First time on R*ddit in years. First day back and this shit is asked. I thought you guys were retarded but holy shit...

First time on R*ddit in years. First day back and this shit is asked. I thought you guys were retarded but holy shit. Does hot food have more calories? seriously?

Attached: Reddittard.png (1210x146, 16K)

Take the cold pill.

Eat frozen food only, it requires calories for the body to use it.

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or the body just sweats/ vasodilates/releases heat less and balances it out with that recent discovery: HOMEOSTASIS

Fuck you jew, I won't take your pills

Holy fucking dogshit.
This is objectively more accurate.
Your body needs to raise the temperature of cool things to break it down more effectively and completely during digestion. Even works with cold water, your body burns a few calories to warm it up just as a matter of course, which is that extra 0.01+ bonus point to your cut. As far as I know, warm/hot food is just easier for your body to handle, and you may RETAIN a couple more calories, but will get NO additional caloric or extra energy potential.
Oh, and fuck r*ddit.

Tl;dr: ur body burns a couple calories to make cool food warm so u can eat it good. Roddit is faggots lmao

I doubt it user, but spicy foods do help a lot woth digestion and vasodilation. Some boomer advice I used to get was 'drink cold water, it makes your body work harder to maintain core temperature, so you burn more calories '

>Presented with fact that cold water makes your body burn calories to warm it up
>"Fucking Boomers!"

You have to be 18 to post here you know that right?

Kind of
>Reheating Your Pasta Makes It
Significantly Better For You. When pasta is cooled down, your body digests it differently, causing fewer calories to be absorbed and a smaller blood glucose peak. And reheating it is even better - it reduces the rise in blood glucose levels by a whopping 50 percent.

Wait, if you're really hot and sweaty, do you gain more calories if you eat something cold. Cuz your body cools off faster and saves energy cooling yourself

the amount of calories you burn from heating up cold food / water is literally irrelevant

Let's do some math regarding the discussion of cold foods and calories burnt

One calorie is a unit of measurement that raises one ml of water one degree centegrade

Assuming you drink a glass of ice water which is roughly 250ml and let's say it's REALLY cold water, so like 5 degrees Celsius, and we want to raise it to 37 degrees c, the human body temperature.


Multiplying the difference in temperature with the volume will tell us how many calories it will take. 250ml * 32 C = 8000 calories

>Wow, 8000 calories! That's fucking great for weight loss!

not so fast, those are SI calories, nutrition is measured in Calories, aka kilocalories. Divide the SI calories by 1000 to obtain the kcal number aaaaaaaaand

It's 8 calories. You burn 8 calories MAX by drinking a tall glass of EXTREMELY COLD ice water, probably the same amount burnt walking to to fridge in the first place.

Drink water at whatever temperature you want. It does not matter.

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>Eat ice cream every day
>lose 50lbs because my body has to warm up

This is basic thermodynamics. The reddit post is right. A calorie is a measurememt of strictly heat.

technically it does, but not a meaningful amount and not in a meaningful way. the body cannot convert heat energy into the chemical energy it gets from food. the body will expend or conserve energy to thermoregulate like says, but the effect is almost zero. heat of food and beverages probably has some effect on digestion and/or gut health though

no it’s not you pleb. one calorie = the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1ml of water by 1 degree celsius. whether that’s heat, chemical potential, gravitational potential, mechanical work, whatever a calorie is still a calorie.

It might actually have slightly less calories if its above your bodies temperature, as it requires your body to cool itself down more. Calories are only the usable energy in food after all, with all the energy required for digestion etc already subtracted. Celery even has negative calories due to requiring more energy to digest than it contains in macros
I read that in cold countries people using dog sleds will thaw up the meat their dogs eat, because otherwise the dogs will have to eat significantly more due to extra energy expenditure of heating it up in their stomach. Pretty sure just cold water won’t do all that much though

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No no it uses the calories you eat in ice cream to warm up user, you still get calories, just slightly less~!

he is right but If you drink your 4l water at 5°C instead 20°C you only "burn" 60kcal more. and thats with water which has a high specific heat capacity.

Eat ice every day

He is right. As said, the body cannot directly convert heat energy into chemical energy. You still increase the energy of your body more by adding hot food instead of cold food. The increase of energy stored in chemical form is however negligible since you would only get a tiny increase via the reduction of the amount of energy needed to keep your body temperature stable. I.e. cold food needs to be brought to body temperature. This process needs energy.


They're probably more concerned about keeping their dogs warm than the dogs losing a handful of calories.