Is this shit gonna get cured anytime soon?
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how is it Jow Forums related can't you jsut use google faggot
Sometimes lip cancer looks like herpes.
No, its a virus. Best you can hope for is immunization for the rest of us
Brah oral herpes is no big deal whatsoever. It will pass (but you will always carry the virus)
If its on your dick it's another deal
Google doesn’t know everything
Well that’s depressing, it only passes on to other people when you have an outbreak right? So when it goes away I don’t have to worry about infecting people?
Least it ain’t hiv
lol, fucking normalfags man
Any rules I should know? Not on my dick thankfully
you cant cure a virus
Worst thing about this is that I didn’t even get it from having sex
Stay the fuck away from Miami my friend
>fucked around with some chicks within the last 6 months
>raw dogged 3 of them after seeing them multiple times
>came home one day penis had some red marks on it, freak out
>turns out it was just beatthe fuck up and needed to heal
>started getting weird dry spots on sides of mouth
>meet uo with one of the chicks ti hang out and looked like the same thing was happening to her but worse
>figured this bitch just gave me the herp
>they were actually dry spots from minox in the beard kek
fuck man i need to stop having sex. being an incel is way better
Of course you can, why wouldn't you be able to disable the virus?
Well, it's going to get visible once in a while. There are ointmens you can get without prescription (at least where I live) but if you can afford a doctor you can probably get some good medicine for it. Usually visible only 3-5 days a year and often no worse than regular cold sores.
Just stay in and dont kiss people when you have the sores (which you probably wouldnt get to anyways) and it's no problem. Ive had oral herpes since I was 16 (last 9 years) and it's really easy to live with it
Tfw mom gave me oral herpes
Tfw all my other siblings probably also carry it, but they have never gotten a single outbreak
tfw only who gets it all the time
i got mine from my dad because he wasnt careful enough when i was younger, kinda sucks that i have to suffer because he was whoring around when he was in his prime.... at least i only have mild outbreaks maybe 2-4 times a year which are gone after 1-2 days tops.
You can use one of those electric sticks which get like 60-70 degrees hot and stop the herpes outbreak since it kills the virus, i have never tried it so i dont know if it works, but its worth a shot if you get outbreaks regulary
I will heed your wisdom. A drunk slut kised me once and I was paranoid for weeks. Sucks that society has no consequences for those who go around spreading that shit
because a virus sleeps within your own bodycells and you cant kill every fucking cell in your body just to cure herpes
90% of adults carry oral herpes
What do you mean?
There's already one, just retarded people don't even consider it
What kind of chicks are you sleeping with that have beards user
Propaganda by herpes fags
If you dont have oral herpes (not the same shit as genital herpes) you have probably never kissed a girl so gz
dry fasting is some crazy shit. The more i research about it the more it seems like all cure drug and it's not even drug. Just your body taking care of things.
another brainlet goy programmed by the rothschilds
>you cant kill every fucking cell in your body just to cure herpes
Watch me faggot
ill take the bait, redpill me then, how are you supposed to cure viruses?
I hope they never hind the cure, so that bitch can die
Thats a prime time fucking lie.
see this is why I don't get why vaccination works. Sure a weaker version of the virus enters in order to let your body produce antibodies, but what's stopping your body doing the same to herpes after it's been in your system long enough?
Screw societal consequences, it should have legal consequences. It's knowingly putting people in harms way and spreading disease which can have national implications.
The level of degeneracy we have to be at to protect disease spreaders is almost incomprehensible
Is this broscience that will fucking kill me?
Even if the DNA of the virus has been embedded in your own cells you can still develop an agent to disable it. Sure, it's not available right now but blanket saying it's not possible is silly. Gene therapy is developing rapidly.
It's not a weakened virus, it's inactive.
with science you fucking retard
Lmao ok then, virgins. Ever had a mouth sore? That's literally oral herpes ya got there
he is right, most of the adults in the world have oral herpes, you probably have it but it just didn't show up yet
tfw when kissed on the nose as a child and get a breakout on said nose every winter
the body DOES fight viruses off, but getting vaccinated takes away the risk of potential dangers since the body cant fight off some viruses immediatly which means you get sic., some viruses are no joke, they can kill you or leave you with some permanent damage.
