Are deadlifts the best thing I can do for a sharp back?
Back day
i have the feeling DL is the worst for my back...doing them for 3 month now and my back is gettin worse by the day
form is good (at least my trainer says so) and yet it only causes pain to me in the short and midterm
I didn’t really mean like, best for back pain, I meant for gainz. You sound like a lil bitch. Or you just need to step up your supplements, unironically. Try CBDs and Creatine
kb swings are better
nah, pull ups, barbell rows and high rows like face pull is the way to go
also lower back extentions obviously
I'm not sure what a "sharp" back refers to, but deadlifts are in no way a "best" anything.
I stopped doing them. Unless you're trying to compete or really insecure. Save yourself future trouble (sore knees, back, groin) and stop doing insanely heavy lifts. They're no good for you. I've seen many people who are bad and achy from lifting. It's in no way worth rather be able to walk or pick up my kid without throwing my back out
What do you consider insanely heavy lifts?
Yes but you gotta take the sumo pill, compared to conventional you have:
>Increased quad recruitment for superior leg aesthetics
>Increased upper back recruitment for superior thickness and width
>Increased glute involvement for the sloots
>decreased lower back stress
>Easier to recover from
>much, much harder to gain injury with
>More natural lifting position, have you ever picked a box from the ground?
>Easier to learn and overload
Frankly, there's no reason to do snapventional
About 200lbs is starting to feel risky
Pls be bait
>Frankly, there's no reason to do snapventional
it looks cooler lol
I met a faggot the other day who had the same form as an inchworm doing deadlifts. He asked me for help since I was on the adjacent platform and I asked him if he knew how to breathe and brace.
He said no.
He said he'd never heard of bracing before.
He wondered aloud if that was why his lower back always hurt doing deadlifts.
>solidified my suspicion that the gym is full of plebs who have always had below average athletic ability and yet, an absurd amount of confidence in their intelligence, to the point where they wouldn't think to look up "how to deadlift" before starting
>most of you retards deserve what you get
Probably one of the dumbest things I've ever read on /fit.
Do deadlift then follow it up with accessory work, rows, hyper extensions, romanians, fucking blow your back up
Skip the fucking deadlift, it’s the most useless lift for aesthetics. Do a main vertical pull (pullups, pulldowns), a horizontal row (bb row, t-bar row, db row), back extentions and facepulls, and you’ll have a very well developed back.
>200lb Deadlift is too risky
if you're fucking 100% sure you're doing them safely, not risking and injury and not slowly damaging your spine needlessly, there is no reason not to do deadlifts if building back muscles is your goal
>skip Deadlift, it actually makes you strong
My back always feels better after deadlifts. I have a hernia so I was afraid to start deadlifting, but once I did it's been feeling a lot better
if you get your pull to 500+ you'll get ridiculous traps and erectors. not sure what you mean by a sharp back tho
Trainers are retards
Unironically do rack pulls
Quit being a homo and help out someone who is obviously trying. Act like you’ve been there
Your trainer is a moron. You're putting too much load on your back. Learn to offset the pressure on your lower back by using your glutes.
Jesus, just help the dude, you ultimate faggot
You do know personal trainers have no real standards, right? Any nigger can train "online" and get their certification.
Deadlifts are the best lift.
reeves deadlift is based i do them on my grip day after axle bar
Jesus christ, how the fuck can you deadlift without bracing? Absolute state of brainlets
no you wont, you wont get ridiculous anything as a natty
Dude, tbf i've never seen an professional biomechanicist advocating for deadlifts in the effort of building a big back. I mean, it's a good exercise for lower back development and all but who the fuck would trade a pull up or a row by some compound-lowerbackactivator-gayass exercise?
They're the best thing you can do for a snapped back.
PTs are the worst for this shit "exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower the weight"
based boomer
Deadlifts are and always will be a lower body compound. Don't skip rows or pullups if you want a well developed back.
>when you see someone finish off a set of shitty deadlifts and then place their forearm against their lumbar
Lmao how does lack of knowledge even exist just youtube that shit nigga
Are you sure that its youre spine that hurts and not just sore trunk muscles or DOMS?
Theyre my favorite lift but everyone is different
Load your hips/hamstrings before you DL. Takes a lot of pressure off ur back. Also foam roll your IT bands
Dumbell rows without the support of a bench, just you hunched over rowing one dumbell at a time per side. Makes my back feel like it's made of steel afterwards for a few days.
>but deadlifts are in no way a "best" anything.
t. weak, emasculated faggot with a shit deadlift. post body/stats.
>Try CBDs and Creatine
Jow Forums is trying to kill your back lol.
I feel 90% of the weight during a deadlift in my hamstrings and lower back.
What really got my back to grow and look good is barbell Rows with an overhand grip followed with chin-ups or lat pulldowns with an underhand grip.
I can never feel anything from lat pulldowns. It's all in my arms and it drains my soul doing them. I cannot think of a worse exercise.
Chin ups are close to impossible but feel natural while every other back exercise feels off.
I didn't lift for a long time but I did an easy 5x8@200lb the other day. (I am dyel for fit standard).
Snap city is coming when you approach high % relative to your max with high fatigue and insufficient form.
>5 feet of barbell to grab
>grabs the plate handles
why are all lifters retards
I guarantee your trainer is full of shit, deadlifts have only ever made my back feel good. I used them to rehab a rack pull injury.
DLs are suicide for your spine longevity. Don't ever do them unless you want pain in your old age
No. Do bent over rows and stiff legged deadlifts. Don't let the weight hit the floor
Fucking Tapio.. Ignore the OP tag.. forgot to remove
it's a reeves deadlift ya simp
mine feels better, and even better after i started doing good mornings and romanian diddies
You must be doing them wrong.
A Christopher Reeve’s Deadlift
I chortled