>"sorry, no infidels allowed in the gym"
what do?
>"sorry, no infidels allowed in the gym"
what do?
Sikh turban brother
Kneel before the Bloatlord
Ask him why a Sikh wouldnt be welcoming a friendly person.
That's a Sikh you retard.
He'd be saying "No Muslims allowed, fuck off Mughal"
This, Shiks are bros. OP is a d&c faggot.
I'm not a muzzy so I'd join this based Sikh preventing real durka durkas from entering the gym.
Cope harder Pajeet.
>oh no no no
nice vine nigger meme bro. reddit is more to your taste.
Sikhism was literally invented to fight muslims
Inshallah brother
Sikhism should go back home just like the rest
Sikhs are basically modern day paladins
Yeah duh, still based religion. It can just be based in India
If you are white please don't talk. Muslims have been doing well for centuries and will continue to do so long after the West. That image is a sikh by the way, a bunch of hardliners that committed genocide after genocide in the Indian subcontinent.
Stop lying Mohammad.
Sikhism was invented to fight back against muslim oppression
I remember Cawnpore, you filthy indian tit.
Well we're not going to, so deal with it.
challenge him to a pull up contest. or a 1 mile race on the treadmill
you are a fucking retard if you think islam is anything but a disease to this earth
The fuck is wrong with you? Sikhs are absolutely based and the most friendly people I have met. They are bros and not faggots like you
why are westerners so OBSESSED with muslims lol
friendly reminder that you invaded muslim countries first
it's only fair that you get fucking butt-raped by the masses of immigrants now
to hell with the "white race"
Why are you lying?
>If you are X shut up
Typical Arab arrogance
Why do you all do this? Are you all given the same handbook on how to silence arguments against your delusions?
At least we our governments don't steal all our money to finance missile strikes that they hope will land on some Jew's flower garden while you all live in abject poverty and oppression lol
There is no race more cucked by the Jews than Arabs
>There is no race more cucked by the Jews than Arabs
oh boi
Sikhs are great and wouldnt bar you from a gym
Delusional Jow Forums fantasies and Muslim propaganda will claim otherwise, but whites are living lives of great prosperity while Arabs get nothing but pity
>At least we our governments don't steal all our money to finance missile strikes that they hope will land on some Jew's flower garden
yeah your governments pay billions each year to fight for israel's wars in some desert hundreds of kilometers away
you pay your taxes for israel and send your sons and get them back in body bags
all for the glory of israel, meanwhile the kikes back home are cucking you over socially and ethically
feels good to be a westerner, enjoy the immigrants faggot, europe will never be white again
serves you all right
>genocide after genocide in india
>ignores muslim atrocities in and around pakistan
Fuck your mother your prophet and your whole race bitch ass sandnigger
keep telling yourself that justin. enjoy freedom in EU and USA/CA kekekekeke
Giving a little money to Israel to kill Arabs in self-defence while Americans themselves live better lives than 99.99% of all people in history seems pretty good
Arabs are living under oppressive governments that steal their population to finance useless attacks against Jews
I can't wait for the US/Iran war to put more Arabs in body bags. The fewer the better
"Are you the gym owner?"
Western world ist literally the richest, most developed and most free place on this world. Plus we conquerd the whole world.
I'm Scandi. The worst thing about Scandinavia is the handful of Muslims that live there, I can hardly imagine a whole country filled with these troglodytes
>i have paid jizya tax this year and demand entry or your imam will be hearing about this
>s-sorry my christian brother, right this way
shit bait, seethe harder, open your borders now
Not an argument
Enjoy your shitty living conditions lmao
Your people invaded Byzantium long before any westerners bothered you. Also not every country you are zergrushing participated to the bombing or agreed to them.
Muslims don't know this
They are indoctrinated their entire lives into thinking the West is to blame for their shitty lives so they won't realize it's their leader's fault
Christian's are my kin
Sikhs are my friends
Muslims are nothing but trash that we exterminate.
OP posted bait you aut faggots
>>>Jow Forums
What about the Jews?
i want to believe this is meta bait but all of Jow Forums is overflowing newfags from reddit and Jow Forums so probably not
either way neck yourself faggot
Untrue. Sikhism is a blend of hindu and muslim ideas
You really know how many currycels are on this site when they get triggered by these threads. Go transfer your Quick-E-Shart to your cousins so you can keep dodging taxes you foreign trash.
Bost pody faggot
Why cause I hate muslims?
Post body faggot shit licker
Classic man of intolerance. You've never exterminated a thing in your life sit down bud.
Can anyone explain to me why you faggots don't like Islam? Seems pretty based, and lines up with your opinions on women, work etc
Just you dad's mouth with my dick lil boy
Sikhism literally started because of mudslimes
Damn you just toppled a city with that one, how will my family ever recover. Now go get dressed, middle school graduation is tonight
>make drugs for feds all day
What do you do flip bugers?
Because look at the countries it has taken a hold on. Illiteracy, incest and violence. It preaches forced conversion or death. Also look at it's history of conquest.
Get with the times. You bomb muslims and still they endure the horrible crimes of imperialists. Because muslims take care of each other since its part of their religion, whereas white nationalism has always been a fantasy.
Cloud architecture lol
Allahu Pull-up Bar
>take care of each other
>literally killing each other every day
Suck a dick Mahmoud fuck islam
Shiks are bros
>post about sikhs
>a million SIKHS ARE BROS SHUT UP FAGGOT posts from smelly third world indian garbage
you arent fooling anyone, sanjay, you animals are just as bad as muslims