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Nathaniel Powell
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Kevin Parker
>be short king
>get recognized 1 day of the year
>be tall king
>get recognized every day of the year
Lol get fucked midgets
Michael Rivera
Why are manlets seething so much ? Like, just accept yourself, I'm 5'9 and who cares, people around me doesnt seems to and I dont
Grayson Wilson
At 5'5 this is honestly pretty demeaning, marginally better than fat acceptance but the margin is thin
Wyatt Ortiz
If I was a manlet and someone called me a "short king" I would bite their fucking kneecaps off.
Jaxon Gomez
Ahahaha you fucking little man
god i would kill myself if i was some short little worm subhuman
Carson Campbell
>the rise of short kings
Are we really surprised that manlets are getting genocidal? Liberals are literally separating them from the rest of men now, and they fail to see the hypocrisy.
Aiden Jenkins
William Cooper
>tfw manlet
>tfw never think about it unless its brought up here
>tfw still get qts
whoever is hungup on the manlet meme is ngmi, would it be cooler if I was taller? probably yeah but why bother thinking about stuff I can't change?
Camden Watson
>I'm average, so I fit in. Why are those who are unlike me so.. unlike me?
Jaxson Foster
it's 2 fucking inches from whatever you are. Stop reading Jow Forums looksmaxing infographics and Jow Forums nihilistic greentexts and grow a pair, have sex, and so forth
Brandon Bailey
t. 5'8 noob dyel
Ian Lewis
I would kill myself if I was under 6 feet. Looks can be fixed with plastic surgery. Not height
Nathaniel Sanchez
Average height isn't short you retarded piece of shit. It's average.
Luis Watson
While what you’re saying is true imagine being 5’3. Shit would suck balls.
Samuel Thompson
Amoung misdle-upper class white people 6 feet is about average. You don't wanna be lumped in with the poor Mexicans and shit do you? Cope harder.
Robert Sullivan
>short king
god fucking dammit, they are really getting desperate
Luke Edwards
>You don't wanna be lumped in with the poor Mexicans and shit do you?
What the fuck am I coping for and how? Is that all you can do is imitate shit like a parrot and talk about race?
Levi Wright
So this is where all the money Robert Downey syndromey Jr made from marvel is going huh
Asher Sullivan
Tfw you're on fit and probably want to kill yourself already for being a facelet, framlet, lanklet, etc.
Alexander Thomas
Reminder that tall guys only know how to mog those who are shorter. They respect the heirarchy like good boys because it gets them pussy. This means they don't know how to handle it when they're mogged by a manlet and they're all gonna kneel before us when we rise out of our racecar beds and commence the day of the ceiling fan.
Brody Hughes
Of course a woman wrote this article.
Ethan Sanders
Why are people so fucking obsessed with identity lately?
Isaac Miller
Absolutely BASED manlet
Jacob Reed
because thats all they have. no interests, talents, future prospects. its a mental crutch to lean on instead of substance. it also allows them to be apart of a group, tribal mentality.
Brayden Hill
Matthew Wood
>who cares
Haha oh Lord. That's funny
Carter Johnson
Why do women do this? Why make the pain sting more? I didn't ask for wahmen to give me skin deep respect while being disgusted inside.
Christopher Hill
that is literally Jow Forums's whole agenda
Cameron Peterson
Because they dont have any inviduality and feel a need to prove to themselves that they arent just "basic".
Charles Nguyen
It's just the front that the war is being fought on.
Brody Miller
Elijah Cook
>Among the online and enlightened of 2019, taking ownership of one’s identity is the ideal mode of beinG – and those who carry their genuine, multidimensional selves with pride deserve respect.
>That includes short dudes, a segment of society who, while not overtly persecuted, are certainly prone to being overlooked.
For fucking real, why the fuck do they do this? Do they really need to be part of a collective just to defend themselves? It's disgusting.
5'9" manlet reporting, I don't need no basedboy fighting against "body negative" movement, it's not that of a big deal to be short, you'll need a stool to reach the highest shelf that's all, but in this article they make it seems as if we had leprosy or whatever. Fucking disgusting.
Isaac Kelly
Fuck I meant basedboy, text corrector fucked up
Jaxon Sanders
Basedboy? What are the tranny jannies doing? Is onions boy banned?
Logan Edwards
lurk moar newfriend
Austin Phillips
H-haha, based, but uh please remember that 5'10 is manlet height too, haha, make sure to install those fans at the right height...
Jayden Gutierrez
Realistically speaking though, I would have liked to be some 10cm shorter throughout my life. I'm 193 cm tall and only shitheads on Jow Forums seem to care. Not even
Everyone else thinks I'm some freak of nature, which is sometimes kinda sorta nice I guess, most of the time annoying as fuck.
Ethan Edwards
this is sad
Connor Parker
Quite literally
Dominic Cox
lanklet cope
Xavier Jackson
I'd become a mole-person, dig out an underground empire where all manlets were welcome to come and thrive, then one day, when the time was right, R I S E U P and crush the lanklets and averages with our combined might. Rivers will run with with their blood, and order will be restored on the planet. God will smile down on us, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be as such on the world. Manlets will inherit the Earth.
Nathaniel Bailey
hahahahaha you ok there buddy lmao
Jonathan Morris
kinglets. When will they learn?
Elijah Wright
fucking why lol
I'm a turbomanlet and this picture make it look like I'm some handicapped unsavable piece of genetic garbage that need some help, fortunately I'm not living in burgerland.
Lincoln Long
it's easy to take pride in shit you don't need to do anything to achieve, height, looks, race etc.
usually the person has nothing else to be proud of since theyre useless.
Daniel Sullivan
If you actually listen to anything Jow Forums says at all I'd be more concerned about your IQ.
This board is for shitposting and shitposting only
Logan Barnes
Wyatt Mitchell
This is a great troll. "YAASS SHORT KING SLAY! Aren't you honored! You so alpha!"
And then the manlets either have to pretend to be happy, demeaning themselves by acknowledging the troll, or they object and reinforce the seething midget stereotype.
Joshua Hill
5'10" manlet here, height has never been an issue, it's a meme
Cameron Morris
>Amoung misdle-upper class white people 6 feet is about average. You don't wanna be lumped in with the poor Mexicans and shit do you? Cope harder.
The average for young white people is 5'10, retard.
Adam Flores
Juan Martin
because it's human nature to want some sense of belonging and group identity and since it's taboo for white people to identify with their skin color or nationality they have to find that sense of belonging in increasingly bizarre ways
Liam Sanders
its literally all you have
Benjamin Diaz
Right? I'm only 5'11" and 3/4 and I don't know why these guys complain.
Thomas Adams
Josiah Price
being 5'8" has never kept me from fucking all varieties of women,
but then again Jow Forums is the gayest board of all so maybe height matters more with gays
Xavier Bailey
5'4" manlet in
Being called short king is cringe af
Manlets with Napoleon complexes are the worse
Cooper Ward
It's almost as if you're not short.
Julian Ortiz
>Young-White (himself 5’9) includes all men under 6’ in his movement
Finally have an answer to the manlet cutoff point
Lincoln White
72% of men are under 6 feet.
Hudson King
72% of men should just stop reproducing so we can put an end to the manlet epidemic
Sebastian Johnson
Thee shalt learn therefore out thou taverne, lordlet
Gavin Miller
Devestiture of societal purpose, regression to society as zero sum game rat race where even people similar to you in background and outlook are competitors
Dominic Ward
Have sex
Chase Torres
> tfw went from 5'11 (178 cm) to 6'0 (183.2) in 2 years by doing posture exercises
Have fun in the pit lmao!