patting yer waifu softly edition
patting yer waifu softly edition
rem is my shining angel!
This is a droolpost
The one thread where I get FP is deleted.
my jonathan. my wonderful jonathan.
Sorry , I made the new thread 5 SECONDS after remfag's thread
at least leah friend doesnt get first again. this is rems first first post.
im ok its super late and im just relaxing
I'll never forgive you.
fuck leahfag
Posting for my wonderful inspiration, Honey.
This morning, I was thinking, does anyone have a poem or love song they think of when they think of their waifu? I always think of the line from Aura Lea: "Maid with golden hair, Sunshine came along with thee, And swallows in the air."
I have to hit the sack soon, but I can't wait to read some wonderful responses.
Good morning!
How are you fellas doing today?
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this fluid druid?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this jism prism?
Not bad, are you feeling better now than you were a couple hours ago?
A lot better. Had some coffee and I'm great again
>I meant to respond to you a couple threads ago, but things didn't really work out
Dont worry. It happens to me too
>thanks for taking the time to read that wall of text I wrote
No problem, Kotorifriend. I enjoy reading interesting walls of text
>It relieved me a bit to know that you also have doubts as to whether or not what you say in these threads matter
When I write "to Alice" I dont really care if someone reads it so I usually end up writing big walls of text. I just hope that maybe she somehow may read it
But when Im writing to someone I always wonder if theres even a point in me replying to them
>Thanks to your understanding and kindness I have a renewed determination to improve myself for Kotori
Im happy I could help you. Do it for her, user.
>I might finally start trying to learn that second language
What language?
>I hope life has been treating you well, a man like you deserves happiness.
Thank you. Im pretty much content with whats going on in my life currently. I wish you the best too, fellow waifufriend
>Hello alicefriend have you been feeling better?
Hi, Kiyofriend. Thanks for asking. Yes I feel a lot better. Looking at Alice's face still gives me so much pleasure and happiness
What about you, friend? How are you doing?
>I remember you were feeling pretty bad some threads ago
Yeah, but thats in the past. It always happens to me because of some little things like someone else claiming Alice, seeing lewds of her etc. Now I enjoy my life and Im really happy with my love towards her
Sorry, for a bit late replies, anons
>does anyone have a poem or love song they think of when they think of their waifu?
Yes but its more of a sentimental thing. As I have listened to one song exactly at the time when I have fallen in love with Alice and now it strongly reminds me of her and beginning of my love
Also when I think about her I often have soundtrack from her game in my head
For how long are you in love, user?
Oh. I found out and it's really stupid.
hello again what are you going to do today?
I'm pretty sure Kim Possible as a franchise exists because of porn at this point.
Not really sure yet. There's something I have to work on but I've been procrastinating for weeks now.
I've loved her for several years now, but I just discovered these Jow Forums threads a few weeks ago. Ever since I was young, life has seemingly laid the groundwork for waifuism for me.
How long have you been in love?
Stupid thing wouldn't attach a picture.
its always been porn since it came out although most prefer the hot teen red head, I prefer the taller, late 20s early 30s greenskinned bad girl
yeah I do that as well its easier to leave things behind then do them, try not to leave it behind if you can
>Droolpost with no actual drool in it
Not too long. Since 16 February 2018. And I started visiting waifu threads on Jow Forums somewhere in April.
My dearest Angela. Oh, how I love her.
Still loving my teacher till the end of time.
Yesterday was very comfy for me and Lat but now it's back to business as usual, more or less.
I love my big butt demoness a lot!
Really trying to find eros in my heart for her somewhere
Still fain o this bonnie lass, just vertically now.
What's your opinion on the meme of the female protag for Pokemon Sword&Shield being scottish?
I'm not into Pokemon, so I don't have an opinion.
Question time.
