Hey fitbros, i'm a fatass trying to lose weight so i don't die before i lose my virginity

Hey fitbros, i'm a fatass trying to lose weight so i don't die before i lose my virginity.

i plan on cutting carbs out of my diet completely and just sticking to fruits, veggies and meat.

but, before i do that, i'm doing a week long fast to burn some fat and reset my body's tolerance for carbs and sodium. i'm 11 hours into day 1 and it hurts like a bitch, but i'm in it to win it.

can i get some words of encouragement pls? or discouragement, anything works

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keto is bullshit

My diet has just been meat and veggies for years, it's great and effortless to stay lean. I only use fruit when I'm bulking, if you're cutting then ditch it. Good luck.

Good luck nigger.

Fruit and veggies have carbs lol. Good luck ketoshitter.

Eat 7 eggs a day


>cutting carbs out of my diet completely
>fruits, veggies

ofc, i meant processed carbs my guy.

thanks gamer

Everything about your plan sounds retarded

Losing weight is not enough to attract someone. Your fatness reflects your shitty mental state.


it gets a lot easier after the first 24 hours.
I'm on hour 70 of my 4 day fast and hunger has been pretty minimal aside from the first day.

stay hydrated, keep your electrolytes up (sodium and potassium), and keep chugging along. I'd also recommend getting into intermittent fasting. it's a great way to control your daily intake of calories while also burning fat during the day, where your body would otherwise be using whatever you just ate that morning/afternoon.

I started with 16:8, then 18:6, and now I do 20:4 or OMAD when I'm not doing extended fasts. it takes a few days to get used to, but then it's easy to maintain and you'll notice a difference in how you feel.

water fast is a cool way to reset your appetite and eating habits, but it's extremely painful, dangerous and difficult. most people don't have the ability to take a week off and lay in their bed doing nothing but reading books and meditating for a week straight. I've heard of it helping people with joint problems and a friend of mine did it to help his knee but he ended up peeing blood halfway through. The science on water fasting is not conclusive and it should only be done under close supervision.

If you want to safely change your relationship with food forever, I recommend getting yourself highly motivated and doing a month on Whole30. Buy the cookbook and get going on meal prep. After that month, diet and exercise is going to be a lot easier for you and you should see the fat start to melt off.

>cuttiny carbs
>fruits, veggies


Look at this picture and understand what it means. On a well formulated, whole foods diet, both keto and low fat can work. But look what it also says: people can fail on both diets too.

The trick is to find what works for you.

Attached: blog_lowfat_lowcarb_diets2.jpg (1120x891, 191K)

Should we tell him?

I hope you make it. Chances are you won't stick with it. It's pretty extreme after developing a lifetime of bad habits. I'm guessing your willpower will give out first because that's what got you into this mess. But I hope you prove me wrong

Why do all fatties always go for crash diets? It's like they subconsciously want to remain fat

Tbh OP if you've always been a fatty your brain is hardwired to eat and sooner or later your gonna break and go back to your bullshit. The only real way out of the hole is to count calories and make small incremental changes over time.

I was fat throughout college trying and failing to slim down until I realized that I need a permanent lifestyle change not a 12 week diet. Your better off starting off with something like cutting soda for water, wait until it second nature to reach for water whenever your thirsty and finding something else to change.

Tl;dr : short term solutions don't work think further ahead.

but there are a good amount of fruits and vegetables that you can indulge in. sure, you can't eat a shit ton of fruit, but you can still eat it.

I've done a handful of 72 hour water fasts and have yet to feel any kind of pain. at best, some discomfort, but I don't feel pained or incapable of doing daily activities.

Be warned I'm a bit of a druggo,


It will feel like death but take that feeling as a good sign.