Do you want to know why so see so many dyels...

Do you want to know why so see so many dyels? Do you want to know why your friend who has supposedly been working out for months but can't bench 1pl8 is so fucking weak? Look no further than these faggot roiding trainers/influencers. They give DYELS trying to build muscle terrible advice and put them on their stupid fucking juice brosplit training that they get results from because they're frauding wankers

Great example: A league of legends youtuber DYEL trying to get bigger being led completely astray by the huge retard in pic related

Attached: ss+(2019-06-20+at+05.21.55).jpg (1214x645, 221K)

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Sounds like you were the DYEL that tried the routine and failed. Even if it's a bro split if you ate enough and actually put effort into it you would grow.

>never lift weights before in life
>lift weights and grow muscle
"wow dude see? bro splits work you retard, don't even worry about not being able to bench 1pl8, not being able to ohp the bar or deadlift but hey at least you have 1/5th the muscle mass and strength SS RETARDS have!!"

Attached: 1529636335403.jpg (1841x2579, 957K)

What you're saying op is not new. I see all the time dyels in the gym doing meme workouts with curls, side raises, machine flyes and shrugs. Most people have no idea what they actually want, so they just mix everything up and do as many machines as they can. I think most trainers dont really give a shit, they see you a dyel who 'just wants to get toned' of course he's not gonna entrust you with heavy compounds.
Not really, if you're a skelly no amount of splits will help you build thick arms and a wide back. You actually need to build a base with compounds and diet.

95% of personal trainers should be in jail for scamming their clients and giving borderline harmful advice. The fitness industry is like any other industry: they are there to make money by charging you as much as possible while giving you as little as possible in return and that applies to all aspects including gyms themselves, PTs and supplements. The reason why PTs make you do easy af machine isolations is because A) they have to do as little of their job as possible and basically just count reps for you and B) you cannot hurt yourself and hold them liable. Also 99% of the people who pay for PTs are gonna quit after a few months anyway so why bother doing something actually complex and putting your trainee on a solid plan when you can have them do simple shit that feels taxing and feels like progress. Influencers are the biggest scam out of the bunch, majority of them (especially women) arent fit at all they just use camera tricks and editing to sell some scam product to desperate normies (men just juice the fuck out of themselves and pretend X product gave them the results). Never take advice from someone who is paid to promote that particular advice.

>if you're a skelly
It doesn't matter whether you're skeleton or skinny fat. If you eat at caloric surplus and lifted weights you'll grow.
>You actually need to build a base with compounds and diet
Decent splits routine does have compounds. what kind of shitty splits did you find? If someone was a complete noob who has never set foot into the gym, then SS is a great routine to try for 2~3 months but realistically if they wanted to get gains from doing splits with compounds it is totally possible.

I can not think of a more suitable time to say post timestamped body, faggot

the problem isnt with splits, its with shitty bro splits where there are no compounds at all and the entire program consists of machine isolations because compounds are scary and difficult for these dyels so they waste their time and money doing borderline useless shit

Did you even watch the video in OP post retard
The guy is literally doing Z E R O main compound movements

this. The problem is that this guy is paying some roided asshole to count his reps on a program that consists of
>different curls
>tricep pushdown
>tricep extensions
>some half assed situps
And thats it. This program is borderline useless and he is actually paying someone for that