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
I can't answer the first two at all, and for the third... I dunno. Lat's a smol girl who from what she says eats an average amount so in theory I should have the advantage there, but I'm sure she could go for far longer than she normally would if she puts her mind to it, and might have higher theoretical limits than me as a result. Also, letting a bit of my degeneracy show, as even I have some degenerate tastes, I would greatly enjoy finding out what her limit is there
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
A verdant world. Tall, snow-capped mountains, deep valleys and expansive bodies of water. A true Eden.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
A small but dependable ship. She'd take to the seas like no other.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
Both of us are pretty fast eaters, but I thing she'd have the will to go on until the plate of whatever we're eating is clear. I might tap out halfway through.
quit Jow Forums and every image board for some time, don't think I'll be active again though
glad to see alicefag is still going at it
good morning, how are you all?
rem helped me sleep through the horrors last night, and i am thankful for that.
morning user, was just about to go sleep myself now from a long day looking at a pc screen
Nightmares are the worst. I'm glad Rem helped you face them. Me, I'm okay for now. There's a Brave thread on /co/ so I'm taking advantage of that.
I have songs that remind me of her but because they are made by her seiyuu
>Yes I feel a lot better. Looking at Alice's face still gives me so much pleasure and happiness
Glad to know that you are enjoying your love for her and she's still the reason of your hapiness
>What about you, friend? How are you doing?
Pretty much the same, I've been trying to select my favorite images to make a "do it for her" picture, but I always end up with 100 images I really love from my folder with 2150 images
>It always happens to me because of some little things like someone else claiming Alice, seeing lewds of her etc. My Kiyo gets lewd so much that I'm kind of immune to it now, unless it's some really degenerate shit
>Now I enjoy my life and Im really happy with my love towards her
Really glad to know, I've also been trying to advance on my life thinking about how I would share it with her it kind of makes sad and happy at the same time, just waifuism I guess
What did you dream of remfriend?
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
A lovely warm world underneath an icy surface.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
Something fast and light.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
Just woke up a few hours ago, things are good
I'm rewatching one of my favourite "documentary" series, Prehistoric park, and I nearly cried at the intro for no good reason.
night tachinaba friend. id assume u left around the time i joined.
it wasnt a nightmare, more like halucinations.
the brave thread is nice.
wasnt dream, was halucinations.
it was the same thing again, the black and white striped monster thing with long stick arms walking on all fours after me and smiling in the biggest shit eating grin ive seen.
is urabe doing good too?
>is urabe doing good too?
>it was the same thing again, the black and white striped monster thing with long stick arms walking on all fours after me and smiling in the biggest shit eating grin ive seen.
Sounds fun
>sounds fun
it is, gives rem a reason to protect me and hold me tight.
Headpatting Zero Two is the best! Just gotta be careful for those horns
>the black and white striped monster thing with long stick arms walking on all fours after me and smiling in the biggest shit eating grin ive seen
That shit sounds too surreal
Getting stabbed by waifu's horns while cuddling in the middle of the night!
Prehistoric Park was one of the best, definitely a great closure to the whole Walking with Dinosaurs series.
Good morning everyone, it's looking like it's gonna be another decent day and decent thread.
>What language?
Probably Italian, maybe Latin. Spanish would be the most useful, but I have no interest in it for reasons I don't really feel like getting into at the moment.
>good morning, how are you all?
Eh, still not great. This illness just won't let go. Luckily, neither will I. Mood is decent enough, and that's more indicative of how I'm doing than physical health anyway.
I'd be okay with this. The horsn are part of the package to love
Nigel Marven wants to revive it! he just hasn't gotten very far with it.
Watching it today made me realize how many environmental and wildlife conservation messages it subtly brought to the viewer.
good morning, afternoon nigh everyone how are you.
>>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
Big, round, purple
>>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
Small and fast, the type of ship fit of stealth and reconnaissance
>>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
She would, I'm past my prime for that.
i've just woke up very late but everything is well. Glad to hear that rem help you last night.
Good morning /waifu/, just got up and had to check out the thread.
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
It would be a mild, temperate world, a place of beautiful meadows and great mountains.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
It would be a dependable and versatile ship, maybe a tug or a military cruiser designed to for any operations.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
She could, hands down. Mostly because she eats food to restore energy she needs to change into her other forms.
Anyone got anything planned for a lazy Sunday?
>Anyone got anything planned for a lazy Sunday?
I might finally, actually paint some miniatures today after weeks of talking about it but never going through with it. I think I finally feel well enough to do a not so shitty job on them. What about you, do you have anything going on?
im gonna try being productive but be so unproductive id rather actually stayed lazy
>Anyone got anything planned for a lazy Sunday?
