Last mire thred ded, new mire tred
I'll start
>work out since a year ago at same gym
>dropped 30 kilos
>went from fatty to slightly muscular, the finish line is still far off though
>cute fit female cashier at gym went from average smile and service to starry eyed smile and "accidental" hand touches
>last week she asks "how are you?", I say "came for my daily workout" with a smile
>yesterday she asks "just how tall are you?" with amazement to which I straightened my back and smiled back at her
am i only imagining things or is she interested in me and if so wat do?
Mire thread
yeah, you know, she handles the money and tickets and serves the costumers with all sorts of proteins
also refills my water
what's the word for that in English?
>before Jow Forums
>checked out a thong bikini girls ass
>stared at as a creep, started covering herself with a towel
>after Jow Forums
>checked out a thong bikini girls ass
>got a heavy smile back
I've internalized the roastiepill so much that I don't even care about mires anymore; when I see a pretty girl pay attention to me, all I can think of is how rotten her personality is, how many dicks she's taken, and how many beta cucks she has lined up to provide for her. Makeup has become a boner killer for me. Where are the hoodie-wearing, messy-haired girls with no makeup? Those get me rock hard, because at least they're honest.
I'm 5'4" so realistically no girls would really mire my gains
what I want is for my parents, my cousins who also lift, and my uncle to do so
well, there is only one escape left from your hell
go to church, find pure wife material, wed her and only then consummate your relationship
>be me
>working for postmates
>go into one restaurant multiple times a week
>cute girl often working at cash register
>can tell she was checking me out, and finally we start talking a bit one day
>get all excited and walk out grinning ear to ear
>get in my car and start backing out and almost get hit because forget to check my blindspot
>car slams on horn, everyone in the restaurant looks over and see what happened
>next time i go inside everyone there looks at me like im a retard and acts totally different to me
>never go back again
SO CLOSE ONLY TO LOSE IT ALL BOYS...literally the story of my life
Holy fuck no, churchgirls are even more horrible than regular girls. There is no escape.
> still lanklet 190cm, 80kg only thing that saves me is my broad shoulders
> found a new shitty retail job while I'm in uni
> cute indian girl there keeps flirting with me, keeps saying she likes russian dudes
> she asks for my number and we get talking, always complimenting me
> end up asking her out on a date and she said yes
I think we're all gonna make it.
nice bro....think of us while your fucking her
churchgirls are very agreeable if you make the investment, i.e. know your Bible
with churchgirls you'll have an easy time convincing her to have many children, they are very unlikely to step out of line, conservative family unit guaranteed
Divorce statistics among Christians state otherwise.
ok bro
>eating at wendys
>take a seat
>notice 80 year old lady starring at me
>look back down at tray
>look up at her she still starring
>i pick up my tray and move to another spot far away from her
Bitch dont stare at me while im eating
She was probably having a stoke. You could have saved her, user. You could have saved Gam-Gam.
its cuz of you black ass bro
just ignore dem rasists
You called?
Churchgirls are basically whores since they use their vagina transactionally.
"You want this? Better out a ring on it hun!"
shes hot. good job user
it finally fuckin happened my the first public mire
>at party in room changing
>girl walks in and lays down on bed
>keeps on telling me "oh user i can tell that u have been lifting alot"
>keeps telling me this while spreading her self on the bed
>too drunk to realize that i should make a move just happy i got mired
>happy thank u guys
when I think about virtuous Christians, Henry VIII is not really on that list, I mean he basically made himself pope of the land and cut down two of his barren wives
what? wasn't the slogan no hymen no diamond? i mean i personally am not advocating for that but you said you wanted to avoid roasters, well, that's the price
plus being a celibate is the direct opposite of being a whore
or you are a cheap fuck who wants the pussies but not the commitment? because that is the behavior that results in said roasties
Anyone get a braphog?
