Are you a hungry skeleton or just started working out?

Are you a hungry skeleton or just started working out?

If you have any questions considering working out and bodybuilding, i have the answer.

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yeah. How long until I get a body like pic related if I do everything perfectly? 2 years? 3 years?

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I have iso scoliosis, asthma, a fucked up knee that swells after activity, and a swollen foot the doctors don't know what is. I still work out and am active, but what excerises can I do to not break myself? Right now I'm doing anything and everything.

Everythin perfectly is pretty relative. However, i did and i think you can aswell within the 2 year periode.

I did OHP last week felt a bit of pain in my neck but I felt fine after resting the weekend. Then on wedenesday same thing after doing OHP. Is there somewhere where they explain how to do it for like serious retards with videos and shit? I don't know why it hurts I don't thnik it's supposed to.

First of all you have to go light on the excercises that include your knee and foot, so basicly most leg excersises. However you can still gain with a lighter weight, if you match the volume and intensitivity. So for the leg workout thats my advice.

For upper body go with excersises that dont provocates your astma, for example instead of standing BB rows, do Seal rows with dumbells on the bench, as that will give similar dewelopment

What can I expect if I can only do bodyweight?

started yesterday, full body AxAxAxx
i have experience with lifting before but skinny now
calculated TDEE is 2250~2500, but should i start with that? im skinny rn and stayed 61kg for some time now, so im pretty sure my TDEE isnt that high yet because of eating not much for weeks
should i eat now ~1600cal then bump it up after 2 weeks?

I have encountered this problem myself. And the problem you may have is when you lower the bar after a rep, it rests on your chest i assume. Because of your atonomy that may stretch your neck muscles more then they are prepaired for.

So you can either warm up your neck muscles before you do OHP, by doing face pulls from a higher angler, og make sure that the bar dont go all the way down on each rep - so to say, keep it 5-10 cm off your chest.

Done correctly, you can ofc expect strenght gain and muscle hypertrophy, as you would during a regular workout. However, as you get stronger, you have to increase the volume - do always increase reps and dont stall on a 10-12 reps program

I asume youre a "Hardgainer", and i can therefore recommend that you go significantly higher. But dont get attached to the cals and look into the macros.

Go for 1.5-1,8g protein for each kg BW (You dont need more). However see to increase your carb, and fat intake. The main mistake people make, is that the eat/drink too much protein, and therefore feel full, but dont have enough space for the other nutrients, that acutalle result in muscle gain. Try to aim for 3000+- cal

Is extended fasting (2 days onwards) legit for long-term weight loss or just a meme?

I will now go workout myself, and i will be back in 2 hours, so the following replys isnt me. If i make another thread someday, ill use the same pic

alright thanks
im not entirely new to this, ive gained weight before like 1kg per week, it was shit and fat even while lifting
i just dont want to repeat that

Been doing bodyweight and swimming (actual intense training not the weak breastroke 90% of people do in the pool) for two weeks now. Im eating correctly and Im sticking to the plan. When can I possibly expect some kind of visible gainz? Can I do it before october when uni starts again? Or at least until 2020?

Sure it will work, but i wouldnt do it, because your body needs the nutrients, and everytime you fast, your body go into starvation mode - and burns muscletissue instead of fat.

The solution is just to reduce calorie intake, and just dont go under 1,2g protien per KG BW each day

I'm 5'10" with not a huge amount of muscle mass, started lifting 2 months ago at around 145 lbs and am sitting at like 165 now. While I've made ok gains in that time, I have nagging belly fat that really bothers me. Should I keep bulking and just accept I'll be fat for a bit to have a good base to cut down to, or should I try to cut now and then gain the muscle later?

If you, as you say, do intense swimming and bw training - you will see considerable 'gains', and mostly back gains from the swimming - so just keep going

Guys OP here. I have always been lurking here and seen all kinds of questions, which i can answer, but dont bother all the time - but i really want to help you guys.

Do you know some kind of website, where people would be able to ask me questions, which i can aswer, so they are for everyone to see? If you can find such site while i workout, i will gladly update it daily.

I want you to forget the cutting/bulking mindset in that stage, and just keep going as you do. 145 to 165 lbs in 2 months is really good, and my advice would just be to keep going, and then you will watch it go away

Hungry skellington 4 lyfe here, I simply can't get more than 2k cal down per day, I feel like I will explode. wat do?

What do you suggest in terms of eating habits then? I'm trying to eat relatively clean but I always get caught up on how much I should be eating. Do you suggest just eating at maintenance or a little bit over?

im 5 feet 11
183 lbs

lean with abs and ripped overall

my measurements are
114 cm chest
39 cm arms
43 cm neck
57 cm tights
82 cm waist
7.5 inch wrists

yet i see 5 feet 11 lbs guys 183 lbs and they look massive, i dont look that big, why ? i have friends we dont have that much size difference yet im between 10-20 kg heavier than them

why im heavier than i look

Im so happy to hear that bro. Im gonna make it this time for sure!

