Does this really burn 100 calories?

Does this really burn 100 calories?

Attached: Quickly-Burn-100-Calories.jpg (579x575, 48K)


I know a quick and easy way to burn every calorie in your body

Besides fire?

It depends on your weight. But generally speaking, NO. It takes about 100 calories for a 150 pound man to RUN a mile.

That sounds ridiculous.

I know, what kind of "man" weighs 150lbs?

yep. but you want to burn kcal not calories lol

What's the difference?

1 kcal = 1000 cal

There isn't one. He's just a retard

Want to know what burn 2000 kcal or more and you don't even have to move?


>Not consuming any protein, thereby losing lean musclemass before losing fat
Not gonna make it bro. It's true that it's easier to not eat calories than to burn them off later though.

>That sounds ridiculous.

When was the last time you ran a mile?

Lmao no way this burns 500 calories. Ran 10 km a month ago and most online calculators estimate a burn of ~700 calories.

Attached: 1434625256394.jpg (969x1052, 54K)

running for 8 minutes burns 120~ cal

what a bro-tier understanding of fasting mechanics. fasting is muscle sparing, retard. Autophagy and ketosis use body fat to fuel homeostasis, not lean muscle mass

Those are also wrong

Not OP nor an expert, but don't exercises like in the OP rely on the HIIT principle rather than long endurance training, meaning it more efficiently burns calories in a shorter timespan? I think the idea behind HIIT is that it lets you burn the calorie equivalent of an hour of jogging in only 20 minutes.

When I looked at studies for calories burned during weightlifting (most of which used 10 reps at 75% of 1RM, with 1-minute rest periods), and then averaged out the findings by set myself (the studies just gave a "per 30 minutes"), it looked like you burn ~15 kcal per set of strenuous resistance training.
Running and HIIT and weightlifting are fundamentally different, and you cannot directly compare them for calorie loss. Distance running, specifically, is something your body is designed to do efficiently - the natural gait is, by nature, the least energy-intensive way to move at speed. It should not surprise you that running is actually kind of a shit way to burn calories, if we're going by time spent exercising.

The more difficult something is to do, the more calories you burn. If a person that's 50%bf did that routine Yea they probably would lose 100calories each session. If you or me do it most likely we won't. Calorie burn is based on heart rate. The faster your heart pumps, the more calories you burn.

A set probably burns like 30 to 50 calories, maybe a 100 if you're a 200kg blob or something but then it wouldn't be physically possible for you to do the full movements thus rendering the "exercise" pretty much useless. Just walk at a decent speed like a normal person and you'll burn around 1 calorie per km per kg of weight.

Cause you got no muscles to begin with
Now bugger of ketotard