This is the most beautiful image I have ever seen

This is the most beautiful image I have ever seen
I have spent HOURS looking at her, she is literally the most cutest girl ever.

>cute, feminine lips
>green eyes, rare and exotic phenotype
>short hair at the front, to show her beautiful facial features, while also long hair at the back for feminimity
>color gradient on her skin
>basic white sundress, modest and nothing flashy
>the most cutest freaking cat ears dude
>leaning forward a bit, beckoning you to view her lack of human ears in a cute and playful manner

How can 1 girl be so absolutely perfect?

Attached: 66111812_p5.jpg (627x830, 75K)

>doesn't have large and obtrusive breasts, a relatively small and respectable side that doesn't distract from her face

Perfection cannot be achieved in the natural world. That is why we create idealized depictions. Cute, though.

She's cute but whats with the furry shit. Why doesn't she have normal ears

She's a catgirl user, and catgirls have catears instead of human ears

Why cant she have both? That would give her one more way to detect potential rapists.

Nigger, anime isn't a phenotype, if this was a real girl it'd be deformed to all hell

Cat ears are superior to a pair of human's ears in terms of hearing.
Another set of grotesque[/spoiler ]human ears would be redundant for her

Attached: 1530530233995.png (1281x827, 883K)

What if you like fucking ears, but dont want to damage her sensitive cat ears? I want to use her eaussy.

It wouldn't work. That would be like trying to fuck a nipple instead of doing titty paizuri .
Maybe try an ear-zuri

Attached: Ahobaka0010.jpg (1071x1600, 1.46M)