You're already doing that with this thread. Why go /blog/ normie mode? Just start a new thread.
So thoughts on bread? I'm not a ketotard but I limit my diet to high-protein low-carb foods, except that I balance it with fruits and bread. I'm trying to make this a lifestyle but at the same time trying to lose the belly fat and reach a goal weight (5 3 currently 136lbs, aiming for 125lbs). My workout routine is mainly cardio (jogging 5mph 20-30 mins or amateur swimming breaststrokes 60-90 mins) and amateur lifting (dumbbell squats, sumo squats). I'm a girl so I'm aiming for a balance between lean and curvy. Bread is something I can't cut from my diet and I just want to know if it's what's keeping the belly fat?

fucking chad :D

Who is this chad? Anyone have his IG or whatever

I need abs in 1 month, what's the best way to do it, im low bf% and got everything else

Is this face achievable natty?

should I only advance in weight if my form remains perfect? For example, I can rep out 2pl8 on back squats but I'm pretty shaky on the way up after ATG

This is a beautiful man, no homo

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If you feel like you have enough space for some chips or other kind of cheat carbs - go for it, until you get used to larger amounts of food

I'm otter mode but look dyel depending on the shirts. I've tried to eat more (oates, fish, chicken, etc.) but I want to get bigger, what's the best way to gain weight.

I’m trying to get abs but the more weight I lose I feel like it’s not worth it. I thought I had more muscle and less fat then I really had. Should I continue to cut then bulk for winter?

Thanks man I'll try that.

A good tip, and generally misunderstood, is that you shouldnt eat/drink protein right after a workout. You should instead ingest loads of carbs, for then your body will use that for restoration instead of protein. This will result in more gains.

However see if you can have a higher carb>protein>fat ratio, and dont eat too many proteins.

You could eat more food like pizzas, its not as unhealthy as you think, because it will fit your purpose

Adcance with perfect form, but do not increase weight, until you can do 2-3 more reps with the same weight.

You could go for the same weight and reps 3 workouts in a row, and in the fouth workorkout do an extra rep - next workout advance in weight, but go back to the starting rep count

Forget about your cut and go hit abs every other day with weighted excercises and legraises mainly.

After some time you will start to see them thrugh your thin lair of fat.

Interesting question, which i have thought a lot about myself.

One thing that might answer your question is this:

You could be ingesting too small amounts of carbs from fruits etc and water postworkout and in general. The fructose binds water molocules in the muscles, which makes them look significantly bigger

Thanks for the tip. Any foods you recommend for a clean bulk

I can already see them when I flex and they look like shit. I’m probably 15 bf right now. I’ve been doing ab wheel as my main ab exercise. What are some weighted ab exercise I can add?

I am generally a huge fan of wok dishes consisting of curry, loads of chicken and vegetables and coconutmilk(Healthy fat). I aswell started baking my own pizzas, on which i make sure to add good amounts of mozzerella cheese

Currently 82Kg at 188cm and 16-17 bf%. I've been cutting 11 pounds last month. Kinda struggle this month to reduce my weight. Is it "worth" seeing abs when I become a skelly?

My favorite is cable crunches if performed correctly.

But my advice would be more deadlift and squats. These compound movements (if performed heavy) works out the core alot.

The first years i worked out i didnt do abs, but had great abs (my opinion), because i did these alot

My subjective opinion is that i rather focus on the overall progress, rather then being able to see my abs

Any recipes for high calorie/high carb/high protein shakes you could recommend? This is what I'm using

>1.5 cups of whole milk
>0.5 cups of old fashioned oats
>2 scoops of whey protein powder
>2 tablespoons of chunky peanut butter
>4 ice cubes

This should be around 800-1000 calories. Keep in mind I am a turbomanlet (5'4") so my TDEE is quite low.

Tell me, how bad is it

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Do i need a strength base or can i just blast out high volume training and get big with only intermediate strength on main lifts?

stop eating

Sounds reasonable. But i wouldnt be able to give you a perfect answer, because i haven't made protein shakes, i usally eat my protein.

I dunno bro I developed a tummy at only 88KG and a cut was needed imo. I went full retard during the bulk phase but now want a fresh base to start from again. Leanbulk and all that stuff, I'm going to change my approach to lifting

Any advice for bodyweight exercises that target legs? Only have access to a leg press arm and would like some variety

Woah this guy is irl cha-

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Not bad at all, you have great conditions for an aesthetic body and good proportions - keep going and youll make it

How would you say that this baluga could get in shape

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Sure you could, but i wouldn't do it. Greater strength means you progress faster, because you put greater stress on your muscles as they grow. You can easily gain strenght through normal bodybuilding

Okay. Two of those in a day gets me way over 1 g/lb of bodyweight (it's around 1.4x). Is there a good benchmark ratio of g of carbs/lb of bodyweight you should strive for if you're trying to bulk?

Then i can see your point, and that sounds reasonable. But i wouldnt cut down first, i would just reduce my calorie intake a little, and then it happens slowly, but you wont miss any gains

I would go for walking lunges, supersetted by squats to give a good burn - bulgarian split squats are also quite good.

You can do one legged calf raises, for your calves

Should I stop doing full body routine 3 times a week?
I 10-12x4 almost every exercises, should I go up in weight and make less reps or not?

