I've been lifting at my uni gym for like 3 years now I dont have a consistent diet cause I just eat what even my parents make cause I still live at home. Deadlift pr Is like 245
Bench press pr is 200lbs
5'8. 165 lbs.
I'm posting cause I feel like I cant get any bigger and it pissing me off. Where do I go from here? I'm also leaving to join army in a month. Any tips, Jow Forums?
I've been lifting at my uni gym for like 3 years now I dont have a consistent diet cause I just eat what even my...
I think you should cut
cut bro
you look like 25% bodyfat or more
Gotta shed that shit to make ur muscles appear
Not an expert but I think the military test is to run 5 miles and do a bunch of calisthenics so practice that I guess.
If you want to get strong do heavy sets of 5 and 3
Close I'm around 20 to 22% I was 174 a few weeks ago but I did start cutting
How are you 5'8 and 165, I'm the same height but I don't look like that
Yeah but the opat (entry test) is easy as fuck 9:30 mile 130-160 deadlift 3 reps a 3 foot standing long jump and a seated power throw of 13 feet
You are not 20% bro
How do you look so fat at 5’8 165. I’m the same weight and height with a similar bench and look way skinnier.
Idk that's why I'm asking
Damn man.
Dude the answer is obvious, keep cutting. What do you want people to tell you?
Then just train strength
I can only assume you are lying about your height/weight or you have despicable me legs.
ur fat
read the sticky
cut until you can see your abs
then lean bulk while following a decent program like SS
stop eating what your parents make
>getting bigger
>training for army shit
May want to cut and be able to pass the armys fitness test and then get big after
Should you ignore that advice, take 150+g protein per day, work on diet however that may be, and lift daily
I do have meme legs and my height may be off the army says I'm 5'8 but my doctor said I'm 5'6 so I have no fucking clue
That's a pretty Good idea, I was doing a light cut and waiting till basic destroyed me and took a ton of weight off me desu but I like your idea better.
found the retard
5’6” lol does the doc also say you’re 185 and the army said 165
No nigger I have a scale at my house.
Go splurge on a tape measure next. Anyways you should cut at least 15 pounds. You are over 20% bodyfat, maybe almost 25
Everyone telling you to cut is proof that Jow Forums is full of twinks. You are 165lbs and your lifts are shit. Come back when you're benching 315, dead lifting/squatting at least 405 and keep your body weight right around 200. Then you'll have a base. You look like shit because you barely have a base.
Hes about to have to pass a physical fitness test which requires no lifting, and any sack of slop should be able to pass the pushups/situps portion. Im not even recommending cutting, but packing on a shit tons of mass wont help with what hes about to do
What the fuck you been doing for 3 years you fat DYEL
Lmao I ask myself that everyday
Go take a picture of a scale showing 165 because I don’t believe you
Get a job and get on a strict diet of chicken and broccoli. Buy some supplements too.
>3 years at gym
>looking like that
Bro, I had better visuals with 1 month doing some exercises at home, go do some cardio and lose that fat, you look like someone who has doing nothing but sitting on the chair all day playing videogames in the last 3 years.
You are about 25% as the other user said.
You should start your cut yesterday
You'll be stuck in basic training unless you lose some weight
After you graduate from BT they'll send you to a fat camp where you work out all day on half rations
If you want to succeed in the Army then you're going to need a good score on the PT tests
270 and higher is where you want to be
Run, run, and run some more
Because that is all you'll be doing if your MOS is combat arms
Get your 2 minute run at least below 14min 30sec, your pushups above 60, and situps above 65
You don't need to be doing weight training right now, just calisthenics and running
Don't know what branch you were in, but that's not the entry test for the army
It's just pushups, situps, and running
I meant "2 mile run" not "2 minute"
lol 3 years of uni wasted time and money now your enlisting jesus christ fat boy
3 years and that's all you've achieved? you're not pushing yourself hard enough user
That’s harder then I thought for running. I’ve been running before every workout for the past two months and I’m down to 15 mins for two miles. I’m kinda surprised the army has stricter requirements then that.
Damn 2 extra
I guess not man.im a bit disappointed in myself desu
I lied I'm not in uni I'm just graduating from hs though it would sound better
>shit diet
>shit lifts
>cant get bigger
>is retarded
checks out
Yeah man I get that I'm joining as a POG but yeah I'm running alot now not really good but I'm running.
Those aren't the requirements, but it's where you want to be before basic training
I've been out of the army for a while, but I remember that if your age is below 22 or 23 then you need about a 16:30 run time to graduate basic, and then a 15:54 time for AIT and active duty
Keep running and get your time in the 14:00 to 14:30 range now though
Get a headstart on your peers
Nobody's good at running. The people who "like" running are fucked in the head. But it gets easier the more you do it. Losing weight helps a lot too.
Yeah think I'd be wise to just redistribute my remaining time to just running and calisthenics?
idk how you started but I assume you jumped straight into weights, if I started that way I'd think I'd have a hard time gauging when I'm actually tired and when to go up in weight. if you guess wrong you could end up hurting and/or embarassing yourself.
either find someone to spot you so you can lift more ambitiously or focus on machines that let you bail safely while focusing on intensity.
Good choice going POG you will come back from Iran alive. No point in getting shredded if you’re gonna die.
That's exactly what I did for 3 damn years. Only recently found a spotter hence the mediocre lifts
Yeah a cool job too small arms repairer.
That's probably your best bet
What ever muscle you have now, you're probably going to lose in basic training
You want to focus on muscular endurance over strength, which means calisthenics and running
That's pretty much all you'll be doing for BT and AIT, so you might as well get used to it now
Knock out 50 pushups, squats, situps/crunches every couple hours or so, stay active throughout the day
Honestly this turned out better than I thought, I thought youd all tell me to read the sticky and call me a dyel without helping at all. Thanks user
Good luck OP
Is no one gonna mention
>200 pound bench
>245 diddly
>shiggy diggy
The army has a max weight for entry that varies with height, if you would bust it at 5'6 you know that greasy recruiter would throw you in at 5'8
What’s the point of getting shredded and not dying like a fucking warrior.
You've never seen your brothers die
It's like shooting a hog, or any animal, and watching it trying to inhale while the lungs collapse or guts spill out
Most people have somebody that cares about them, death poisons the family
There's no such thing as "dying like a warrior"
I'm sure you're trolling but go fuck yourself anyways