I remember reading somewhere that Danzig did drop sets, but I wanted to pick everyone's brain.
How do we get this look Jow Forums? This is THE aesthetic look for a rockstar motherfucker
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glenn is like 5'3, he doesn't count
either way, this is what he said his program was in 95, a few years after that picture
Monday and Thurday:
Bench Press: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Low Incline Close Grip: 25, 20, 15, 10
Squats: 5x5
Tuesday and Friday:
Military Press: 4x6
Upright Rows: 4x6
Barbell Rows or Chins: 4x6
Barbell Curls:4x6
>5’ 4”
Literally a manlet.
Fucking love his music though. Misfits are pretty good but his solo stuff is way better.
finding out Danzig was a manlet was more painful than being an obsessed Misfits fan in the early 2000s and that video of him getting knocked out was everywhere.
also, real niggas prefer Samhain
hit a bench PR to mother of mercy yesterday
Mother, tell your children not to drop those weights
>tell your children not to laugh at me
Danzig is the shit. All men who stand their ground get knocked down eventually, it's called having balls. So dont come at me with the knock out shit.
As far as routine goes, lift heavy and often and listen to the inner voice. Satan is in us all and can be used for good. And as other bros have said, Samhain and his solo stuff is better than misfits
Listen to danzig albums when lifting and lift heavy and quit worrying about someone else's routine. No one does some magic lift to make the look that way. They bench squat and shut the fuck up.
Long hair with clean shaven looks so fucking good. I want this hair and clean shaven face.
love that song. definitely my favorite Samhain song.
Samhain is almost like a well kept secret, serving as the bridge between the Misfits and Danzig: youtube.com
kind of amusing how many people have no idea Samhain even existed, but then again most people who claim to be fans of the Misfits don't know the difference between the actual Misfits and Graves shit.
>All men who stand their ground get knocked down eventually, it's called having balls. So dont come at me with the knock out shit.
there's having balls and being a retard
glenn bought into his own hype and thought because he did a meme martial art he could take on someone a foot taller and over 100 pounds heavier
and he wasn't so much standing his ground, since he was the one who went from talking to shouting and he was the one who got physical
graves misfits > manlet edgelord misfits
>youtube is brand new
>try to find some Misfits stuff
>2 pages of Danzig getting knocked out
it's genuinely not even the Misfits.
Graves' has a good voice, and there are a couple of his solo songs that I really enjoy (youtube.com
>Refused to play a show because he didn't like how everything was set up despite being planned well in advance
>Bitches about the size of the stage
>Bitches about it being too cold outside
>Claims he's ill, gets a Dr
>Eventually make it on stage really late and plays the shittiest set
wow so based
guy is fucking talented.
he shits on danzig.
doesnt count then. Pic related is a true champ
Mogs Danzig eternally
he truly was a gigachad
tall, jacked, handsome, rockstar
>tfw 27 and bald
>will never have beautiful hair like this
sucks man
he has a good voice, but no where near the catalog that Danzig does.
Glenn is a genuine legend, like it or not. Graves was forgotten 20 years ago.
whatever you prefer, Graves Era is simply not the Misfits.
it sounds nothing like the original and most of the Newfits songs are straight up cheesy garbage. there are a few decent songs, like Saturday Night and Dig Up Her Bones, but that's about it. Jerry should've brought back fucking Kryst the Conqueror, something he would be entitled to do, and left the Misfits alone.
>but that's about it
dude what?
the whole famous monsters tape is fucking class
maybe 1 bad track on the album, if that
he did playgirl too, btw
Peter Steele has a nice cock.
is it big?
it's been a long time since I've actually listened to any Graves Era Misfit, admittedly.
I would definitely add Helena, Scream, Fiend Club, and Lost in Space to that list off that album specifically.
I remember liking Descending Angel and Dust to Dust as well.
I had much less of a problem with the Graves Era when I was younger and listened to plenty of it.
Regardless, it's really not the Misfits. It's a totally different band, and I wouldn't have any issue with that lineup if they had literally called themselves anything but the Misfits.
I really loved Dead Kings Rise too.
Might be my favorite Graves Era song aside from Saturday Night.
it's pretty decent, especially when you consider that he was 6'7". might even be close to 8 inches, all things considered. you can easily find the pictures with an image search.
Literal male model tier aesthetic. Bloody kisses is excellent as well
this is now a Peter Steele/Peter Steele's cock thread.
this song is so fucking good.
no idea how this shit stays on cucktube, but heres his dick for reference haha no homo