What is this hairstyle called? Looks like it's about 5 inches on top (in the front at least), and tapered to about a #3 on the sides? I'm sure there's a little more too it than that though.

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I would go for 30% proteins 50% carbs and 20% fat

Any tips for getting out of OHP plateau?
Im a hungry skeleton and cant reach 1pl8 for the life of me.. should i follow a OHP specialised strength program?

What are your goals? I cant answer based on what you said

Had the same problem.

Plan a workout program, where you do it no more than 2 times a week.

Find the weight which you can do 5 reps with, and use that weight and repcount for 3 workouts, and on the 4th workout try to do 6 reps. The following workout you can increase the weight a little and go back to 5 reps - and repeat

go to the barber and ask for a chadcut

Starting gym going with my friend today. I wanna work on arms and legs. Gimme a routine to follow or something. A schedule i can follow all week. Thanks

Good to hear that you start. If you think that your arms and legs are missing mass, you shouldnt jo go and work them out just like that.

An advise i would give myself when i started, would be do PUSH/PULL/LEGS, or the arnold split (Chest/back, legs, shoulder and arms, rest)

I'm pretty skinny but still have a small roll o fat around my lower abs. Do I need to train my abs at all, or lifting + cardio are enough to get a flat stomach?

Thank you very much man.
Can i do hypetrophy stuff like lateral raises and front raises during this peroid or will it tire my delts too much for the strength days?
Or will getting strong on OHP without much volume work be enough for big shoulders?

I too had some bellyfat, nut much at all, but enough to hide my lower abs when i started.

I would go for loads of compund movements and hiit cardio 1-2 times a week

What are your opinions/ answer to the muslim problem?

You ever try sourdough?

I can't gain weight, I eat 300-350 above my maintenance calories daily, and I get those calories from good foods.

But I cannot gain any muscle nor weight.

I've been doing this for 2 months at least.

Am I doing something wrong? Help me.

The heavy 5 rep OPH workout would result great hypertrophy alone, and i still do it this.

You can get my shoulder routine to draw some inpiration, but dont get attached to it (note that i have few excercises, thats because my delts are very developed in compairation to other muscle groups):

5 set, 5 reps OHP
4 set, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps rear delt flys
4 set, 15, 12, 10 8 reps lateral flies

>You ever try sourdough?
I have, and i like it

yep i take some fruits and a lot of water every day, thanks for your reply

I see two things here.

Mabye you sould consider that your "maintenance calories daily" are actually higher than you assume, and you therefore are eating too less?

And as i wrote earlier. You should try eating/drinking carbs intra and post workout instead of protein. Its a wrong assumption that you need proteins post workout

Thanks man!

Okay i see. Then either you could have a geneticly higher muscle density than the avarage.

But if i were you, i would try out drinking more juice from 100% fruit, that could mean the difference

6'3" stuck at 88 kg for a couple of months, how do I eat more? I also need a PPL program recommendation please

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Why aren't my deadlifts progressing past 4pl8? I train them 1x a week 3x5

work out your posture

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I'm really trying to bulk, I eat 50% carbs, 25% fat and 25% protein.

I always try to eat/drink carbs and protein before and after my workout.

I don't use any supplements, besides protein powder.

Is 4 times a week at /gym/ enough? I heard going more than 6 is bad for you. Also is an hour session enough?

I'd say to mainly stick with that and then look into probiotics n gut health

Try ingesting more carbs through fruits between your meals, because that doesnt make you fill full.

Heres a basic one:
BB benchpress - 4x15,12,10,8
incline db press - 4x15,12,10,8
flat db flies - 4x15,12,10,8
OHP - 4x15,12,10,8
lateral flies supersettet with rear delt flies - 4x15,12,10,8

ez bar skullcrushers - 4x15,12,10,8
cable pushdowns - 3x12, 12, 10

lat pulldowns - 4x15,12,10,8
seal rows - 4x15,12,10,8
close grip pulldowns - 4x15,12,10,8

ez bar bicep curls - 4x15,12,10,8
alternate db curls - 3x15,12,10

squats - 5x10,8,6,5,5
stiffed legged deadlifts - 4x15,12,10,8
bulgarian split squats - 4x15,12,10,8

tfw I always wanted to have that haircut but the bluepilled normie I was before didn't realize it only works with an attractive face and non protruding ears

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Thank you brother, will do.

same technique as described earlier:

do 3 workouts with 5 reps at 90% weight, at the 4th do 6 reps if you can. The following workout return to 5 reps, but with a little increased weight and repeat

Hey if it makes you feel any better I’m fucking ugly too

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lifting stats? and I mean like all (isos and everythign)

Girls love selfirony and charisma, work on that

gomad or kys

Alright would you recommend me doing 5x5 for all my strength lifts? I was having good results with reverse pyramid training for most stuff until I plateaued so maybe i should start doing it now?

How do i get face gains?

why you gotta rub salt in their bro

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I'm doing The Bridge right now so I haven't been maxing out but I'm at around 0.8/1.5/2.8/3.2 if that's what you're asking

I do and have always done 5x5 on my main lifts, and it works like a charm for me - So yes i recommend that