>he thinks papists are Christian
lmao say it ain't so
Does this count as being mire'd bros
>in my early 20s- work at night so workout during the day at health club downtown. place is usually pretty empty mid afternoon
>go in men's room sauna after workout- guy in there dont pay much attention to him
>after awhile I notice he is slowly brushing his cock with his fingers and pretty much rock hard
>i pretend not to notice but my cock betrays me and starts to respond
>he sees that and starts to openly stroke his
>i say fuck it and lean back to watch
>he gets up grabs his towel and heads for the door-at the door he motions me to follow and leaves
>I sit there stunned, heart racing not knowing what to do, wasnt expecting or looking for that
>eventually I leave cuz gonna pass out. I step out and he is the only one in the locker room and standing next to a stall
>he motions to me again and steps into the stall
>I hesitate but say fuck it and go in stall
>he pushes me down on the toilet and proceeds to feed me his cock
>I do my best, he is pretty worked up and aggro but before long shoots his load all over my face and chest
>he immediately leaves the stall and leaves me there stunned and dripping
>I sit there for a few minutes wonder WTF just happened, clean up and leave
>King Dankula
she just wants a tip OP
>cashier lady gave me two stickers instead of one
made it
Jesus Christ, I think I need help
Has this site ruined women for me?
>wife mirin my recent haircut
>only bc i've told her several did so before
>now she adds to it, thinking she's the first
just kill me
be 31, the only people i've ever noticing miring me was a fat poof, a homeless woman and my sister
If she is so sensitive that she would ignore your gains over such a small thing, she can go fuck herself.
>be shopping for suits with family for a wedding
>personally tailored
>guy measuring me says he'll make it bigger around in shoulders, arms, and chest
"He looks like he works out, I can tell he's gonna grow."
>He was right, I did.
>He was right, I did.
yeah, when he checked your inseam
cringe and seethepilled
Just crop the fucking screen, holy shit
>The institution with 2000 years of theological thought and tradition built around trying to carry out the teachings of Christ and who was founded by the greatest of his 12 apostles is not Christian.
>But pastor Bob and his faggot husband saying "free love man!" is.
Not him but he could meant 2 things:
1: She is a cashier, Almost the lowest dt you can go, she has no skill whatsoever and landed a pretty shitty job and will likely never leave it
2: Her job as a cashier is to be gentle and smiley, you are probably imagining things
In any of these cases, you should jump out of this situation and forget her, in addition i'm eating the ass of those reading
Anyone else get fucking angry when you see women/people mire you?
I fucking lose it, especially in transit, in the bus, etc. Whenever I see a woman looking at me I fucking get mad, sometimes I'd rather leave the bus and continue my way on foot than stay there and have her see me. One time a girl was looking at me and I actually stared her down until sheet the bus.
One time some dude kept looking at me on the street, I dropped my bag and went
>the fuck you're looking at, huh?
I was leaving kickboxing training so maybe I was hyped as fuck.
I'm not even baiting or memeing, I genuinely get angry as fuck when I notice people looking at me.
How can she think she's the first if you told her other people said it before her?
>in addition i'm eating the ass of those reading
but why would you add this part though?
>At an RSL club replacing a bar printer
>Basically looking at the wall due to where printer is
>Very little free room and the printer is right next to the taps
>Bar tender needs to serve a beer
>"Watch out for a second big guy, I'm right next to ya"
All I've ever wanted to be called, I'm not even big either. Bless normies and their little cotton socks
Why do you think you get angry user?
>be me
>new semester at uni where user works is close so lots of barely legal femanons come for induction classes
>I have to attend the information stall for art dept
>shitload of land whales and green haired goblins as usual
>3 qts come for info
>"and are you a teacher there?"
>nope just the IT guy
>"but you work there right?"
>yes bitch I fucking go every fucking day cuz I'm a wagecuck
>"I will definitely attend one of your classes"
>mfw I remember these are prime pussy thots
Maybe it's because he's not an object. People should mind their own business and realize that they're looking at another person when they stare like mongs.
fuck yea dude im mirin that mire
>tfw no one called me big dude yet
I don't rightly know. I suppose I just hate being noticed. I vividly remember back in school I used to play dumb so people/teachers wouldn't ask me questions, but not too dumb to get noticed as the shitty kid in class. Being average was my goal.
Of course, being average does not coincide with my lifestyle, I always try to be the best in everything I do but I hate being noticed.
I'm also big compared to the poor sod on the street (193 cm, 99kg, lifter and kickboxer) so like, I can't fucking exist in a room without at least someone looking at me.
It genuinely autistically pisses me off like you couldn't believe. I have fantasies kicking someone full in the face as I walk down the street and see them shamelessly look at me straight, like some of these motherfuckers won't even break eye contact out of courteousy. Especially women, and I especially hate women.
based spergbro. i wish you the best of luck in life, try not to catch a case
just happened today
>talking with my lawyer trying to build an assault case against someone
>show her i'm missing a tooth
>"it's okay, you're still REALLY good looking"
my favorite mire so far, i dont think she even realized she actually said it out loud lmao
I've felt that
I'm an angry autistic who thinks staring in peoples faces is a way to assert dominance so when people look back and smile it offends me even though they mean it positivly
Why is my head wired this way?
