How do you build muscle on carnivore? Without carbs you have no insulin
How do you build muscle on carnivore? Without carbs you have no insulin
a carnivore diet is essentially just only eating animal products, so you can eat your meat with eggs and as a snack, you can eat light yogurt
with those things they give you enough protein to build muscle as well as other things your body needs
>inb4 enjoy heart disease
>Without carbs you have no insulin
because you need insulin for carbs
Name 1 carnivorous animal that eats dairy
I thought a high protein meal can spike insulin as well?
You don't.
The only people who have any appreciable amount of muscle on low-carb diets are on test (Rogan, that grandpa, sv3rige etc.)
All of them
Any large carnivore that hunts mammals. Young prey have bellyfulls of mother's milk.
All mammals drink mothers milk
Protein surplus incites insulin production
Carnivores carb cycle with raw honey
You realize this was a (thinly) veiled post attempt at having y'all post women with giant gozangas, so someone else could post that gimme milkies rant with the frog.
>sometimes tiresome
Your liver dumps glycogen into your bloodstream when your bs drops so you're still getting insulin secretion to control that
protein spikes insulin the same as carbs you fucking retarded cunt
You need sugar to build muscle
I didn't come here to meme, I came here to educate niggers.
Only juveniles drink milk then they become lactose intollerant, no adult mammal with the exception of humans of european decent with the lactase mutation can drink milk into adulthood, humans are not carnivores by nature and nor are we discussing juveniles so my question still stands. Name 1 ADULT carnivore that consumes dairy.
>Name 1 ADULT carnivore that consumes dairy
My cat likes a bit of cheese
>Without carbs you have no insulin
Protein can spike insulin
Fat doesn't (much)
Most dummies on the Carnivore diet don't eat enough fat anyway
The only reason a cat has access to cheese is through humans. No wild carnivorous animal is eating dairy. Its unnatural to consume milk past infancy.
>Its unnatural to consume milk past infancy.
It's unnatural to read and ride a bike, what's your point?
Most nomadic populations i.e. mongols, arabs have lactase persistence too. Really aside from red indians, spics, gooks, and niggers, everyone can drink milk.
The only reason why grown up animals dont consume dairy is because they have no access to it. A female of any mammal species cant produce enough milk to fulfill the nutritional needs of a grownup of that species. Its not because milk is unhealthy for grownups or whatever lactose intolerant subhumans want you to believe, its simply the fact that its not available
Your body can make all the glucose it needs. Stop blindly repeating 1990s bodybuilding magazine bullshit. There are thousands of people building muscle on carnivore or keto it just requires a lot of calories since without carbs it's hard to overeat since hunger functions properly. Personally I eat more raw dairy if I want to add size and I cut it out if I want to cut. I don't count anything, calorie counting is for people still doing high carb diets whose hunger levels are totally fucked from blood sugar variations.
Hi mom
Are you actually retarded or did you not read my post? Linked it for you.
There are countless examples of animals drinking another species' milk into adulthood. Anyone who has worked on a farm has seen this. Supermarket milk is unnatural. Raw milk is natural and many indigenous human societies subsisted on it. You are repeating a lie.
Everytime there's a thread about the carnivore diet on here you get all these fucknuts coming out of the woodwork with their 90s pseudo-science OH BRO YOU NEED YOUR CARBS POST WORKOUT BRO OR YOU WONT GROW, NEED YOUR WHEY AND OATS BRO. Or even worse the vegans with their 1970s fatphobia. It's fucking sad for a "fitness" board to even have to explain the nutritional superiority of an all-animal diet.
Aside from muscle building and protein, is carnivore diet actually good for you?
what happened to all the "eat meat and get colon cancer you fat fucks" shit ?
I don't know where the carnivore meme came from, but it's bullshit. Humans are omnivores.
Raw milk contains lactase
The answer is still all of them. If they have access to it, even obligate carnivores will eat dairy. This argument that other animals don't do some things is retarded; they simply don't have access to those things
No other animal wears clothes
No other animal uses the internet
Homo sapiens.
Based as fuck.
You sure?
It is unnatural to browse a Tibetan tile glaze appreciation forum as well.
It came from the meat industry of course. If you can convince the dumbest 5% of the population to increase their meat intake by 1000-2000% you just protected your business against most of the rest of the population reducing their meat intake even to 0
Stemmed from the keto craze. Then Joe Rogan had some guest on that are full carnivore and talked about how great it was.
Probably from that white dude who got stuck in the arctic with the inuits and lived off of only raw fish with them.
Fat of The Land (Book) is another likely origin
>watching Joe Rogan for anything other than Great White Stanhope appearances