To what do you attribute the massive rise in the popularity of buttplugs among teens and tweens in 2019?

To what do you attribute the massive rise in the popularity of buttplugs among teens and tweens in 2019?

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teens are more willing to explore their bodies

it correlates with your growing delusions.


Source on the rise in popularity? I haven't seen any

>teens are more willing to do things to their bodies without thinking of the impact it will have later in life.
also nobody born after 2000 expects to live past the age of 50 so they're having fun while they can.

>two months in

I want a source for this claim, OP.

Improved buttplug technology.

This desu especially jewel buttplugs, they look cute and flashy which makes them very appealing

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This. Its ass jewelry. Everyones gotta be so goddamn special these days getting every little thing tatted n pierced and customized. Its all for show off and its fucking stupid. Like girls who buy cute expensive panties that will probably only be seen by them.

It pisses me off to think how people blow cash on dumb shit like this. I just want new strings for my guitar :/

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Boomer trash

Maybe in the future jewel buttplugs will replace the ring and when you marry instead of putting a diamond ring on her finger you plug a diamond plug in her butt

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how do buttplugs stop you from buying guitar strings???

I bought a set of 3 for $10. I would not call that blowing cash.

>how do buttplugs stop you from buying guitar strings???

Interesting scenarios are forming in my mind

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>bought a set of 3 for $10

Guitar strings or buttplugs

I attribute it to most of the children's entertainment industry comprising pedophiles.

I blame Rocco Sefriedi for popularizing anal sex.

But she wouldn't be allowed to remove it so how would she poop?

it would be a testament to her love

Idk why i said that at the end, im sperging bad today sorry. They dont at all, buttplugs and guitar strings have nothing to do with each other, its just i have been broke for months now and it pisses me off to see how people blow their cash.

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They feel really good. I ought to find a new one to have some fun with

Gotta do some training cuz ya boy is getting pegged soon

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Maybe you'd be able to afford guitar strings if you stopped spending so much on butt plugs

Keep seeing threads like this. Is this some organized discord gay op?

No? Buttplugs are popular with boys and girls, straight or gay

>popularity of buttplugs among tweens

would you mind explaining?

>popular with boys
But that's literally the opposite of true, discord tranny

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