What's his bulking secret?
What's his bulking secret?
What is that hair style called?
He died too which is like the ultimate cut
what episode is this? Whats his name?
Second, which episode - this looks kino
It's in your filename, OP
Sean. The most recent episode.
lmao how tf is this possible jesus christ
Slow metabolism
If you're 600 lbs with a slow metabolism, that's like being 500lbs with a fast metabolism, still fucked up.
is this real?
and I hate dr nozhoerioasdfnadian
bloody jew =o
Didn't Sean pass away? I believe he hit 1,003lbs and his heart gave out or something. I know hating fat people is the norm but Sean was different from most of the lards they have on. Usually all they do is bitch and moan, Sean had trauma from his mother's death or something so its at least a little more sympathetic than "I just like to eat."
his mom was a feeder and made him fat
then he started losing weight
then she died
then he gained all the weight back
Hgh and insulin stack
>in two months he gained my entire bodyweight
Jesus fucking Christ, how is that remotely possible.
It is all genetics honestly. I can eat celery all day and gain 5lbs a week. I need someone to care for me at this point
Gotta eat big to get big. Right babe?
His name was Sean
It's literally called, "Fuck"
Dude he was a pussy even when his mom was alive
He has a slow metabolism, hypothyroid and 4th dimensional fat bleeding into the 3rd dimension and settling on his body. Leave him alone.
they were saying this in the context of it being ridiculous and not possible, in order to call him out on some lie he told, right? 188lbs in 60 days? over 3lbs every single day of gained weight? not physically possible.
Did the doctor tell him to stop eating? He unironically needed a one year long fast.
He's Iranian.
Dr No always tells them to stop eating
Simple...dirty bulk
what a bigot
Is the US military trying to blame Dr Now for the tankers?
it was 188lbs gained in 60 days between two doctor's visits when they weighed him in on an industrial scale
Maja was fat af but to her credit she actually had a life. She worked and drove and other shit.
I’m just saying she did have a job/money and actually drove herself. Most on that show are so fat they can’t get out of bed
>eating 23,000 calories above your maintenance every day
Holy. Fucking. Shit. How? How does one gain that much weight in 2 months? I mean let's say he's 500lbs (a conservative estimate). That's minimum 5000 calories just to sustain that mass without losing or gaining.
>5000 calories a day required to maintain
>3500 calories in a single pound of fat
>188 lbs in 2 months (60 days)
>That's a little over 3lbs per day
>3500x3+5000= 15,500 calories a day
FIFTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED CALORIES. A DAY. FOR 60 DAYS. Even if you're absolutely bombing nothing but KFC and gravy, that's A LOT of food.
He ended up dying from heart failure due to his weight. It was a really sad episode :(
I could do it if I had unlimited access to the tastiest foods, but it would be suicidal both physically and socially to attempt.
later in the show he gained 278lbs (489>766lbs). he was averaging about 20250 calories per day
Dude ate 9000 dollars in two months by his own words. Meaning his ass probably ate even more money than that
>I put on 100lbs in 4 years after graduating from a nonstop bulk outta aushwitz and half ton fuck beats me by 80lbs in less 10% of the time
Wtf why arent people like this institutionalised?
Like love a good pig out. Sit down with a 4 Miller high Life tall boys, fat plate of tender ribs, like an entire pound of baked mac-n-cheese, and piping hot blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream on top.
Just typing that has me feeling bloated with the meat sweats. How the fuck does this fatty put away easily 10x that without blinking? How do they afford it?
That's disgusting and amazing at the same time.
nobody to commit him, he didn't commit himself, it's really expensive, and we don't want the government telling us what to do even if it's harmful to ourselves
Wtf I struggle to even eat 2000, although I eat clean. Still even with junk food, how the heck...
1003 was his starting weight. I think he got down to like 400 but every time he'd leave the hospital to live at home he'd gain literally hundreds of pounds back. I don't even know how it's possible to gain 188 lbs in 2 months. Bloatmaxx god. Pretty sure he was back up to like 800 when his heart nope'd out.
To be fair, the doctor tried to get him to go to psychotherapy. Not quite the same as a treatment facility, but even in treatment it's mostly individual and group therapy.
The man was obviously suffering. The question isn't "Why the eating?", but "Why the pain?".
>can't afford healthy food
>can afford to eat enough to weigh 1000lbs
This shit applies to all fatasses. It wouldn't cost so much if you didn't eat 8k calories a day.
I'd lock him in a nature preserve with access to water and electrolytes and after about 18 months of fasting be would be thin enough to scale the walls and deep down in his heart beneath the rage would be gratitude
I've eaten over 10,000 calories in a day before. It's really not that hard.
He literally told doc now about how he got 10k USD 3 months ago, and ate 9000 dollars worth of food in two months.
I had to pause the episode, and just think after I heard that shit
And he would have learned nothing of having a healthy relationship with food or coping with the trauma of loss. Within the same period of time it is likely he would have gained it all back.
Government needs to step in and send these people to military style fat reeducation camps. Fat turds arent human and thus dont have human rights
Once they get out, they will most likely go back to eating their way to being fat again.
That guy from the episode had the following weighins
Then he died
you ate 16 fluid ounces of peanut butter?
Iranians are literally jews
This thread was a lot more depressing than I had anticipated.
>According to the most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2013 the average American household spent about 10% of its total budget on food. The average food cost for a U.S. household was $6,602 in 2013. That's roughly $2,641 annually per person (based on the average 2.5 people in each household).
9k for a SINGLE person, within just two months
thats absurd, was he eating truffles fried in champagne and gold?
He’s probably become like those competitive eaters who are capable of ignoring fullness signals
His name is Robert Paulson
pissening physiq m8
god you look like a fucking mong. what the fuck are you wearing and why do you look like that
gomad, obviously
I honestly can't fathom eating enough to get so fat, let alone the huge cost of food, how can anyone even afford that shit?
The "just buzz it bro lol"
Disability pension maybe? And having no hobbies, never going out or buying clothes
They're the real aryans
>consume 10k calories but manage to eat absolutely nothing of substance
>My 600-lb Life
90% of the time, I see that the mother is the fucking feeder.
The reason they are so bad is because of edible mothers that are bad parents.
Freud would love that shit.
I could definitely do that. It's so fucking easy to overeat on junk food
Christ how awful
Nice try jews
leave humanity behind
women love that shit
"Just shave it off bro girls love that shit."
Good shit
>skim milk
For the life of me I do not understand how these fat fucks that can't even get out of bed can afford to eat so much.
>not recognising this physique
fuck off newfags
They’re literally anti Jews. Their whole political and world view revolves around destroying Israel. Lmao learn some history.
Ah the old self hating jew
what do you mean
The reverse fade. Longer on the sides to shorter on the top.
"It's the Jews", he said, eating another handful of paint chips, "they are the problem. I wish more people would see the truth". Then we concluded the interview, and he left to continue failing his way through life and being a burden on everyone around him.