Alright bots, post and rate

Alright bots, post and rate

Attached: Muh Favorites.jpg (1400x1500, 579K)

Other urls found in this thread:

+ gun
+ food

Attached: chartex.png (1284x904, 851K)

+new vegas +spirited away +++AJJ
+the triangle unironically +++eva ---that porn
+nero +cooking +cherry coke
pretty good, please fix your crop thoguh
-insurgency +tool -clone wars
+autumn +blue +burgers +dogs
pretty nice

Attached: Favorites - Extended.jpg (1286x1525, 814K)

Please post and rate, I need validation

Attached: DYqKzu_VAAARmoi.jpg (381x381, 37K)

Nice vidya and food
++Artist. I love tkmiz's stuff
Rest is pretty good too

Attached: 1550404572329.png (1286x1241, 1.5M)

You are a fucking disgusting poser piece of shit fuck you and your tranny life

post the template you faggots.

ayy lmao what's your RSN

I almost posted second favorites to look less like a fag, but fuck it, I deserve to be called a what I am.

Attached: 1541327807206_20190203102008862_20190303192520214.jpg (1305x1238, 930K)

too lazy to search images
age of empires 2
the prestige
album: idk
dragonball z
Porsche 911
I avoid porn. When I do, solo girls
Christian bale
canadian from whose line is it anyway
hate alcohol

Attached: 60785900_p0.png (1000x1277, 1.67M)

>thicc thighs, meguca and splatoon
You can't be a fag.

oh btw male brazil

what a fag lol

great album but lil peep isn't a band

po mano, que isso. dragon ball z?

podia ser saint seyia, pokemon, samurai x tb. eu sou das antigas

Hobby is collecting masks for anyone wondering

Attached: Anon's Favorite.png (1286x1241, 1.63M)

Reminder that having a favourite consumer product isn't a substitute for a personality and is as interesting to other people as your favourite colour.

post template you faggot

their weakest by far

i found spirited away to be boring
epic porn
bizarre hobby

Attached: My_favourites.png (854x825, 1.13M)

it's a weird one for sure.


also sauce on porn

>jew york city

>that food, hobby, pokemon and location
>the rest
kinda shit

Keeping it simple

Attached: 1551649251491.jpg (1276x1236, 1.06M)

>Nero as favorite politician
>No books

How is it being an edgy teen?

well here it is bois

Attached: chartthing.png (1270x1219, 1.88M)

considered doing akira for my favorite movie, good taste

>lil peep
>no book

fuck off

Who else here /sneedposter/?

Attached: anons favorite.png (1308x1240, 1.66M)

hello i made this thank you for your attention points

Attached: nnfvrt.jpg (1278x1233, 554K)

That's not a country user
Nice bobby joke though

Pretty sure I've never seen a girl eat a steak. Also must be fun being such a liberal elite wanker m8

I thought I'll make it easier for you silly yanks


Attached: suicide tranniew.png (738x669, 186K)

sorry friend, my vag is 100% authentic, trans men are not females and never will be

Haha even worse, at least trannies still have the y chromosome.

Attached: women inferior men.jpg (850x400, 63K)


Attached: anon.jpg (1366x1241, 570K)

Friendly reminder that AJJ is B A S ED BO I I I core and for virgins. This chart is all around awful

Attached: 1511501650293.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

howdy original niggas

Attached: Faves.png (1296x1241, 1.7M)

based as heck user

>nobody has posted template yet


Attached: sporder spadre.png (600x471, 422K)

space ghost and she wolf are nice

Attached: abibafacs.png (1305x1238, 1.43M)

whats up nor

Attached: AnonsFavoriteShitsofar.png (1286x1241, 1.14M)

i always end of fucking losing these. but heres one i made again.

Attached: anonfave.jpg (1500x1400, 505K)

it formatted like a fucking retard. i like flexible girls and vidya, my cat and guitar.

Think I could have added hitler to other things as well

Attached: NsYG1L5.jpg (2048x1536, 467K)

shocking that the Jow Forumsac would be into gay shit

my god, you guys have such a normie taste for anime that can only be excusable if you're "not really into anime after all"

lol imagine being an anime elitist

well, my favorites are normalshit like ping pong, monster, hxh, aswell, but you guys have literally everything you can find in a polygon article or whatever called "10 Animes (short for Japanese Cartoons) that you MUST watch before dying"

ping pong is so fucking good

Well, hey, no one has said Naruto/Dragon Ball etc garbage at least.
Some of the popular show are good, NGE for example.