You don't need meat to get your protein edition

Thread for all vegans and people interested in the vegan lifestyle.

>Why should I go vegan?

Veganism is the healthiest, environmental friendlist and overall best diet imaginable for humans. It's the only moral diet in existence.

>Is there anything I cannot get on a vegan diet?


>I heard that vegans have health issues like xyz

Nothing but lies.

Meat eaters and vegetarians are allowed to ask questions. Denying of vegan benefits or pushing their morally unacceptable diet not allowed. Only civil discussion!

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that bread is made with eggs

nigga what the fuck, that picture doesn't make any fucking sense, why would anyone seriously trying to bulk and eat protein eat a disgusting peanut butter or mcdonald sandwhich instead of tuna, lean meat, chiken breast, protein whey milkshakes or eggs?

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there are lots of vegan protein sources

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>using a McDonald's hamburger as a metric for meat

weak bait

There is no such thing as healthy meat.

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>all proteins are the same
Kindly drink a prion smoothie

>Vegan gealth issues are lies
>Denying of vegan benefits or pushing their morally unacceptable diet not allowed
go fuck yourself you liar cunt

Seitan, beans, whole wheat products, nuts and seeds in that order. Everyone should use seitan desu.

you are fucking disgusting

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please tell me this is bait

of course it is

Too low-IQ to do elementary school math. Amazing

Vegetable proteins are all incomplete. Soi powder with added synthetic amino acids is the only way to get all of them in a vegan diet.

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you are abhorrent

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This chart is purposefully inaccurate- off the top of my head, only about 20% of broccoli is protein, and leaner cuts of chicken are comprised of 80% protein.

It's about quantity of food. You would need to eat pounds and pounds of broccoli to eat the same amount of protein as only a couple hundred grams of chicken. Veggies are important but they are not nutritionally dense as far as macros go.

you are a phony

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Beans are incomplete proteins, though

Vegans usually get 90% of their calories from pasta with margerine though

and you are a cunt

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Have you ever noticed that vegans always seem to be extremely aggressive/angry all the time?

At first I thought it might because their diet is incomplete. But THEN I realized that plants tend to soak up lead from the ground. Angry vegans have lead poisoning.

>Lead poisoning symptoms in adults
>Although children are primarily at risk, lead poisoning is also dangerous for adults. Signs and symptoms in adults might include:
>High blood pressure
>Joint and muscle pain
>Difficulties with memory or concentration
>Abdominal pain
>Mood disorders
>Reduced sperm count and abnormal sperm
>Miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth in pregnant women

kek nice biologybro

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>2.9g pero 100 is more than 31g per 100g

kill yourself, although you already are by promoting your dangerous and disgusting lifestyle

fake news

Is this some new, spicy meme?

>Have you ever noticed that vegans always seem to be extremely aggressive/angry all the time?
I would like to agree, but sadly I have met a vegan who was very chill at the gym. That said he hadn't been a vegan for long

2.9 g x 4 kcal/g = ~12 kcal
12/24 kcal = 50%

Wildly misleading. Vegetables are mostly water .Vegans have to rely on trickery because people have gotten wise to their cult bullshit. This is a fitness board and a vegan diet is not healthy.

Why do we have canine teeth if we're not supposed to eat meat?

-you can get a shitton of vitamin A from sweet potatoes
-"believes that vitamin A is found in carrots" beta carotene, which is in carrots, is turned into vitamin A in your body
- "vegans are sadists" lmao wut
-"To learn why the government is pushing plant-based diets watch my documentary The NWO DIEt" I now realize you're actually mentally handicapped

I live beans, I like to cook a lot of stews including lentils, white beans and chickpea are specially my favorite since they are so common in my country

but don't you fucking dare to lie so batlantly with those disgusting biased pictures

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kill yourself

there is no such thing as a healthy vegan

>look at my meme picture that shows a post from a literal who, who claims to have worked in the meat market despite his social accounts showing him as a hardcore vegan
>we are supposed to believe it

what the fuck

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Not sure if trolling or honestly this retarded

What about b12 vitamin? It comes from fish. And vegan supplements that contain it are derived from fish.

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Naturalistic fallacies plague nutrition debate, I mean this for both sides. Vegans will respond that we subsisted to over 95% on plants, mostly starches, and point out all the way in which our bodies are NOT designed to process meat (such as our gut and kidneys).

