You have to fight him in the ring

What's your strategy and fighting style?

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Quit posting threads about this bloated nigger

Take him down, side control, mount, gnp, he gives back, rnc

I don't know what you're talking about.

Throw a crab rangoon into his mouth and watch him melt like the witch from The Wizard of Oz

Toss him a cucumber to distract him then knee his insufferable vegan ass in the temple.

sounds solid. A takedown should be easy with his twig knees.

What happened to this guy anyway? The last thing I knew is that his shitty parasite gf was slowly ruining his life. Anything new?

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maybe dip the cucumber in some onions sauce so he can suck it off
Don't really know. My bro was watching a video of his recently. I know he had a vasectomy and has like 4 knee surgeries done, popped his pec on the bench. He breaks a part more than a BMW does.

oh dios mío querido santo, sálvame, la creatura ha despertado y vendrá por nosotros, la encarnación de todo lo malo del universo, la abominación de las américas, el duende de la perdición, el espíritu de la oscuridad...

Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maléficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, la luz extinguida, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, la abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja la aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas...


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richard has them eyes completely dead i would not take this fight

Spaniards are not white.

Mein Gott! el atrocidad ist erwachte!

Improvise and shitty Jiu-Jitsu with a few equally shitty Judo throws.

Depends on when you ask the question. When "I Love Lucy" was filmed, Ricky was considered white, but foreign.

>be weird yellow nigger
>also be vegan
>decide I’m going to roid so I can actually get big because I’m not gaining any muscle on my vegan diet
>finally gain muscle but tell everyone I’m a natty
>make sure to spout on my youboob channel about how I proved everyone wrong and you totally can get jacked as a vegan
I fucking hate this fag so much, in fact every vegan bodybuilder is pretty much exactly like this guy minus the yellow nigger part.

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>You have to fight him in the ring.

Is this a boxing ring, a PRIDE ring, or a pro wrestling ring? If it's boxing, I'ma use a "peekaboo" style reminiscent of Mike Tyson (Only slower, weaker, and whiter), try to step in on him behind his jab, hit him in his little bitch torso with low hooks, then knock his block off at the first opportunity. If it's a PRIDE ring, I'ma try to keep at range while looking for a shot to take the lanky fuck to the ground and buttfucking him with grappling. If it's a pro wrestling ring, I'll be wrestling as The Butcher and, when the match starts, pull out a side of beef from my apron and begin wailing on him with it.

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Women are an absolute mess.

don't forfeit an easy win on a braggadocious target
would probably work

His yellow tinge makes him look sickly.

>If it's a pro wrestling ring, I'll be wrestling as The Butcher and, when the match starts, pull out a side of beef from my apron and begin wailing on him with it.

I love it when /asp/ visits.

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Pride ring, when he calls people out it's always for MMA.
he has a weird Ayy lmao back and he only works biceps. It's disgusting.

ample footwork and using my reach to keep him at the end of my jab, he's a bodybuilder, he's got shit cardio and he'll gas out by the 3rd round at the latest, if you play it conservatively in the initial rounds you're basically guaranteed to win against these types.

Sounds good until he sprawls on you and wraps you up in an anaconda choke.

I tickle him until hes exhausted and then i kiss him all over until hes sore

Lead pipe to the face, then subsequent lead pipe blows ad liberatum.

>I Pull his shorts down, and My top off, and tell him i'm not 18.
>while I pull off my shorts, and let myself show my pansu to the camera
>my dick hitting the floor.
>Staring at his Bare Cock.
>"Are you ready to go at me?"
>I lick my lips as the crowd stares in Excitement, and disgust
> My dick swang as I trotted oiver too him, my fursuit head left on my stool.
>The loud smacking noise of my dick as I rush him
"I shoot my spiderman- laod against him, the webs, sticky.
and Thin.
>the dripping sensation of my young boy cock, watchign my prey stare in fear, as I am crowned the Victor.

>shove a retractable baton (a la Watch Dogs) up my ass before the fight
>as the bell rings, rip off my tear away shorts
>squat down and shit the baton out into my waiting palm
>fucking cave his skull in as my meaty cock and balls flap like a wind chime in a hurricane

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I get it. He's in Canada which has a lot of Chinks.

I shoot the abomination with a .22 until the ammo runs out. Then I run circles around him until he bleeds to death. I will paint the canvas with his blood without either of us touching.

Punch him really hard
>fighting style
It's a super secret punch-you-in-the-face-until-you-cry fighting style

The guy has no professional fighting experience, any guy that has at least somewhat devoted himself to a non-meme martial art should beat him in a ring if they are in roughly the same weight class

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do a spycrab walk and while he is distracted by my graceful imitation, reach down, grab onto his nutsack with my 250lb grip and drag him wherever I want
>fighting style
Crab nut grab-dojutsu

She made him less green at least

Looks like someone out of Baki

Dudes got a pencil neck...he won’t take a hit or I’ll just choke him out

>insist on drug testing
>vegay gets DQed
>win by default
don’t even have to try

>not spycrabbing into a matador judo throw
Fat-man, please!

Ó, drága istenem, kedves szentem, engem megmenteni, a teremtmény felébredt és eljött hozzánk, az univerzum minden rossz dologjának megtestesülése, az amerikaiak nyomorúsága, a pusztulás goblinja, a sötétség szelleme ... Istenem ... Az Úr lelke. Isten, az Atya, a Fiú és a Szentlélek, a Szentháromság, a Szeplőtelen Szűz, az angyalok, az arkangyalok és a paradicsomi szentek leereszkednek. Töltsétek meg engem, Uram, töltsenek meg engem. Távolítson el tőlem minden gonosz erőt, pusztítsd el őket, pusztítsd el őket. Eltávolítja a számomra a gonoszságot, a fekete mágiát, a sötétség ográját, az eloltott fényt, az amerikai ... Kérem, tönkretegye a cigányfertőzést; minden, ami gonosz, bűn, irigység, féltékenység és tökéletes; a fizikai, pszichés, erkölcsi, lelki és cukorbetegség ... elpusztítja a szörnyet, a teremtményt ... Ezt a gonoszságot a pokolban írja le, hogy soha ne érjenek hozzám vagy más lényhez. Én a mindenható Isten hatalmával parancsolok és parancsolok, a Szabadító Jézus Krisztus nevében, a Szeplőtelen Szűzön keresztül, minden tisztátalan szellem azonnal, hogy véglegesen elhagyjon és örök pokolba menjen. A chupacabra sucker nem győzhet, a szörnyeteg, az abomináció ... meg kell halnia ... San Miguel, a San Rafael által, a Szeplőtelen Szűz sarka alá zúzott San Gabriel, a San Gabriel láncolva elhagyja a genetikai aberrációt, az Amerika ogre ... ámen

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Fighting a vegan? No seriously does this guy do mma or at least some form of martial arts?

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Train the middle knuckles on each hand into unstoppable knobs of hardened oak, then Charlie horse this nigger into the shadowrealm.

Vegans are susceptible to takedowns because their diet makes them slow and not explosive.

Automatic carbine and short, controlled bursts.

>Carbs make you less explosive

If he has an high guard i’ll try to kick him in the stomach with a side kick
If he has a long guard i’ll use some combinations of punches and kicks to prevent him to try to take the fight to the ground

Ora ora bitch

Basado, santisimo, bendecido y rojo pastillado

What's he weigh and how tall is he?

Trip him so he falls into the manlet arena pit

tequila niggers get out

Takedown and wrestlefuck, my striking defense is shit

He probably won't get it off since his arms are really big, it's the lanklet arms you gotta watch out for

No his clown world fake wife doesn't let him