post your currently routine now!
if its good youre free to go
post your currently routine now!
if its good youre free to go
5x5 low bar squats
4x12 leg press
4x12 lower legs (fuck how they are called)
5x5 deadlifts
Im missing an excercise for my thigs
3x5 Squats
3x5 Overhead press
1x5 Deadlift
3x5 Squats
3x5 Bench press
1x5 Deadlift
Day 1
Bench 3x5
Squat 3x5
Tricep extension 3x5
Calf raise 3x15
Day 2
DL 3x5
OHP 3x5
Lat pulldown 3x5
Cable row 3x5
Ez curl 4x10
Erry day
2 planks for a min and as many sit ups as I can do
Greyskull LP
>Monday 2x5, 1x5+ squat, weighted pullups, one accessory, abs
>Wednesday 1x5+ dead, 3x5 pendlays, one accessory, abs
>Friday same as monday
Alternate 2x5, 1x5+ bench and OHP each workout
Add 2.5lb per workout to upper body, 5lb for lower body
Deload 10% if you stall
All 6x6
I-I'm sorry pepe
Monday Chest:
Flat bench
Decline dumbell press
Chest press
Cable flyes
Tuesday Back:
Bent over rows
T-bar rows
Pull ups
Lat pulldowns
Wednesday Shoulders:
Dumbell shoulder press
Lateral raise superset
Thursday Legs:
Maybe leg press
Quad&hamstring extensions
Friday Arms:
Dumbell curls
Hammer Curls
Barbell Curls
Tricep pushdowns
Rope pulldowns
Tricep dips
I know I should die but PPL just never worked for me
All 5x5
Dumbell bicep curls
Assisted pull-ups
Dumbbell chest press
Weighted ab crunches 5x10 (can’t remember what the machine is called but you bend forward and at the same time it makes you bend your knees up toward your chest)
Dumbell shoulder shrugs
30 minutes of high intensity treadmill, stairclimber, or elliptical.
Recommendations on things I should add/replace?
Same. We're gonna make it Bros
SL 5x5 except I try to go every other day instead of just 3 days a week and I do some arm shit too
3x5 squats
3x5 press
1x5 deadlift
3xfailure chinups
3x10 weighted situps
3x5 squats
3x5 bench
3x8 one hand dumbbell rows
3x10 weighted situps
5x10 barbbell curls
531 BBB
Part 1
Part 2.
Run it like this:
this is the base program
Monday Push :
One arm Pushups with 20kg weight west 3x20 (10 each arm)
Pushups with feet higher and 20kg extra 3x20
Pushups without weight 3x30
Tricepsdips 3x30
Tuesday Legs:
Pistols with 20kg extra 6x20 (one set one leg)
One Leg Knee Bends with 27,5kg extra 6x30 (one set one leg)
Wednesday Pull:
Pullups with 20kg extra 3x15
Pullups 3x20
Reverse bench press with 20kg 3x20
Doorpulls with 20kg 3x20
Thursday Core:
Hanging Leg raises 3x15
V-ups with an angle 3x20 (10 per side)
Back raises 3x20
V-Ups 3x20
Friday hitting everything the scond time:
Pushups with feet higher and 20kg extra 3x20
One Leg Knee Bends with 27,5kg extra 3x30 (both sides in one set this time)
Pullups 3x20
V-ups with an angle 3x20 (10 per side)
Doing fbw every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
Deadlifts - 3x8
Squats - 3x8
Bench Press - 3x8
OHP - 3x8
Pendlay Row - 3x8
Pull Ups - 3x8
Dumbbell preacher curls - 3x8
Seated tricep extension - 3x8
Please tell if my routine makes sense to you Jow Forums
Off-topic, how long should i stick to a routine? I hear 3 months is the norm.
531 4-day program. 5x5 FSL sets, 50/50/50 P/P/SL reps as accessories
Bench 5x5
Dumbell Curls 5x5
Back Squats 5x5
Chin Ups 4x5
Calf Raises 2x20
Forearm Curls 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
Overhead Press 5x5
Seated Rows 5x5
Front Squats 5x5
Dead Lifts 5x5
Calf Raises 2x20
Forearm Curls 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
Lift Mon-Wed-Fr
Run Tues-Wed-Thurs-Sat-Sun
Actually looking for advice.
1x1 OHP @ 100%
Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Squats 5x5
OHP 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
And on the off days I'll throw in some preacher curls 5x10.
Could use some help for upper back workouts
Came up with this routine though a dyel, thoughts?
Stop doing bro-splits
What’s bro splits
Where are the legs?
Here you go
when you get your ass split by your bro's massive cock
All days
5x8 Squat
5x8 DL
5x8 Bench
4-5x15 Leg raises
4x30 abs with machine (if my legs hurt to stay seated a bit) or incline (no machine)
Day 1:
5x8 preacher
5x8 Isolation curls
5x8 shoulder curls (I do them in between isolations)
5x8 chest flies
5x8 standing Long bar curl thingy idk the name, ex bar curls?