The truth is that it shouldn't matter much. It is true that there is genuinely reasonable suspicion to believe that our bodies have developed in harmony with out environment and thus we should investigate what a diet modeled after it does to us, but 1) we no longer consume such a diet and no one will, all attempts at reconstructing a natural diet are fruitless, 2) humans are highly adaptive beings and what is natural for one group of people is unnatural for another and 3) natural does not equal healthy. For example, you might develop to subsist off of mostly food X because food X is what is available in your environment, but it is not the optimal choice, just the least bad. Food Y exists in another environment and would include all of the positives of food X and none of the negatives.

So when looking at the matter of diet we need to look at longevity statistics, disease rates etc. We have done this and the result is the blue zone diet or WFPB, depending on which side of the debate you stand on.

this is a fitness board, what you are doing right now is the exact same as if a fatass came to promote being obese. Unhealthy lifestyles are not going to be tolerated, even less when they impose a sectarian life and misanthropic mindset

Not even lead poisoning, there's many other things they suffer from that stem from their diet. Had a vegan coworker with an obsessive need to make backhanded comments to everyone.

just go mediterranean diet

>Less animals
How 'bout you pick up some books, you vegan.

What are you going to do when rats start chewing away your electrical wiring or roaches enter your apartment?

This is actually pretty good comedy.

>source: my dick

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Right wing vegan here. All the other eco right wingers I hang around with who are vegan are chill.

I'm willing to bet the angry vegans you encounter are mostly leftoids. Not only do they flock towards veganism out of sentiment (as opposed to largely instrumental reasons), they are also obnoxious about anything that conflicts with their world view.

When you lie to promote your movement it makes it look worse.

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Kiss them gently and politely ask them to leave. Should that fail, he'll move out of his apartment, for it has now been claimed by roaches.

Med diet isn't ideal either. 1) Is it often not practiced properly, people will use it as an excuse to cheat a lot. In the original Med diet fish was consumed once or twice weekly, red meat maybe once or twice a month and poultry was consumed in very small amounts. Cheese was a luxury, not a staple. The diet was 95% plant based.

2) Olive oil is not healthy. Extra virgin olive oil seems to be the least bad and almost health neutral, but it's still not good for you. The Med diet is good in despite of olive oil, not because of it.

>frightens birds into wind turbines
>kills his handlers
>rapist livestock
>causes at least 3 strokes, after slaughter 12!

this is fucking hilarious

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>No eggs, meat or dairy allowed
nigger what? Whatever that thing you call pizza is definitely not pizza by the time you modify it that much

>2) Olive oil is not healthy. Extra virgin olive oil seems to be the least bad and almost health neutral, but it's still not good for you. The Med diet is good in despite of olive oil, not because of it.
Post body

>bioavailable proteins
is this some sort of new fitness magic that I should know about

why go vegan if I can eat the same diet but throw in an occasional burger?

>eat food not too much mostly plants

Talking about the calories is retarded since the problem is the sheer volume not the calories you disingenuous fuck.

there is nothing new about it, not all proteins are created equal

>3-4x the amount of carbs to protein
whew lad

No homo

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>cancer is contagious
Retard confirmed

>protein = protein
Anyone with any basic understanding of nutrition would know that 'protein' is a catch-all term for different amino acids.

I have not seen a single 'fake' meat source with any evidence it provides the same protein profile as either whey (which has every type of amino acid) or meat which depending on the meat, has nearly all of them, and if you eat multiple meats you will get all amino acids.

So I want some vegan to prove me wrong and post a single fake meat which has a full protein profile.

The only reasons humans evolved to this point in our existence has been because of our consumption of a varied diet, including multiple types of cooked meats. No other animal has the variety that humans do. Eating nothing but pea based meat as your 'protein' source cannot possibly be heather than eating meat. In the long term you would have to become protein deficient.

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explain it to me you cunt

Seitan + beans = all your needs are met after one meal a day.

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I eat all of that AND with meat

you know what, i'm getting fucking tired, this is now a /ck/ thread

Cut half an onion, a garlic teeth, celery and a carrot into dices, put them in a frying pan with olive oil at full heat. Add some spices like basil and oregano, also salt and pepper.

When the onion is brown-golden throw a couple of big peeled tomatoes cut and diced too. move it a couple of times and then throw grinded beef and half a glass of red wine. Lower the heat so it boils slowly during 20 minutes and enjoy authentic sauce for your spoaghetti

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Onions is a complete protein and interestingly also similarly to meat raises IGF-1. It's besides the point though, it is unimportant whether or not the food you consume is a complete protein, just that you consume a balanced amino acid profile overall. This can be easily achieved by combining different sources of proteins, which vegans end up doing if they consume a varied diet. Seitan, tofu, beans, whole wheat products, seeds and nuts is what I consume every day and protein is really the least of my worries.