Herpes is just a nasty lillte fucker the human body cant fight off, just like hiv
In California it’s no longer a crime to intentionally give someone AIDS.
Dry fasting 5 days
my mind is blown, thanks einstein
if that were true you wouldnt have gotten infected in the 1st place. Just kill yourself before you spend the rest of your life ruining others.
I have never had mouth sores and I'm not a virgin and I've kissed 20+ women
like I said, cope
80% of humans have herpes but only about 20% of them are cursed to have outbreaks, at least thats the official statistic i have learned in school
Why don't you experiment with it instead of waiting for you priest to tell you what to think?
Fagocitosis and lauric acid
Ok you have oral herpes, but havent had a breakout.... Dont be ashamed, dude
Replied to the wrong herpes-inflicted brah at first, sorry
>Two-thirds of the world population has herpes. More than 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 -- about 67 percent of the global population -- are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), according to a new report from the World Health Organization.
Because I remember our lord and savior, zyzz, who at peak health took a heart attack in a sauna from “experimenting”
I thought fedoras were supposed to be smart
Or shared a cold one with the boys
What a Loser
Lol nice try
Have sex
As invested no food or water for them 5 days or one day of fast and the next to eat? If it’s all in one shot how do I prep for that? I fear such a thing will kill me because I’m already auswitch
>you probably have it but it just didn't show up yet
Cope, not everyone is a disease ridden fag like you
I was eating asshole
lurk more
I dont get. if I get my dick sucked by OP who has oral, will I have genital herpes?
I don't have herpes nor am I OP but I got these irritable little dark red dots on my tongue for almost 3 weeks now. Is there anything I can do besides biting them off?
The best cure is not being a degenerate
Viruses inject their dna into your own dna of whatever cell they infect. Then your own cells assemble more of the virus with the new programming they've received. Sometimes this isn't a clean process and you get errors in your DNA that prevent your cell from undergoing apoptosis. That's why some viruses cause cancer.
t. High school graduate
And it is totally possible to cure a virus we just aren't there yet. Your body routinely cures some viruses though. I'm not sure but I think how quickly the affected cells die off before reproducing might be the difference between a chronic and short term infection.
shut the fuck up i have been on the chans for 7 months now
>Viruses inject their dna into your own dna of whatever cell they infect.
As you said yourself:
>And it is totally possible to cure a virus we just aren't there yet.
This is no reason to blanket state you can't cure any viral infection.
I used to get outbreaks all the time when i was in school due to stress. Now a neet and havent had one in 3 years
Well for some reason it's incredibly difficult so who knows if it will happen in our lifetime. But they did it with chronic hep c infections so maybe.
>t. high school graduate
I can tell. Stop making wide-sweeping statements about viruses.
Not all viruses have DNA. Some are RNA based. Not all viruses inject their DNA/RNA into the cell. Many are endocytoses whole where they then release their DNA or have genes transcribed from within their cellular envelope.
Finally, not all viruses incorporate into human DNA. Very few do, actually. One of the bigger families of viruses that do are human retroviruses. They cause cancer by either placing a strong promoter upstream of a oncogene or insert right within a tumor suppressor gene, disabling it. Both mechanisms lead to cancer.
Other viruses, like HPV, have proteins that inactivate the cellular mechanisms that work to reduce cancer incidence. That is why there is a vaccine to guard against certain strains of HPV - they can cause bad anogenital cancer in men and women.
There is not a single virus that you can currently cure - i.e. you cannot take a medication that will kill the virus, like how antibiotics kill off the bacteria from a bacterial infection. Many viruses you simply have to let run their course before the body handles them itself. Others, like Herpes and HIV, establish chronic infections. Medications targeting these viruses will stop them from replicating, but will have no effect on latent virus resting within your cells. We would need further development in CRISPR technology that would allow targeted excision of viral genetic elements from our cells to truly "cure" someone of HIV and Herpes, which I believe a Chinese man accomplished using CRISPR on an embryo infected with HIV.
