I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to stay on a strict "clean" diet if the food doesn't taste good...

I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to stay on a strict "clean" diet if the food doesn't taste good. I'm 60 lbs overweight at 38% bodyfat. I don't even mind eating at a deficit, as long as it tastes good. Looks like I'm cutting on McDonalds

I cannot eat a little over 2lbs of baked chicken breast a day with no oil, sauces, or no anything that would add calories just to hit my protein. It's so bland and I don't want it in my mouth so badly I barely even chew it.

Maybe....maybe I won't make it. At the very least I like lifting and in the 2 weeks I've done SS I've added 60 lbs to my squat. As long as I keep lifting, even if I keep fucking up on my diet I will recomp at worse. Maybe one day when I finally decide to get my shit together I will only have to lose 20-30 lbs to look decent instead of 60.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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I literally cannot get anything in my life productive done unless I am forced to do so or unless I have no other options but to do something productive.

I can't be bothered to read it all but
>I'm not strong enough to NOT EAT FOOD
Consider pic related with 0 irony

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Jesus dude what is wrong with you? You can eat sauces and oils on a diet god damn. Add 30 minutes of cardio a day if it really bothers you that much. I'm eating between 1600-2500 calories a day and losing weight. I had a fucking pound of bacon and made bacon and swiss cheese sandwiches last night and my total calories for the day was like 2480 or something. Barbecue sauce on chicken adds jack fucking shit for calories. I mean do you pour an entire cup of it on there or something? God damn dude get real here. Stop treating your diet as a punishment.

In fact, adopt a new diet if this one makes you so miserable. Find healthy foods you can enjoy because if you go back to stuffing your face with mcdoubles and pizza every day after this you're gonna be a lardass again.

Do you really hate vegetables that much? Do you hate dairy? Do you hate nuts? Do you hate beef or pork? These can all easily fit into a reduced calorie diet because I do it every god damned day and I've lost 70 lbs.

Keto or fast retard

seasoning doesn't contain calories user, come on now


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All the seasoning in the world won't make chicken breast not taste like ass. I'

I'm trying to hit 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fat which greatly reduces the variety of food I'm allowed. If there is a way to make tasty food with those macros, I'd be obliged to hear it

Oh my fucking god. You're obviously an autist if you can make food taste good with those macros.

literally just make this shit, and you're fucking retarded saying all the seasoning in the world won't make chicken breast not taste like ass. try chicken thighs, they have more flavor and often times they are even cheaper, maybe you'll like them more

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In order to hit my macros, I will still eat hella chicken breast a day

> and you're fucking retarded saying all the seasoning in the world won't make chicken breast not taste like ass
It's true. You can add all the seasoning and no matter what, chicken breast (assuming boneless and skinless) will taste like ass if there is no added fat (which means added calories). It might be a bit more flavorful, but it would still be dry and stringy and awkward to chew, like eating zesty cardboard.

Thighs are pretty goat, but it's harder to hit my macros with them.

The salad you posted looks pretty good, but too much fat not enough carbs

Go carnivore

Finishing my sentence: In order to hit my macros, I will still eat my 2.1 lbs of chicken breast a day, but I will find a way to make it go down more easily. I don't need to enjoy necessarily, I just need to minimize the time it spends in my mouth.

Based. Sub mayo with greek yogurt for even more gains.

I unironically went carnivore about 2.5 years ago before it was cool and it was the only time in my adult life I wasn't overweight (according to the BMI). However, my lifts SUCKED and my gym performance suffered

That’s because you have to eat organs on a carnivore diet, and they taste like leathery asshole most of the time.

Can't be worse than chicken breast.

if your chicken tastes like that it sounds like it's being cooked to shit. if you have a slow cooker, it will always turn out juicy and tender in that thing. but if you don't, you can brine like pic related. and on the not enough carbs, eat it in a sandwich with whole wheat bread if you want to fix that

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I'll buy a slow cooker right now. Can you recommend any brands?

mine is just some el cheapo crockpot. it honestly probably doesn't matter that much, look at amazon reviews and pick one that fits your budget

OP you're a retard. Eat chicken THIGHS (boneless and skinless of course). Dark meat is way more flavorful and the texture is better

Not OP but can anybody recommend ways of making vegetables taste better? I've been adding spinach to my protein shakes and they taste pretty good.

But macros...
How will I reach 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fat
at 2300-2400 calories with chicken thighs?

Either way, I have like 6 lbs of boneless (skin on) chicken thighs in my freezer but getting the skin off is too much work desu

Season the vegetables with salt and pepper and maybe put a herby, olive oil based season when serving.

You sound like a woman. If you're not a woman you need to transit and join the 40%.

Broccoli. Squeeze lemon over it, some olive oil, throw some garlic powder in there, salt, mix it up, then roast in the oven for about 15 minutes

Joocy chicken. Made me chuckle a bit lol

you are retarded, absolutely retarded if you can find or make healthy foods that tastes good
not everything has to taste like sawdust you absolute fuck

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