Waifu General - /waifu/ #94

The new, better /waifu/ with no shitposters edition


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vn girls

I love my waifu alita so much bros, i wish she was real

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Posting Kotori Itsuka still, I love her with all of my heart.

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I love my wife.

>Why would someone subject themselves to gacha-hell spending unending amounts of money and time for such blatant waifubait moeshit i dont know.
I mean, I get where you come from, but yeah.

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I am going to repost this because i want to.
hope you dont mind

Ahh , moeshit.
The very bane of my existence.
Subjecting yourself to such tortures because your dick commands you to it.
This is why i have never been able to be the victim of idolshit and consider gachashit to be the greatest crime on mankind since they stopped selling pop-tarts in my country.
Why would someone subject themselves to gacha-hell spending unending amounts of money and time for such blatant waifubait moeshit i dont know.

I had to cut some lines because then i would be stepping out of line

It is called commitment , you dont prance around like a fag and just get out if shit gets ugly with a spin that would make michael jackson jealous , same reason why blink dagger is disabled on being damaged.
If you are going in and suddenly they turn the tables you have to face the consequences .
Yet another complex mechanic scrapped from lol.
Lucinafag would be the biggest normalfaggot here , imo.
I consider him/her/it a socially well-adjusted individual.

I fucked off once i hit 3500 hours and realized how much fucking time i have been wasting.
Quit it cold-turkey just like CSGO and TF2 and i havent touched them since then.

Meh , i have fucked off from mainstream vidya for a while.
Only autismo games that appease ny autism like Factorio and Starcraft are in my library.

Try to be undisturbee after living among subhuman lolniggers for DECADES.
I only picked up dota to spite them.
>oh hey user do you play lol?
>that casual shitpile? Give me dota or give me death , heathens.

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Julie is my adorable demoness!

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New images seem good but going to take some getting used too.

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Still loving this wonderful pilot...

sorry for feeling so down right now, it should hopefully be obvious why...

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I will never stop loving you, my beautiful Alice.

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