What Kind Of Endurance Is Used During Moving?

I recently moved into a new apartment on the 3rd floor and it was FUCKING shit. I workout and I lift, but I was literally gasping for air, about to have a heart attack by the end of it all.

What kind of workout let's you get better at this kind of shit? Strongman/powerlifting? I think my cardio was just garbage.

Attached: angie5.jpg (614x768, 74K)

Instantly dropped whore

working a manual job, hiking with some weight, rock climbing. It’s all endurance.

Closest would be strongman shit like carrying stones and farmer walks

Circuit training

wow I'm sure she's crying because some guy on the internet doesn't want to marry her

Yeah man, there are guys that work in manual labor that look fat/out of shape but they're strong as fuck. I guess it's just one of those things that the more you do it, the better and more efficient you get. I felt like a bitch, honestly.

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>I think my cardio was just garbage.

Yes, yes it is garbage. Do more of it, it'll be less garbage-like.

Yeah, I always took Jow Forums's advice and avoided cardio. I fucked up big time.

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Hiking, especially backpacking is goat. Not only do you get a nice workout but you get to be in nature

Google gym strength vs farmboy strength

tl;dr: Gym doesn't have much carryover to real world exertions and vice versa.

God Angie is such a degenerate roastie. I bet her beat pussy looks like her mom's carnitas.

carnitas are fucking delicious, ese

Attached: angie2.jpg (1080x1209, 307K)

sound's tasty

>clean houses for a living
>part of the job involves moving furniture
>move shit, clean under it, put it back
>all day, every day, just moving heavy furniture around
>time to comes i need to move my stuff to a new house
>its piss easy
>move everything effortlessly
>couches, chairs, beds, tables just flying in and out the moving truck
>not even tired after

What do you even go to the gym for if moving furniture tires you? It obviously isnt working and you are just a bitch OP.


You get better at moving furniture and shit by moving furniture. The “functional” strength that people refer to is just the skill to effectively apply that strength in various scenarios, which comes with practice.

Cringe and bluepilled

>move furniture all the time
>body adapts to move furniture

Congrats on evolving into a minimum wage loser?

Yeah you are


You don't have to keep describing yourself


I said you didn't have to keep doing it user

Manual labor

My dad is 60 odd years old and worked manual jobs all his life and never went to the gym. He was throwing my shit up and down stairs no problem when helping me movie despite me lifting I couldn't keep up.

Weak onions boys in here. I moved my whole house with only my wife to help. Which meant basically myself. Didn’t have any problems beyond tired from long days and hot weather.


:(( i miss her

Attached: AngieVarona Degeneration.jpg (1832x1672, 638K)

she looks mostly the same desu

Is it feasible to engulf a head in a brapper? asking for a friend

her nose became more prominent but if i saw this girl just in public I'd think she was a qt. too bad about all the thottery she's gotten into since


nah she changed, she wasnt even lazy she accually worked/trained hard for that degeneration

She thickened up in the correct way and stopped wearing makeup. The fuck is wrong with your brain?

Beased and readpeilled