Christian divorce rates are much lower than average and a Christian who divorces inst listening to scripture anyways
Based uni IT bro. In the same situation except it's mostly grad students.
Not him.
Because they are delusional. You can seed ideas in their minds and they will believe the idea came from them. this is so me too..looking back on my college years i missed so many signals because i was just an oblivious autist with no confidence....fuck
Cuz you feel threatened?
Cuz you’re actually fucking insecure piece of shit?
She is not indian kiddo
Years ago and she said that she would never do anything wrong but she didn’t know she had been there
Did you win?
>regularly donate blood and bloodplasma
>tattooed blond nurse putting the cuff on my arm
>I'm sorry, I have to ask, did a bee sting you or something?
>Cause your upper arm is so swollen, I didn't know bees have such strong bites
She brought a bigger cuff then
NO pic related is not the nurse
You should talk to somebody user
Bees dont bite u moron idiot
>tfw you notice the gym newbie starting to make gains
She said that, not me. What do you want me to do now?
Besides that, bees actually can bite.
haven't even started court proceedings, the guy attacked me out of view of security cameras so it's gonna be pretty hard to charge him
wow, I dream of getting comments like that. Fucking well done bro.
>that shitskin
bruh at least crop her face out and avoid saying indian if you want to brag
fucking a currynigger is a step below fucking a 300lb landwhale, absolute bottom of the barrel, have some self respect
Idk man been with like 70 women, religious, average, dimes, ham planets, sluts, strippers, young, old, etc
The more you know women, the harder the roastiepill hits dude.
In the same boat. I find it somehow therapeutic to actively avoid even looking at women. At least I wont look like a staring creep. I will never get a girlfriend because I don't even want to.
Why did your nurse bring pancakes?
What? How is that worse than a 300lb landwhale.
> have sex
>nurses being idiots
nothing new, they're literally the dumbest, yet arrogant people I know
dont get to cocky little man
lmao everyone should break eye contact first out of courtesy? i know this is bait but why the fuck doesnt your pussy ass just look away first if you are so imsecure about it little fella? want your momma to kiss your booboo, is your wittle ego hurt cuz tina didnt look away fast enough?
Anything better than a form mire?
Gym instructor told me when i was doing t-bar rows:
>"you're one of the few people i've seen doing it right, here use this"
he gave me those V-handles for cable rows, although i sucked using it.
Undergrads are huge sloots; they know their prime is gone and the wall is coming in fast
I feel that way also, but only for people I think don't "deserve" to mire me, so people I hate
Serves you right for not knowing how to fight. Faggot
Alex N.? from KC?
welcome to hell, brother
the more you find out about women nature the more you will hate them
Pretty sure roasties feel the same about men. That's why they can't commit to long term relationships
>be me
>out with the lads
>having dinner at a restaurant
>waitress comes and gives me this fucking big smile
>behaves like interested in me
>makes small talk before going for the food
>"man, i think she likes you" says one friend
>waitress comes back to make sure everything is ok
>she says i look like an Olympian because of my big arms
>also that I'm pretty funny
>she walks away again
>oh man im making it
>after a while we ask for the bill
>she comes and says it's a shame i have to go that soon
>didn't know what to say so i tip her $25
>say her goodbye and promise ill come back some day
>she smiles at me
Oh man I love Hooters
I don’t look at it that way anymore. Now think of all the losers orbiting her giving her free attention, she chose you. You are the alpha and you have earned your prize above all the other cucks and betas.
That is one SMOKING hot tranny. Good work, user.
>Where are the hoodie-wearing, messy-haired girls with no makeup?
Posting on Facebook about mysogeny
have sex
it sounds bait-y, but i think dude is unironically autistic
>she chose you
after she chose many other guys and will choose other guys when she finds someone more exciting
Unironically react positively to her come ons but like a man not an overexcited dog. Then just hang out with her and fuck her. Do what she likes but just chil dont make ot a fuxking production with candles and dinners and shit.
If what you see is true it won't be that hard. Otherwise know when to back off
My girl is a PAWG btw like pic related but blonde
How are you any different than they are?
Men hating women, women hating men; consider yourselves divided and conquered.
Came to read some mire stories but you autists are ranting about women