Day 2
6x8 hip inductions (the machine that makes you open your legs)
6x8 glute induction (the machine that makes you close your legs)
5x15 standing leg raises
Assorted leg exercises from machines I find comfortable aka I am lazy and I wanna go but I feel I didn’t work out hard enough
Day 3
5x10 shrugs
I can’t remember what else I do but I remember this was back generally I think?
I think there is more but I forget what I do from memory.
Ah shit yeah I remember day 3 I also do standing rows 5x5 (over and under).
Honestly I have no fucking idea what I am generally doing I just sorta lazily added a bunch of exercises I was told where good.
>leg extensions
WHats wrong with them?
3x5 squat
3x5 30 degree supinated rows
Dead hang for as long as I can
Meme barbell face pulls
Rear delt flys
3x5 squat
5x3power cleans
3x5 30 degree supinated rows
Dead hang for as long as I can
Meme barbell face pulls
Rear delt Flys
Its bad, really bad, could appreciate some help
4x7 push ups
4x5 squats
3*15 latdown
3*15 sit ups
4*7 push ups
4*5 squats
3*15 machine chest fly
2*10 bar curl
A couple of notes:
Tried to do deadlift for months, but only I wasn't progressing, because every fucking body was telling me 20 different forms of doing it I was fucking my back badly, so I stopped
I also tried doing bench press but it was terrible. I was making no progress whatsoever and I never noted any of my chest muscles being exercised. I may have been doing something wrong but monitors and other people told me that my form was alright and that they had no idea why it wasn't working for me either
I'm preparing myself to enter the police and in the physical exam they ask for push ups, hence why I'm doing so many
>No gym x1
>50ish push-ups a day x1
It's been 3 months like this. I've been focusing solely on fasting lately and lost like 40 pounds. My bench was 150lbs 5x5 before I stopped, I plan to go back soon
What would you replace leg extension with?
Is there a name for this routine? I like the brutal simplicity. Also how many times a week?
Also what kind of physique we talking about here?
Apparently tons of bad torque or whatever on your knees
The physique of the tyrant lizard
5x5 but watered down to 3 sets and 1 set
Its 5x5 strong lifts, but pussied to less sets
I did it too, its called the trex routine because when you start your legs develop much faster than your upper body, buts its not bad at all. I personally love how efficient and quick it is but it requires proper form
3x5 Military Press / Bench Press
3x10 Military Press
3x10 Incline Bench Press
3x10 Close Grip Bench Press
3x10 Face Pull
3x5 Trap Bar Deadlift
3x10 Trap Bar Deadlift
3x5 Pendlay Row
3x10 Pendlay Row
3x10 Chin Up
My routine consists of doing whatever fucking exercise I feel like doing whenever I have an ounce of free time between running a business 24/7. Mostly brosplits, before that GSLP for the majority of my gains.
Transitioned to Madcow and starting to snap my shit up, would not reccomend.
>dumbbell bench, incline and decline
>cable cross over
>pull ups
>single arm and cable rows
>squats 5x5
>leg curls and extensions
>calf raises
>leg press
>military press 5x5
>barbell shoulder extension, not really sure what it’s called
>front and lateral raises
>cable lateral raises
>skull crusher
>triceps push down, 2 and single hand
>hammer, preacher, bicep curls
>21’s, memey version of bicep curls idk Jeff reccomended it and it works for me at least
Everything besides mentioned is 5x10, usually first set is warmup, increasing weights so last 3 sets are tough, usually fail on the final set, if I can make it to 10 to light, also each group has its own day except arms I split triceps and biceps across the 4 days so chest/triceps Monday, back/biceps Tuesday, legs/triceps Wednesday, shoulders/biceps Thursday
It works but it feels janky as fuck
Posted in the new "routine review" thread, figured I'll do the same here.
Recently changed routine, please r8
**Shoulders & Back Day**
>1. Chin-Ups
>2. Seated Cable Row
>3. Standing T-Bar Row
>4. Overhead Press
>5. Laterial Raises
**Legs & Biceps Day**
>1. Single Leg Press
>2. Romanian Deadlift
>3. Seated Leg Curl
>4. Barbell Curls
>5. Hammer Curls
**Chest & Triceps Day**
>1. Flat Bench Press
>2. Incline Bench Press
>3. Chest Flyes
>4. Skull Crushers
>5. Rear Delt Flyes
rowing for 60min - 3x week
running/sprinting/jumprope for 60min - 3x week
lower bodyweight exercise routine - 3x week
various squats - 500 a day (sets of 5 - 50/75/100/125/150)
lunges - 1000 a day(sets of 5 per leg - 50/75/100/125/150)
various leg kicks - 1000 a day(sets of 5 per leg - 50/75/100/125/150)
upper bodyweight exercise routine - 3x week
various push-ups - 250 a day (sets of 4 - 25/50/75/100)
pull-ups - 115 a day (sets of 4 - 20/25/30/40)
chin-ups - 115 a day (sets of 4 - 20/25/30/40)
ab/core exercise routine - 5x week (at night before bedtime)
various planks & plank holds - 100 a night
hanging leg raises - 100 a night (sets of 4 - 10/20/30/40)
crunches - 100 a night (1 set non-stop)
Arnold split :
3-shoulders & arms
4- rest
Depending on my schedule i would change it, but i keep the same exercise mostly
3 x fullbody a week
fite me
A - BB Bench
BB curls
Lateral Raises
DB rows
Bulgarian split squats
Fuck I forgot to mention I do shrugs on back day desu
Why would you do this?