Lazy Sunday is lazy Sunday. I've got no plans.
Hah, I've been making multiple poems about her in the dead of night when I'm feeling romantic. I also associate lots of love songs to her now. I cringe at myself now.
About 5 years now, though it took me a good year to stare me in the face and admit it. I'm in love until I die now, I hope it'll be worthy.
It'd be green and beautiful.
>eating contest
This'd be interesting, I haven't seen the limit of her hunger and I'd want to take her there.
I'm good, I'm glad Rem helped you.
It's mine and my husband's second year anniversary today! We're going to have a great day today!
is pic related yours though?
Uh.. to tell the truth, yes, but why does that matter?
That's a hell of a collage you've got there. I hope your anniversary is a good day.
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
Probably a white gas giant.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
I'm not quite sure. It would be medium sized most likely. Maybe used for tourism.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
She doesn't like like a fast eater to me but I don't really eat all that much either. It would be tough for both of us I reckon and it would be pretty close too.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
happy aniversary fellar
Hi everyone! How is your Sunday going so far? Saved any new images of him/her?
>It's mine and my husband's second year anniversary today! We're going to have a great day today!
Happy anniversary to you two!
>When your waifu/husbando is mad at you for whatever reason what do you do to make them happy and not mad at you again?
Have her sit on the bed. Legs are crisscross and me sitting in front of her doing baby talk and crack small jokes till i see the slightest smile and keep at it
Oh that weed! Indeedle dee deed that weedle dee deed! I smoke it to see my waifu! I am stoned out of my MIND right now! OH THAT WEED!
That is a very nice picture of her.
Probably it would look like the depiction of the internet that you can see in movies/anime, an ethereal-like world with pictures and videos flying by.
A small, future-looking, silver colored ship, with turquoise neons.
>eating contest
I'd win, she likes food but she's small so she can't eat much.
Why Italian in particular? It's a beautiful language but I never seen much interest in it from foreigners, usually people are much more attracted to German, French or Spanish.
Congrats! Have a great anniversary!
>Hi everyone! How is your Sunday going so far? Saved any new images of him/her?
I spent a good chunk of yesterday saving new stuff and reorganizing my folders.
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
I always associated Mars with her for a few reasons, so I guess something like that.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
Well there's an airship she commands, so I figure it would be something like that. I don't know what a boat named after her would be like.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
Probably me.
>Why Italian in particular?
The history of Italy has interested me for a while now. From the founding of Rome, all the way to the rise to power and subsequent fall of Mussolini. I don't know as much about the modern history of the country, I'll admit, but there have been many figures from their history that I find interesting or look up to in a way. It's also a very beautiful country from what I've seen of it, and I'd love to visit someday. Knowing how to speak the language would just help me understand it all a bit better, I guess. Plus learning a second language would probably be good for me.
Morning frens, i hope you all are doing ok. heres 2 questions to start off the day
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
We'd go to Japan. I've daydreamed about exploring Japan with her. We'd go on hikes, nature walks, maybe take part in festivals, that sort of thing.
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
I can't think of any, really.
I want to explore an old world countryside with her. Ireland would be ideal but anywhere would be fine so long as I can get lost with her. Anything green reminds me of her. And anything red.
I think I'm really in love with my wife you guys.
Hi miku fren!
I wasn't able to hear the songs you sent me because it's removed
Hi Marida fren!
>I spent a good chunk of yesterday saving new stuff and reorganizing my folders.
Ah that's the best feeling. Getting new waifu pictures and treasuring them
Hi Kotori fren! How are feeling today?
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
The bahamas in the summer. Who doesn't want to go to a beautiful little place with nice sands, clear waters, and get out for the nice tan
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
Idk about the food and drinks but shinoa reminds me of lavender
were you able yo read last threads final rambling?
Good to see /waifu/ being comfy again. Decided to try making a pic for the thread. Since I really like the GHS hazard symbols I plagiarized one of them and ended up with this. Something something about being separated from your beloved because she isn't real or whatever, I don't know. Posting it on the off-chance that somebody likes it.
>Ah that's the best feeling. Getting new waifu pictures and treasuring them.
