth doing? seems to take some effort to make it into a habit

So insanely bored after 7-8pm if I don't drink. There's nothing to do at this point. I'm bored of entertainment outlets. I am too bored to learn a language or do anything. Everything seems useless. I end up just watching porn and fapping multiple times until it's a reasonable time to go to bed.

How do you guys fill your evenings?

your ancestors didn't fight to survive for you to be a quitter.

Well /sig/ I just closed on my house. Moving my family in this weekend. We're all gonna make it.

I'm so fucking depressed

I just came home again, what happened with the last one?
Why did it got 404 AGAIN like the previous one?

#### /sig/ mega.nz archive dump ####

Maybe some guys remember me.
I've shared my mega archive with all kind of sig&fit relates files around 4 months ago.
I've reworked it now, sorted it a little bit and added new files.

read the readme.txt for more information and the purpose of it.

I would love to get some feedback with what to change, if it is useful for you or just a simple "thank you user".
If I can improve at leat one anons life with this, I am happy.


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How do I become ambitious? Most of the things I've done so far are because I 'had to' (uni and such), and I've quit others. The ambitions that I do have are very modest, and are more goals than ambitions.
Is there any way to become more ambitious?

Because there is at least one janitor that realizes this thread is off topic cancer.

>/sig/ off topic cancer
>pic related is 100% ok and gets never deleted

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is it TRUE or is it a LIE that whose have good genetics,or control their genetics, can become musced without training?
greg kovacs lifted 190 kilos the first time he ever bench pressed

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>greg kovacs lifted 190 kilos the first time he ever bench pressed
>190kg BP first time
u w0t user?

>become musced without training
that's a very very very rare gene defect which can ocure but I don't know if strength goes hand in hand with it.

more like an advantage

get a low level job in a warehouse.

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This is my second concussion in 3 years time. It's already been 6 ish weeks, head still hurts when will it stop, I want to train and study.
Gladly I'm getting lots of cardio in my summer job


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Yes, because a dozen incel lookism and bait threads, are completely fine

I’m 6 months out from a concussion from crashing a motorcycle into a tree. I still get bad headaches and feel weird sometimes. I had a hard time with rooms with lots of people and noise after and still occasionally do.
I waited a month or so before I even shot the basketball in the driveway or went walking. 3-4 months out I started running and playing sports. The first 2 months were very difficult but it was worth working through. The doctors made it seem to me that the case was if I didn’t exercise and retain my usual schedule I may never get it back. I worked hard to get through that fog of the first months , I highly suggest you do. I was scared of so many things so I have practiced my basic mental skills and my basic physical skills every day since. Even with all that I still have issues good luck
Although my headaches suck etc my coordination, depths perception etc all have returned fully. So if you care about sports go play them. I did loads of eyeball exercises and coordination exercises while my brain was recovering in hopes of laying down good groundwork for those networks as they healed. It’s a lot like a broken hand surgery you have to train it after to get it to be better but god dam it’s a bitch

yeah you're never gonna make it.

When you go to the gym, you have to do 4 machines, each 4 sets of 12 each.
But if you can continue past 12, continue as much as you can.
If you go over 20, it means you need more weight to the machine.
Your muscles needs to be worked on the extreme. Carrying 5 kg everywhere will only give you the muscles to carry 5 kg.
If you feel you’re at the limit of your strength after 12 time of a movement on a machine, you’re on the right weight.

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Have final exams next week, i dont even read a single page.