Curls and push ups only
2-3 months
Been patiently waiting, thank you user.
>push ups until failure
>sit ups until failure
>jog three to five miles, depending on mood
Jim's 5/3/1 with variant assistant work
Don't listen to the retards talking about 5x5. It's called starting strength and there's an entire book on it but not necessary to start. You just start with really light weights, do the routine listed above and increase weight for each without by 5 lbs until you no longer can.
When you can't progressively overload anymore, move unto something more complex.
>back, rear delts, bis
Pullups 3x10 plus 1xF
Barbell Bent Over Row 4x8
V-Bar pulldown 4x12
Cable reverse flyes 3x15
dumbbell curls 3x8
dumbbell hammer curl 3x8
EZ bar reverse grip preacher curl 3x12
trap focused face oulls
>chest, front&side delt, tris
Barbell Bench Press 4x8
Dumbbell decline bench press 4x10
machine flyes 4x15
cable side lateral raise 4x12
kettlebell front raise 3x15
cable one-arm tricep extension 4x12
cable tricep pushdown 4x12
rotator focused face pulls
>Legz, abs
Barbell Deadlift 4x4
Barbell front squat 4x5
Barbell hip thrust 3x10
single legged leg press 3x12
lying leg curl 3x12
hanging leg raise 5xF
What would you change?
Day 1:
Bench Press 3x8@rpe8
OHP 3x8@rpe8
Deadlift 3x8@rpe8
Hammer Curls, Dips, flat db curls @3x8
Day 2:
all compounds as day 1 but 5x5@rpe8
Seated rows, one arm rows, pullups
Day 3:
all compounds as day 1 but at 3x3@rpe8
Goblet squats, leg press, one leg leg press
Add weight to all compounds next week
there is literally nothing wrong with brosplit, especially if your goal is aesthetics. I would however add another chest day in there.
DB OHP 3x8
Weighted Pullups 3x8
BB OHP 3x12
Pullups 3x12
Zercher Squats 3x20
Run a mile
3x reverse pyramid OHP
8x8 Pull up
6x6 DB Incline Bench
3x8 Tricep Overhead Extension
3x12 Lateral Raise
every other day
Am i wasting my time with the Gironda meme?
incline bench - 4x8-10
incline flies - 4x8-10
standing ohp - 4x8-10
tricep extentions - 4x8-10
bent over row - 4x8-10
t bar row - 4x8-10
lat pull down - 4x8-10
curls - 4x8-10
squats - 4x10-12
straight leg DL - 4x10-12
leg press - 4x15-20
leg curl - 4x10-12
M T x Th F x x
seems like you got a lot of exercises that do the same thing, unless you just included them as variations. stuff like barbell bench, dumbbell bench and machine chest press you don't need to do all 3 on the same day. in place of repeat exercises add in shoulder exercises on each day
>Could use some help for upper back workouts
rear flys
first of all your routine is garbage I would get rid of all together and never look at that again. I would say keep doing bench at low weight look
up some stuff on how to activate your chest doing it, then keep trying other chest isolation exercises, cable fly, cable chest press and crossovers. also try wide grip pushups as they work your chest more, just don't fuck your shoulders doing this
Bb flat bench reverse pyramid
Bb incline bench 5x8
Ohp 5x8
^alternate order in which i do the lefts depending on the day
Db flat bench
Cable pushdown
Tricep extensions
Reverse cable pushdown
Deads always go for my 1rm then 3x5
Pebdlay row 5x5
Seated cable row until I feel like ive done enough and then 1 more set
Same shit for lat pulldown
Machine preacher curls
Db curls
Hammer curls
Just squat 5x5 at the beginning of my other workouts and do some calf raises at the end of workouts. All I need.
Arm isolations all have a bunch of variation in each set in weight and speed to blast my arms as hard as possible. Not going in detail because you dont care
I guess I am doing repetitive exercises. So just do one of them? Isn’t it better to get more muscles activated by doing more?
>rear flys
Will incorporate this next week, thank you
deadlift 4x10
squat 4x10
bench press 4x10
overhead press 4x10
pull-up 4x10
Last set is AMRAP, if that set is 6 or more reps, i add 2.5kg to that lift. I do:
M: A1
T: B2
W: A2
T: B1
F: A2
S: B2
S: Rest
Pull ups are not a substitute for rows faggot
anyone? :(
Pretend 5/3/1
>routine the meme
wow lol. stay DYEL.