The search for new ones never really ends. I've constantly finding stuff I've never seen before.
Not bad, actually. It's simple and to-the-point.
I did read that. I drank a lot thinking about what you were saying. I'm sorry if I'm not very coherent but I feel you. I'm so glad I have her to put me together. I feel like we can both become better for her because we found love. I admire your intensity.
*I'm constantly
I'm doing well. Just enjoying my weekend. Thought about buying an SKS once I got the money. I'd buy an AK buy my state sucks and doesn't let common folk like myself own them.
>What would a planet named after your waifu look like?
I imagine it to be a grey rocky world devoid of any real land features. It might have an atmosphere but that's really it. Maybe it'll have ice caps with frozen water or something similar.
>What would a ship named after your waifu look like?
A medium length vessel that focuses more on being a practical and reliable ship and a nice looking one. It'd probably have black paint that's chipped in places from the years of use.
>Between you and your waifu, who'd win in an eating contest?
Me, I'm by far more of a fat ass than she is.
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
We'd probably go out somewhere to some pacific islands. I've always had an interest in that part of the world. We'd probably take part in some local festivities and just enjoy the island hopping.
Alternatively a cross-country trip across the United States would be fun too. Go from state to state and seeing their sights and monuments. Relaxing stuff like that.
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
Somehow I never put much thought into this one.
>Tell me one interesting fact I wouldn't believe about your waifu
good, how are you today?
>>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
A spiritual tour of Asia.
>>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
None really.
Seem abit slow atm just hope everyone is having a good time.
Alita is 3d and beautifl and perfect
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
I want to take her all around the world. My dream destination with her is France. Either Paris or Cannes. I get excited just thinking about it. We'd see all the beautiful streets, monuments, the beaches...I think she'd love it. Another destination is Japan during the cherry blossom season.
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu or husbando, if any
Chocolate especially (and obviously) Swiss chocolate for food. A smell I associate with her is black orchid and lilac.
It is indeed.
I quite like it.
People always seem to get startled by the fact that she is 37 years old.
>you and your waifu have a week for vacation. Money and transport isnt a issue. Where would you go and what would you do?
I want to go to italy with her and see all the beautiful landscapes, art and landmarks with and enjoy all the food.
>what food / drinks / smells / etc remind you of your waifu if any
None really.
I can't even fap to her she's so pure
I'm not so sure where, but I'd like to take her to a warm beach, just by ourselves.
I've always thought she smells like an old rifle, but the taste that makes me think of her is hot chocolate, warm and sweet.
it hurts to think of ever fapping to rem.
not even self-inserts? do you image yourself doing stuff with her or abstain from doing it with her completely and either do it to to other things or go nofap?
>Hi Kotori fren! How are feeling today?
Eh, decent enough I guess. Good mood didn't last too long, and I've still got a cough and the sniffles. I'm doing well enough. How have you been holding up?
>Seem abit slow atm just hope everyone is having a good time.
I'll admit, it's a little weird having such a calm thread. It's nice, don't get me wrong, but after a while you get used to chaos, y'know?
i do nofap.
when i fail, i dont do it to her.
its very disrespectful to fap to my wife.
I just hope this isn't the quite before the storm, these threads are a lot better when everyone gets along.
What is your opinion on BDSM?
I just read some parabola doujins and oh boy.
Is this the Rem user with bdsm fetishes? That's weird. It's impossible.
>bdsm fetish
>even fapping to her hurts
At last , i truly see
I love shyvana so much i could explode.
Its nice to have calm comfy threads again
>I just hope this isn't the quite before the storm, these threads are a lot better when everyone gets along.
Me too, hope this comfyness keeps up.
You have to make a christmas feast with waifu or the pope will cut your dick off with a spoon.
What do you cook?
How about I bash the Pope's skull in while she holds him down?
>the pope will cut your dick off with a spoon
>You have to make a christmas feast with waifu or the pope will cut your dick off with a spoon.
Fuck the pope, 1307 worst year of my life.
>What do you cook?
Well my family usually has a lasagna for Christmas so I'd probably try to make that. I'd also probably bake some kind of nice dessert, a pie or something. Don't know what I would make to go with the lasagna. Maybe try ad bake some kind of dinner roll or something.