When I was a bit younger I thought Jow Forums was onto something. Now that I grew up a bit I understand you have to assume a lot of shit or believe in some crazy conspiracy theories in order to believe anything on Jow Forums.
They usually start the argument in a civil manner in order to seem educated but as soon as you say something as basic as
>People with black skin color do face racism in today's America, here are a bunch of science papers and a literal supreme court statement on a matter that undoubtedly proves it
they go bananas and either start throwing insults at you or simply don't agree with facts and go on with their day.
How delusional do you have to be in order to go against the whole world and plethora of facts just to satisfy some dumb primal racist thoughts?
Why is it soo easy to argue with Jow Forums?
You should watch Alex Jones's latest Joe Rogan interview. The guy is a crazy character, but he explains that believing in things is a spectrum. On the far end of one way, you believe everything you are told. on the complete opposite end, you simply refuse to believe anything you are told and everything is conspiring against you. So the former is considered 'bluepilled', and the latter is the full 'redpill' but is also associated with paranoid schizophrenia.
Most people lie somewhere in the middle, which is why most people believe in a conspiracy theory or two, but aside form that, generally believe what theyre told.
Jow Forums is a counter-culture rejection of current society. And at first it has some points. Maybe being a slut isnt a good idea. Maybe 'diversity' in skin colour is less important than 'diversity' in opinion and personality. But that can be continued on an on, and what starts as a critique of culture becomes a full on hatred for those tho are at the 'top', so Jews, or Neoliberals, etc
Wanna know how I know you're just a raider who only uses Jow Forums to shriek your leftist bilge?
Sure dude. Please tell me.
Sorry brudda im a libertarian. I dont defend 'bluepilled' people at all and Im glad Jow Forums exists.
Anytime you say anything valid and possibly sound against their world view Jow Forums biggers just scream
they are all raging manchildren/boomers/retarded highschoolers
And half of them arent white
13 Black do 50 Crime
>im a libertarian
So you're a retard?
Because at the end of the day they don't live in the real world. What they think are real issues in the world just aren't and they ignore the things that actually impact them.
>And half of them arent white
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever actually seen a picture of a white Jow Forums poster. That's the weirdest thing about Jow Forums to me, how few actual white people seem to be there. How the fuck did the internet manage to create an enclave of second-generation asian and latino dudes larping as white supremacists?