>he drinks the white ones and not the blue ones
not gonna make it
>he drinks the white ones and not the blue ones
not gonna make it
For me, it's green
I've never even seen that one. I only ever see white, blue, purple and orange
Wait...the white ones are undisputed god tier. The only one that comes close is the black one (not original, the Ultra Black)
White is good but blue is better no debate
1. White
2. Black
3. Blue
4. Red
5. Purple
9001. Orange
These are better.
Never had a Monster, will one fuck up my hormones/sleep/gains?
No meme answers
Imagine drinking standard Monster? I'm pretty sure the Sugar Free ones are more popular these days.
Anybody else drink these?
jesus never seen these in Canada, I do really like this Rockstar, only one that rivals Monster Ultra white
Tried this one recently and it blows the white and orange ones out the water
My favorite sip, too bad they're pretty rare to find in most gas stations
Brought home a bag of goodies from dollarama
Patrician's taste, user. All my gas stations and markets have these
I like the red one
These just started showing up at my local tops, how are they compared to redbull or monster, taste and feelwise?
I bought a 24 pack of the white and I mix them with tea
orange is the best one tho
>Buying bottled tea
Seriously, I really hope you don't do this. Many of these have extremely low levels of antioxidants. Not to mention the cost.
A 40 box of green tea is like $3.
>Rockstar with Ace K
WTF are you doing, user?
You will never have this.
Nice try
Feels great and the Blue Raspberry is the best one
God I miss these so much. The whole reason why i started sipping in the first place. I can literally still taste it now. PLEASE MONSTER BRING THEM BACK PLEASE I WILL BUY THEM BY THE PALLET
RIP in peace. The best sip.
>not drinking bang
the absolute state of the poorfags on this board
Hence over nine thousand.
Step aside m'lady
dutchbrahs still got this. I enjoyed this lemoney drink last week mmMmmMmm
for me, it is absolutely zero
I buy them off of ebay from some guy in the UK
>he doesn't want super creatine
Just fucking drink coffee you manchildren
this shit tastes like lysol.
My nigga.
I've tried all the flavors and sour apple is definitely the best, great aftertaste too. Mango and Blue raspberry are great too, stay away from watermelon and cotton candy though, it's some nasty shit.
I also really like these, same caffeine content and makes me feel juiced when I'm working out. Would highly recommend.
Isn't this shit really bad for you, even though it has no sugar?
>drinking (((rockstar)))
There are no blue ones where I live. I ordered one from a specialty store online for 2x the price of normal one along with some black ones, not counting shipping. It tasted good. I also noticed that US cans look higher quality, you've got painted caps and nicer finish while here they are just plain metal shitty ones. Also US monsters are retarded 443ml while in Europe we've got 500ml, so almost 13% more on you per can.
It's diet Pepsi for your information, and don't all these sips use the same sweeteners?
this shit just tastes like Fanta
They're still sold what do you mean.
>Tfw only orange, blue and white
Is my country third world?
Please don’t answer
>Tfw they only sell white and red here
Enjoy your aspartame
Still extremely mad that they stopped selling these locally.
Literally the only energy drink I could go for indefinitely and never get tired of it.
I drink water it’s god tier
Better than sugar
Uuuh are you guys really not gonna mention this one?
Ripper is the best BY FAR
same here
Is there any worse pain?
>Not drinking water and natural juices exclusively
Never going to make it
is the best taste but too much sugar
They're basically monsters version of bang
Found this one yesterday.
Taste is pretty ok but way too much sugar.
The Doctor is the best one I've tasted so far, it's like a better Orangina.
I want my Monster like I want my country.
Have you ever tried these ones?
I'm Europoor and we don't have them, but I'm proud to say that during a road-trip in the US I made it a point to try them all. Except, Black. Dammit, dammit, dammit, it's limited edition! C-can someone describe the taste for me...?
>Red that low
miss me with that gay shit, easily top two
Europoor myself. Imported some a few months ago. Nothing special, tastes like cherry coke but worse. Its one of the less desirable sips.
Y'all a bunch of Kyle mcdrywallmonsters up in this bitch. Drink water or juice you fucking faggots
t. not making it
My shithole only has the regular black ones and Fury
only right answer; actually tastes like monster
>mfw they started stocking these in nearly every corner store in my city
Red and orange are garbage. Really have to be in the mood for blue, and the temp has to be just right or I'm not feeling it. Yellow is a'ight. White and purple are god tier. I haven't found black anywhere, and I didn't know green even existed.
Ive had that shit
Its fucking putrid
These will make you vomit it's like Boomer juice with pixie Stickd
This one is alright though
Absolutely based. I had this before chest and back day and got a really good sip on.
black but not this one.. its got some dark blue around it is the best.. best tasting no sugar energy drink on the market imo .. tastes like a regular monster without the sugar
damn beat me to it
>Not just buying whatever knock off is stocked at your local discount shop.
I make a point to try as many as I can at this point.
had one in Korea recently. not as good as red, but very nice
Gonna get cancer either way
I work for coke and get cases of monster and reign practically free. Who wants some sips for the boys?
>all these cucks can't handle a real man's drink
Heh nothing personal kid but you're worthless.
Your list is in reverse order, just swap white and red.
They discontinued them for a reason, easily the worst of the Ultras.
>american car
>fat fingers
You jellin?
I see you mirin'
Must be a powerlifter
>Drink Monster
>get EXTREMELY sleepy after 30-40 minutes
I drink the coffee (synthetic cocaine) it literally keeps me from getting tired or sleepy for over 5 hours.
god, this one is the absolute best
sad that I haven't found it in years