>Olive oil is not healthy
nah, neck yourself, I'm a spanishgfag and people eating the traditional diet and dishes are the epitome of health here

How is it a problem? Nobody said that you need to get all your protein from just broccoli. Rather, by eating a wide variety of different plant foods that all provide 20%+ calories from protein, total daily protein intake will be sufficient for all populations. Not difficult to understand. For example, 20% of a 2500 cal diet provides ~125g protein. Easy

Just to add: there are nine essential amino acids humans cannot create. That means if you don't consume them, you will become protein deficient and die.

Again iv looked and looked, never seen a single fake meat which advertises its protein profile to include these nine essential amino acids. You can get them from other foods buts its in non-existent amounts or obscure as fuck plants. I refuse to eat 500g of humus every day just to get my full protein profile.

That's because they eat a traditional diet, not because they eat olive oil. Plankton IQ desu.

Serious question how are you a right winger and still vegan? The people cannot be strong on a vegan diet.

vegan mental gymnastics:
>"I can be healthy despite all the proof against veganism being healthy"

normal people
>"I couldn't care less about animals"
>"I care about myself"

God put us on Earth to rule over his creation, not to be a bunch of faggots at the mercy of the wild like savaged beasts with no reason or morals

I have a vegan diet with one exception I drink whey protein. I really have to there's just no way around it. No plant based protein can even come close to whey. However If I didn't lift weights or workout I could most likely get away without the whey.

brb bacon and eggs for brekkie

Unless you have a spreadsheet there outlining the quantities of proteins you're consuming your anecdotal evidence is literally worthless. In 10 years you could be dead from protein deficiencies or suffering major medical issues.

We know for a fact that a balanced omnivore diet provides everything you need (with Mediterranean/Japanese diets being the most empirically healthy diets), we have zero evidence vegans can stay vegan without suffering major issues.

Not saying you're wrong, just asking for evidence.

have you ever looked at the amino acid profile on your tub?



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this bait is so bad

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Imagine the smell

Because that's just wrong and pure prejudice not based in fact. The right wing has grown pretty degenerate recently as it has grown out of American consumerism. In fact vegans are shown to have generally higher T levels than non-vegans (likely due to lower BMIs). Pic related is a living example of being strong on a vegan diet. German strongman who holds multiple titles and has been vegan for many years now.

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This is essentially what rip says if you're "vejuhn" you should take whey which would fix most of the natural deficiencies of the diet.

is funny cuz in this threads veggies never post body.

>is there anything I can’t get on a vegan diet?


> >Is there anything I cannot get on a vegan diet?

Carnosine, creatine, taurine, b12, heme iron, vitamin d3, dha, retinol and cholesterol

Also, blood levels (talking about b12 for example) do not mean tissue

Sage this shit people

no i just eat a fuckton of meat/dairy/eggs and drink two scoops of whey a day.

Have you considered listening to the grass fed brahs about the quality of whey? I will only get organic/grass fed bovine products because well, for things like whey protein you're basically buying industrial waste, it's the shit that's left-over. So if I would get whey I would pay for the good stuff. Not sure if this is helpful but I thought I'd mention it because I take collagen for instance, and I pay for the more expensive stuff because the factory farmed bovine products are from stressed out animals that are often drugged, and they've found actual lead content in collagen. This is from the poor conditions the cattle endure in most countries. The US is much better than it was 10 or 15 years ago though, outside of factory farms that hire illegal immigrants.

> Mediterranean/Japanese diets being the most empirically healthy diets

They aren't, unless you mean the most epidemiologic healthy diets

Imavine just copypasting shit from a flat eather YouTuber and thinking you're smart

preach it

on the other hand, shitposting the faggot to kingdom's fuck is fun

Post body

They are, feel free to go educate yourself.

Uh kiddo, its been proven again and again those two diets which are basically identical are the healthiest in the world. Lots of nuts, oils, fish, vegetables, fruits and rarely meat. And any other society that does something similar has equally long lives and non-existent health issues related to diets.

>two scoops
you know, I always see people measuring the fucking whey powder in scoops. Can anyone for fucks sake tell me a real amount?

imagine believing shit from peta's cocksucker facebook page and posting it here thinking its factual

No, it’s literally 4th grade biology. Fuck me this board is shit
The picture you quoted is still retarded as it simply makes up facts. The bioavailability of chicken meat is certainly only not 10

It's a bit hard for me to believe that you genuinely have doubts about vegans being healthy, but alright. Check out for a relevant discussion.

I already did.

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