Redpill me on Zinc

Redpill me on Zinc

I started taking 25mg daily for a week and I noticed alot of fatigue throughout the day and headaches when I wake up. What gives?

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more like ZOG lmao

If you have autism adhd or anything like that you should take it


i take 20mg a day and have noticed nothing.

I take 15mg a day and it does absolutely nothing

>makes my peepee hard
>also makes me sleepy all day

i took it for a week or so because i heard it helps with acne and it made me almost puke each time. shit is strong and i didn't really notice much of a difference

Take it with dinner. Also prepare for big cums

zinc makes me splooge like a fountain

>shit is strong and i didn't really notice much of a difference

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i didn't notice a difference in my acne

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i split these in half, anything more intricate is too much of a hassle. its like 250% daily dosage. makes me horny and makes my cum thick and white. anything more than half (25mg) makes me nauseous

Take it Right After a big meal to avoid nausea, only benefits I’ve personally noticed taking the exact same brand are:
-crazy hornyness levels
-difficult to do nofap, taking showers and going to sleep without rubbing one out is borderline impossible.
-more confidence
-Never gotten sick while taking it.
-not feeling low test anymore

Samesies. Also just take ZMA.

Since we are on the topic. Is it better to get ZMA or just buy them separately?

You do know that you can easily OD on zinc, right?

If you take like 90mg a day lmao

got my copper on deck boi

Only if your a bitch

I've been taking 15mg a day for I think a month and didn't notice any difference in cum wich is still pretty fluid and horniness which is still very low, should I try to double the dose? Don't think it would make much difference since it helps only if you're in deficit of zinc, don't think overdosing would work

I take 50mg a day will I die?
So fucking HORNY

If I just eat oysters will I cum buckets?

You spent too much EVs in special defense and not enough in special attack

Daily reminder that Zinc Picolinate is the best form of zinc there is

The taste and aftertaste makes me nauseous and gives me a headache

No but you'll probably develop a copper deficiency over time, which will lead to an iron deficiency, which will lead to going bald

hmmm I take Zinc, Magnesium and Iron, should I be taking copper too?

I take 50mg Zinc Picolinate daily after breakfast and haven't noticed a major difference.

I'm especially defense, call me Shuckle motherfucker.

Yes, you pretty much need to throw it in. It sensitizes the hair folicles over time. you will go bald if you dont

>get zinc for skin health benefits after being a meth addict
>irritates my stomach everytime I take it
>proceed to shit out tons of tapeworms over the course of a few months
>now zinc doesn't irritate my stomach anymore

I just started taking zinc again recently I think it helps with skin or something

Jesus fucking Christ dude.

Zinc defeated your tapeworms. Tapeworms hate zinc!

I have tried taking it regurlarly twice but I cant do it because my testicles start aching?!

The recommended daily value of zinc is based on ELEMENTAL ZINC consumption. Chances are that you’re not getting anywhere near it because specific zinc types have different levels of elemental zinc content. The zinc you get from oysters is pure, elemental zinc and is properly absorbed.

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>buy zinc fortified chocolate milk
>drink it as a pre-workout
>check zinc content
>"10% DV"
Why can't they just tell me the fucking mg? It's 5, right?