Leg Day

Did any grow to love/hate leg day?

You can only post in this thread if you’ve worked your leg within the past 24 hours

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Let’s see that ass toots

I have this weird fetish where I want to stick my penis in girls when I see the shape of their body. I don't know what can be done about it

Legs went from my weakest body part to my strongest, and now i think legs are the most orgasmic to train besides ohp, both lifts let you grind out a rep that feels so fucking good in my opinion.

Moar mommy

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You might be gay. Get it checked out by a trans-woman doctor to make sure.

go to any rave and find 100's of girls like this with dirty ass rooms and salty tasting vags

I hit a top set of 3 today with 340, followed by 3x8 back off sets with 275. Shit felt like heaven.
Also highbar masterrace. Low bar is for plebs. Highbar is one of the most aesthetically pleasing barbell movements

highbar feels amazing and my quads respond so nice to it, but low bar let's me crush pr's. I do both desu

>her room

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