Please never boast about graduating from high school or use it as credentials again you fuckwad.
>Please never boast about graduating from high school or use it as credentials again you fuckwad
Where on the autism spectrum do you fall exactly? Be honest.
Good info otherwise
The real blackpill is that no mainstream disease/virus/ailment/whatever is going to be cured anytime soon because too many people make too much money off of victims and insurance companies. You being diagnosed with cancer is a medical professional's dream come true.
Medfag here. Sometimes it sheds (this is the period where you're infective to others) without ANY symptoms at all. This is why herpes is so common among adults, very hard to avoid when sexually active, and on top of that, you can have it without experiencing symptoms.
They ARE working on a vaccine, but that's preventive so not a cure. The virus hides in your peripheral nerve cells close to the infection site, and only comes out (partially) during shedding or visible outbreaks. During that, you can take meds like acyclovir to make the sores go away faster, also applying an eosine solution helps make it dry out.
There are actually two types, HSV1 and HSV2. The latter is more known as genital herpes although both can occur orally and genitally. HSV2 has been observed to be more frequent in outbreaks too.
Last but not least, if you have one strain of herpes, catching the other will be harder since you will already have antibodies to it. Not impossible though, and in rare cases people passed herpes to another place of their own body, so watch out during outbreaks.
Hope this helps and stay safe!
> you can have it without experiencing symptoms
With this I meant that you can be a carrier without knowing. Usually it pops up when your immune system is compromised from stress or illness.
Btw OP the first infection is usually the worst.
This. What kind of fucking retard logic is that.
When I got it I got monthly outbreaks for 4 months in the same spot as the first outbreak. Then after those months I've never had another symptom again. I've had it for like 5 years now.
Maybe here but China is moving ahead with the gene editing shit, matter of time before some entity offers cures
>regular cold sores
Those are also Herpes.
Let’s say I have an outbreak and then it heals up, how long until it’s safe to kiss someone again?
Jow Forums - health and fitness
I've been on acyclovir as a supressant for cold sores for 6 months now. one outbreak in that time and it was the smallest I've ever had. For a while I was getting them monthlyl
>what is to be dormant
Bro take like 9,000mg of L-Lysine when you feel that tingling feeling immediately. Throughout the day just keep popping them, it will help fight the virus and should clear it up much sooner.
>t. Herpes fag
Please, don't do that. There's so many instances of old people passing their hsv to younger children because they were kissing their grandkids in the cheek. They didn't even know they had it. The best thing to do at least is to take some antiviral meds, have your hsv virus titers checked and see if your below the baseline. It's also important to disclose that to any partners that you may have.
When i get outbreaks its always in march/april. This spring i took l lysine daily and didnt get herpes. Maybe coincidence but still worth it
t. adam
go ruin other peoples lives
Hahahaha sucks to be you faggot
>13 body count
>Just got blood results
>STD results negative across the board.
That's what you get for irresponsibility fucking farm animals
herpes should not be cured so i know which thots to avoid
stop fucking niggers
is this the new incel?
You know the average STD test often doesnt test for herpes right?
Pretty sure the last time it was health, scooby still posted here
Fuck you nigger im at 13 and Ive had chlamydia and get the oral herp
yeh man i'll take like 1,000mg daily but when im really worn down i usually have a breakout
Dry fasting is natural shithead, you really think we had water and food all the time and everyday? Zyzz was a roider, not even close to being a natty
>at peak health
you're an idiot. he roided from day 1
>implying i didn't intentionally get tested for everything
Stay mad brother
>keeps count
The problem is that saying you have herpes kills a relationship early on
Holy get, and yes, it's not that hard with good memory retard
Stay mad brother
lmao kisslets beware this guy is on the prowl
>implying 7 months is a long time on the chan
dudes i had a spot of dry skin on my dick that got kinda sore ( and dissapeared almost fucking immediately) but it immediately triggered some massive past paranoid tendencies and i blew up at my girl accusing of cheating and now we havent really spoken for like 10 days and it fucking sucks
>we havent really spoken for like 10 days
You mean she's been getting railed by BBC's for 10 days