damn bros im high off my face on acid rn and i just wanna say I appreciate yall. and yeah i might be short but thanks to yall cunts here im short and jacked and making it and yaknow what fucking everyone here is gonna make it too. Fuck up that DL later this week. Fuck up that plateau youve been stuck on. lets get fucking huge and finally make it. together
Finally makin it bros
>im short and jacked
you are short and you're not jacked you delusional faggot
>high on drugs.
Am I the only one who values sobriety
your fucking skin is peeling, that is totaly disgusting i think i gotta vomit
He looks good to me dude.
Not sure what you count as jacked or whatever
That wasn't acid, mate.
I think you meant to post this cringe on reddir buddy
>Rolling the shoulders forward that much to create the illusion of a well formed chest
We see what you're doing you fucking bellend.
Looking good my man. The haters have their own body image issues, be proud of yourself and keep making it!
Post body
damn bro im just sunburnt
OP's a 5'4" manlet
>being apart of Jow Forums discussion while on psychedelics
I don't know what the fuck you were thinking lmao
Looking good anons. Loving the casual look.
well, he is on acid
kek, I always forget that I shouldn't do this when Im on something and always regret it
I can sense the good intentions you had making this post user. I feel your good wishes for me.
I just emailed Coach Franklin at wfranklin at dce.k12.wi.us
Told him about his athlete / former athlete and how disappointing his behavior is.
You are a handsome young man and a good person. Good luck in life
> One life, choose not to experience it
Yes, you faggot.
I don’t know how you can come to this site on acid. Just thinking about Jow Forums while tripping makes me feel so awful for all the incels, racists and woman haters
You look good bro. You're also sunburned as fuck but yeah, you look good. You're gonna make it.
Do you value sobriety because you reasoned through it and came to the conclusion that sobriety is good? Or do you value it because some external influence like your parents/the bible/some bullshit told you DRUGS BAD?
inb4 post hoc reasoning
>not valuing sobriety and inebriation
One is nothing without the other.
Good job op.
good thing this is just some kid i ripped off of instagram lmao
I value it, especially as an ex-alcoholic. More savings, more health, more life. It is a different life though, the sober one.
You don’t look short at all m8
Good job OP this motivated me today. Imma dedicate a set for you bro