What should I do?

What should I do?

I'm 18 and a lanklet. I've been bulking but all of it is going to my stomach and I'm starting to get a belly.

Attached: 20190619_185859.jpg (1326x1866, 1.27M)

Read the fucking sticky. Also cut & lift heavy

you have to lift too

Been lifting for months and this is all I got...

Attached: 20190619_191309.jpg (2085x1835, 1.52M)

A few pushups before bed isnt a workout
Post your routine

Fuck! user... list your stats. Height and weight. These numbers are actually relevant.

You look about 14. Finishing puberty is going to help

cute :3 be my bf?

Attached: FullSizeR(7).jpg (288x800, 72K)

I can think of two answers.
>Not lifting
Do you even lift, bro? If yes
>Low T
You can't seem to gain muscle, but you're gaining fat, even though you lift. Go to the doctor and get your testosterone levels checked. Maybe you're very low t/high e. You look like a testlet, so I'm assuming this.

do you progress weight for each exercise?

Not every execercise. I break rely easily.

High fat/protein diet. Eat most of your carbs after your workout. Also just do OHP, Bench, Rows, Chins/pullups, Squats. You don't need that many accessory lifts when you're just starting out, you need to build your strength up first. You can add all those other lifts once you're actually lifting more than just the bar.

Height - 6ft
Weight - 154
BMI - 18%

You gotta do a full body workout, squats, bench, pullups etc till fail. Twice a week if youre just starting out. In about 6 months to a year youll notice a difference if youre eating right. Dont over do it tho, overtraining will get you nowhere. You gotta find the sweet spot and be consistant.

I think overtraining is a meme if your sleeping and eating enough. I did a full body routine every other day. So 4 times a week, and I had crazy gains in the first 3-6 months.

Ss+gomad u nigger
Ss is better than ppl for dyels

eat less, lift heavier and with compound movements. I wouldnt even worry about a real bulk until you get some shape to start with.

You're only hitting each muscle group once per week. At least do push and pull twice a week

If you're only starting to notice a difference half a year to a year in, you're doing it wrong.

Unironically SS/Stronglifts. Do one of those to build a good strength base then switch to a better program once you stall.


Jesus Christ, user
I was expecting bad, but not this bad
Do Starting Strength (SS) or Stronglifts (SL)
I hope you stop doing this, because you won't make any gains as a beginner using that program
If you can't decide, go with SL
There's an app for it